Door19 P H. D

2014-10-17 01:00
架构师提供的文本描述。弹出式俱乐部Door 19是一家餐厅、现代美术馆和派对前酒吧。这家俱乐部位于19街的艺术屋的最后一层,今年将第二次把莫斯科文化和美食生活的中心带到未来雅扎河上的ArtKvartal地区。
Text description provided by the architects. Pop-up club Door19 is a restaurant, modern art gallery and a pre-party bar at the same time. The club, situated on the last floor of ArtHouse on the 19 Serebryanicheskaya emb., will bring the epicenter of Moscow’s cultural and gastronomic life in the area of the future ArtKvartal on the Yauza river for the second time this year.
 Courtesy of ArtKvartal
莫斯科在19日的第一扇门之后仍然很热,下周初,那里的桌子已经订好了。所有这一切都发生在一个无人居住的巨型阁楼里,在一栋新的住宅建筑中,屋顶高达12米。莫斯科和欧洲最好的街头艺术家,再加上建筑工作室P H.D的一个团队,把它变成了一个临时俱乐部的19号门,在6周的工作中,超过12000人参观了这扇门。莫斯科的所有重要出版物都写过这篇文章,一次也没有;就连享有盛誉的英国“金融时报”也有两页的特写。
Moscow is still hot after the first Door 19 where the tables for the coming weekend were already booked early in the week. All this was happening in a yet uninhabited giant penthouse with 12-meter high ceilings in a new residential building ArtHouse. The best street artists in Moscow and Europe, together with a team of the architectural studio P H. D turned it into a temporary club Door 19, which was visited by more than 12000 people during the 6 weeks of its work. All the key Moscow publications wrote about it and not once; even the prestigious Financial Times run a two-page feature.
 Courtesy of ArtKvartal
当然,ArtKvartal的球队不能就此停下来-Door 19的“第二次到来”是理所当然的。在9月25日打开一扇看似熟悉的门,会给你带来另一个世界-不同的光线,不同的音像成分。艺术内容将全面更新:在各种艺术流派中,将增加年轻的俄罗斯数字艺术。
The ArtKvartal team could not stop at this, of course – “the second coming” of Door19 had to happen as a matter of course. Opening a seemingly familiar door on the 25th September will bring you in another world - different light, different audio and visual component. The art content will be fully updated: to a variety of art genres, young Russian digital art will be added.
 Courtesy of ArtKvartal
ArtKvartal团队已经想出了一种“入住艺术”的表达方式:PH.D工作室团队及其创始人拉娜·格林耶娃(Lana Greneva)在第二季翻修这套460平方米的顶层公寓时,一直忠于在这座9米高的巨型天花板阁楼里有空气和生活空间的想法,给人留下了一种未完成、难以捉摸的室内设计的印象。新的阳台和阁楼不仅大大扩大了俱乐部的空间,而且还为客人之间的互动和完全更新的艺术品创造了新的环境。
ArtKvartal team has come up with a “check-in art” expression: P H. D studio team and its founder Lana Grineva, while renovating the 460 sq m penthouse for its second season, stayed loyal to the idea of having space for air and life in the gigantic 9-meter ceilings loft, leaving the impression of an undone and an elusive interior design. The new balconies and a mezzanine do not only considerably enlarge the club space, but also allow to create new situations for an interplay of guests and the fully updated works of art.

