Milan Expo 2015 b720 Designs Greenhouse
2014-09-10 01:00
© b720 Arquitectos
(B 720 ArquArchtos)

On one side, the “shed-shaped” structure’s timber frame will represent the country’s gastronomic tradition. A series of outdoor spaces will be punctuated by program clothed in materials made from wine bottle corks, barrels and esparto grass fabric (used for pressing olive oil). While it’s other side, an enclosed space clad in stainless steel and rendered with colors reminiscent of Spain’s most recognizable products will represent the country’s gastronomic innovation.
“The Spanish gastronomy reputation, based on the balanced combination of tradition and innovation, makes it a global reference on international markets. This fact has a relevant role on the generation of the pavilion, creating two separated areas - and applying different tectonics to them - according to this duality,” described the architects.
Program Diagram. Image © b720 Arquitectos
程序图。图像(B 720 ArquArchtos)

© b720 Arquitectos
(B 720 ArquArchtos)

Spanish-like spaces highlighted include a barrier-free ground floor, orange groove courtyard and second story terrace of vegetable gardens, as well as a hydroponic canopy sheltering a restaurant and auditoria.
Detail Axon. Image © b720 Arquitectos
详细的阿克森。图像(B 720 ArquArchtos)

Made from recycled and natural materials, the “environmentally friendly pavilion” will be “constructed by a 1.50m series of laminated timber porticos, fastened by a sequence of uneven prismatic volumes made from CL timber. In between these porticos, light polycarbonate panels acting as canopies that protect from climate the outdoor areas underneath them.”
© b720 Arquitectos
(B 720 ArquArchtos)

“To promote natural ventilation, fixed roof shutters are located to evacuate heat at high levels, in a similar mechanism to those used in greenhouses,” added the architect. “The depth and distance between porticos are calculated to provide a comfortable degree of shadow to the semi-external areas below, resulting in a major reduction of energy consumption in comparison to traditionally enclosed areas. All the construction process is based in dry assembling, easy to mount, dismount and recycle.”
The pavilion’s contents will focus on three subjects: Explaining key issues that have led to Spain’s gastronomic success; the balance between creativity and innovation to preserve traditional, healthy Mediterranean food; and using a sustainable agriculture and livestock production as a tool for preserving the landscape, heritage and the development of alternative tourism models.
Architects b720 Arquitectos Location Milan,Italy Category Pavillion Design Team Fermín Vázquez,Peco Mulet,Albert Freixes,Eduardo Varas,Caterina Dominioni,Alberto Garcia,Alejandro García,Valerio Decrecchio,Gemma Ojea,Pablo Garrido,Iván Arellano,Javier Artieda,Julita Jaskulska,Ourania Pappa,Annie Michaelides,Zélia Alves,David Sebastián,Daniel Quadflieg Local Architects Arquipielago,B2fR Architetti Contents Manuel Artiz,Roberto Vásquez,结构工程师米格尔·内瓦多服务工程师K2咨询公司照明设计Artec 3景观展览顾问Manuel Artiz,Antoni Miralda,Roberto Vásquez Client Acción culic Española AC/E建筑面积2015年2341.0平方米项目图片
Architects b720 Arquitectos Location Milan, Italy Category Pavillion Design Team Fermín Vázquez, Peco Mulet, Albert Freixes, Eduardo Varas, Caterina Dominioni, Alberto Garcia, Alejandro García, Valerio Decrecchio, Gemma Ojea, Pablo Garrido, Iván Arellano, Javier Artieda, Julita Jaskulska, Ourania Pappa, Annie Michaelides, Zélia Alves, David Sebastián, Daniel Quadflieg Local Architects Arquipielago, B2fR Architetti Contents Manuel Artiz, Roberto Vásquez, Antoni Miralda Structural Engineer Miguel Nevado Services Engineer K2 Consulting sl Lighting Design Artec 3 Landscape Manel Colominas Exhibition Consultants Manuel Artiz, Antoni Miralda, Roberto Vásquez Client Acción Cultural Española AC/E Area 2341.0 sqm Project Year 2015 Photographs b720 Arquitectos