adjkms Releases Final Design for Caracas Symphony
2014-09-27 01:00
这座建筑是为El Sistema项目建造的,这是一个国际知名项目,其前提是,音乐培训能够创造伟大的音乐家,并完全改变出生在极端贫困环境中的儿童的预期生活方式。
The building is being constructed for the El Sistema project, an internationally distinguished program based on the premise that musical training can create great musicians and completely alter the expected life paths of children born into extremely impoverished circumstance.
CASMSB - View from Park. Image Courtesy of adjkm

加拉加斯交响乐团沿着促进文化发展的El Sistema价值观运作,作为促进社会和职业融合的一种手段,它将位于洛斯Caobos公园的北部边界,补充位于加拉加斯文化中心的阿马多尔本达万大道的现有结构。在一个密集的文化项目中,深深的城市环境被誉为一种社会纽带。因此,这座建筑明显地倾向于景观设计,并被一个水平裂缝隔开,以创造一个俯瞰洛斯草木绿色植物的全景。对于访问者和用户来说,这个裂缝变成了连接点和交互点的接缝。
Operating along El Sistema values of incurring cultural development as a device to spur social and professional integration, the Caracas Symphony will be located along the northern boundary of Los Caobos Park, complementing existing structures in the Amador Bendayán Boulevard, right at the cultural heart of Caracas. The deeply urban context is celebrated as a social link within a dense cultural program. Thus, the building is prominently bent towards landscape design, and is divided by a horizontal rift devised to create a panoramic view of the Los Caobos greenery. This crack becomes a seam of connection and point of interaction for visitors and users.
CASMSB - The Plaza. Image Courtesy of adjkm

CASMSB - Access. Image Courtesy of adjkm

The complex will be composed of two distinct parts: the music conservatory and the concert halls. The music conservatory, a grounded compact block, will include orchestral rehearsal rooms, sections and rows. As these spaces are anchored to the ground, they are more private and characteristically intimate. They offer spaces to study and practice, allowing more meaningful connection between the musician and his/her music.
CASMSB - Section 2. Image Courtesy of adjkm

在水平裂缝上方,音乐厅被包围在建筑物的上部,作为一个概念上的轻的,悬空的块。三个音乐厅中的每一个都得到了独特的待遇,以提供广泛的声音能力,并回应不同乐团的具体需要。第一个大厅采用模块化策略来容纳最大的El Sistema乐团,最多可容纳400名音乐家、200人的合唱团和1900年的观众。第二厅为游客提供1300个座位,可容纳200名音乐家和400名合唱团成员。然而,第三音乐厅显然是试验性的,以便为萨尔萨、交响乐和委内瑞拉音乐等另类乐团创造空间。适当的大小,它的最大容量在500个座位为游客。
Above the horizontal rift, the concert halls are enfolded in the upper part of the building as a conceptually light, suspended block. Each of the three concert halls receives a unique treatment in order to offer a wide range of acoustic capabilities and respond to the specific needs of various orchestras. The first hall uses a modular strategy to accommodate the largest El Sistema orchestras, with maximum capacity of 400 musicians, a 200-person choir and 1900-seat audience. The second hall offers 1300 seats for visitors, and can accommodate 200 musicians and 400 choir members. The third concert hall, however, is evidently experimental in order to create space for alternative orchestras such as salsa, symphonic rock, and Venezuelan music. Appropriately sized, its maximum capacity sits at 500 seats for visitors.
CASMSB - Hall A. Image Courtesy of adjkm

CASMSB - Hall B. Image Courtesy of adjkm
CASMSB-Hall B.图像礼貌

CASMSB - Experimental Hall. Image Courtesy of adjkm

Administration, musician's residences, student canteen, cafeteria, multimedia center, and parking lots are also included in the program.
Architects adjkm Architects in Charge Alejandro Méndez,Daniel Otero,Khristian Ceballos,MawaríNúñez Project Manager Javier Mogollón Design Team Mariana Lugo,María Leonor Cordero,Abel Piñate,Fernando Sánchez,Silvia Caradonna and Yoryelina Moreno Collaborators Franedward Moreno,María Eugenia Duarte,Fedora Dasilva,Astrid Safina,Odelis Lozada,Charlotte Serna,Johana Arias,Nicole Calderón,Gaelle Smits,Maria Daniela Ceballo,Lino Cáceres,Josymar Rodríguez and Verónica Hoffmann Parametric Design Tomás Méndez Team Coordinators Alejandro Dappo,Felipe Montemayor,Juan Cristóbal Montemayor and Jaime Santos Acoustics Nagata Acoustics Theater Consultant dUCKS scéno Structures Salvador Safina and Andrés Otero Project Team,Competition Phase(2010)Alejandro Méndez,Daniel Otero,Jean-Marc Rio,Khristian Ceballos and MawaríNúñez Collaborators,Competition Phase(2010)JoséCastillo,Gabriel Castro,Nicolás Delevaux,袁江、吉利斯·莱费夫尔、索菲·默勒、帕诺维奇·努涅斯、豪尔赫·努涅斯、哈维尔·奥特罗、格雷戈埃尔·普莱森、伯特兰·雷诺丁和保罗·雷森德以及皇家科学研究院2018年占地面积53000.0平方米的工作室
Architects adjkm Architects in Charge Alejandro Méndez, Daniel Otero, Khristian Ceballos, Mawarí Núñez Project Manager Javier Mogollón Design Team Mariana Lugo, María Leonor Cordero, Abel Piñate, Fernando Sánchez, Silvia Caradonna and Yoryelina Moreno Collaborators Franedward Moreno, María Eugenia Duarte, Fedora Dasilva, Astrid Safina, Odelis Lozada, Charlotte Serna, Johana Arias, Nicole Calderón, Gaelle Smits, Maria Daniela Ceballo, Lino Cáceres, Josymar Rodríguez and Verónica Hoffmann Parametric Design Tomás Méndez Team Coordinators Alejandro Dappo, Felipe Montemayor, Juan Cristóbal Montemayor and Jaime Santos Acoustics Nagata Acoustics Theater Consultant dUCKS scéno Structures Salvador Safina and Andrés Otero Project Team, Competition Phase (2010) Alejandro Méndez, Daniel Otero, Jean-Marc Rio, Khristian Ceballos and Mawarí Núñez Collaborators, Competition Phase (2010) José Castillo, Gabriel Castro, Nicolás Delevaux, Yuan Jiang, Gilles Lefevre, Sophie Merle, Panovi Núñez, Jorge Núñez, Javier Otero, Gregoire Plasson, Bertrand Renaudin y Paulo Rezende and RSI Studio Area 53000.0 sqm Project Year 2018