艺术博览会的理念是,没有人会离开,除非“入住”。这就是“艺术入住”这个词的由来:每件艺术品都在大喊大叫,希望能出现在客人的新闻提要中。有年轻艺术家的作品,也有那些艺术家的作品,他们的作品在现代艺术的最大博物馆中得到体现。例如,著名摄影师大卫·拉查佩尔(David LaChapelle)的安迪·沃霍尔(Andy Warhol)模仿肖像画,乔治·孔多(George Condo)和达米恩·赫斯特(Damien Hurst)的作品,乔纳森·米斯(Jonathan Meese)的富有表现力的画作,里程碑式英国艺术家蒂姆·诺布尔(Tim Noble)和苏·有几件物品是专门为这次活动制作的,比如德米特里·布尼金(Dmitriy Bulnygin)的视频放映“蜘蛛2.0”(Spider 2.0),以及俄罗斯数字艺术先驱伊科精品公司的“太阳镜中的阿波罗”。
The idea of the art exposition is such that no one would leave without “checking in”. That’s where the term “check in art” comes in: each artwork is screaming out to be in the newsfeed of the guests. There will be works of young artists as well as of those, whose works are represented in the biggest museums of modern art. These are, for example, Andy Warhol parody portraits by the famous photographer David LaChapelle, works by George Condo and Damien Hurst, expressive paintings of Jonathan Meese, digital versions of landmark British artists Tim Noble and Sue Webster, artist Jenny Holzer world famous for her light installations and many others. A few objects are made specifically for the event, such are the video projection “Spider 2.0” by Dmitriy Bulnygin and an installation “Apollo in sunglasses” by the Russian digital art pioneers Electroboutique.
 Courtesy of ArtKvartal
今年秋天,ArtKvartal团队在准备酒吧活动时,聚集了莫斯科夜生活场馆中最耀眼的明星,他们将每天都在这里。作为客串明星,来自欧洲的经验丰富的混合专家将每周更换一次。大多数人都会有新面孔,但结论是有一个惊喜:在第四周和第五周,第一扇门的宠儿-安德烈亚斯·特萨诺斯(Andreas Tsanos)-将在酒吧照顾你。Tsanos也是伦敦五大酒保之一,当时他正在构思现在标志性的伦敦场馆,比如客家山(Hakkasan)、素描(Sketch)等。
While coming up with the bar programme for this fall, ArtKvartal team has gathered the brightest stars of the Moscow's nightlife venues, who will be here everyday. As guest stars, seasoned mixologists from Europe will be changing every week. There will be new faces mostly, but as a conclusion there's a surprise: during the fourth and the fifth week, the first Door's darling – Andreas Tsanos, who is also one of London's top 5 barmen and was at the conception of the now iconic London venues such as the Hakkasan, Sketch and others – will be taking care of you at the bar.
 Courtesy of ArtKvartal
时尚杂志最受欢迎的年轻设计师瓦杜伊·纳扎里安(Vardoui Nazarian)负责员工的长相-她为Door 19制作了这套制服,并从她目前的系列中挑选了一些元素作为基础。这些声音将由主营小组的主要成员负责,他们专门从事公共空间的声音设计。他们发现在塞雷巴扬奇斯卡亚堤坝的弹出式俱乐部的概念是今年莫斯科最强大的俱乐部之一,并受到启发,承担了这项工作。他们根据来自11个国家的厨师的种族组成了播放列表,以这样的方式混合了风格和风格,不仅味觉和视觉感受器,而且门19位客人的听觉也会得到正确的信号。
The fashion magazine's favourite young designer Vardoui Nazarian is in charge of how the staff looks – she produced the uniform for Door19, taking as a base some element from her current collection. The sound will be taken care of by the Main in Main group, who specialize in sound design of public spaces. They find the concept of the pop-up club in Serebryanicheskaya embankment as one of the most powerful this year in Moscow and, inspired, undertook the job. They have formed the playlist according to the ethnicity of the chefs from eleven countries, mixing the genres and styles in such way, that not only the taste and visual receptors, but also the auditory sense of Door 19 guests would get the right signal.
 Courtesy of ArtKvartal
The leading heroes of the kitchen come from Peru, Brazil, Chili, Mexico, Argentina, who will be joined by their Asian colleagues. Yet first and foremost, Latin America is in the spotlight: chefs from this continent are running the show in the best restaurants of New York and London, but so far this cuisine is almost non-present in Moscow. When gathering the bravest of the best chefs, ArtKvartal team was guided not by the conservative Michelin stars, but by The World’s 50 Best Restaurants sponsored by S. Pellegrino & Acqua Panna listing. Only the format stays the same: the club is open only for dinners, there are two sets from two chefs and each week there is a new pair of visiting chefs – in the same venue.
 Courtesy of ArtKvartal
第一扇门19号的经验表明,第一层的顶层阁楼有其独特的活力,那里有创造力、生活和自由。在“第二次到来”之后,“从街道”进入住宅楼层是不可能的,因为到了秋天中旬,邻近的公寓将完工,房客也会搬进来。但这并不意味着阿尔特·克瓦塔尔会落下帷幕,相反!Door 19的设想不仅仅是在五个星期内好好地吃、喝和交际。这是我们吸引注意力的方式,大城市规划的想法,创造了新的质量社区,而不是仍然黯淡的510公顷的领土沿Yauza河。
Experience of the first Door 19 has shown that the last floor penthouse has its own special energy, where there is creativity, life and freedom. After “the second coming” it will be impossible to get in on the residential floors “from the street" as in middle of autumn the construction will be finished in the neighboring apartments and the tenants will move in. But it doesn’t mean that the curtain will fall in ArtKvartal, on the contrary! Door19 was envisioned not just to eat, drink and socialize nicely for five weeks. This was our way to attract attention to the grand cityplanning idea to create the neighborhood of the new quality en lieu of the still bleak 510ha territory along the Yauza river.
 Courtesy of ArtKvartal
Architects P H. D
Location Moscow, Russia
Category Adaptive Reuse
Area 460.0 sqm
Project Year 2014





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