2014-09-25 01:00
Courtesy of BIG

Each of the seven buildings will be unique, ranging from low- to high-rise structures, and will include a private courtyard for residents. Pockets of new public spaces will intertwine the structures throughout the plot as they meander towards the waterfront promenade, which will connect residents to an existing boat harbor, nearby town square (Nikoline Kochs Plads) and the city center.
“By designing the public space as the first step, the masterplan carefully mixes public programs with private residences, creating a new dynamic urban area where public and private realms converge,” stated BIG.
Courtesy of BIG

Courtesy of BIG

负责Bjarke Ingels、Finn N rkj r、Andreas Klok Pedersen项目组长S ren Martinussen团队、Alberte Danvig、Ariel Norback Wallner、Jesefa Templo、Katerina Joannides、Nicolas Millot、Raphael Ciriani、Ryohei Koike、Spencer Hayden、Teado JavanEMDén、Tore Banke Clihus Kommune、Anpartsselskabet Kilden Kilden
Architects BIG Location Store Torv 3, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark Category Housing Partners in Charge Bjarke Ingels, Finn Nørkjær, Andreas Klok Pedersen Project Leader Søren Martinussen Team Agne Rapkeviciute, Alberte Danvig, Ariel Norback Wallner, Jesefa Templo, Katerina Joannides, Nicolas Millot, Raphael Ciriani, Ryohei Koike, Spencer Hayden, Teodor Javanaud Emdén, Tore Banke Client Aarhus Kommune, Anpartsselskabet Kilden & Mortensen Collaborators GEHL Architects, Anpartsselskabet Kilden & Mortensen, CASA, MOE Area 100000.0 sqm Project Year 2017