Brasilia National Stadium schlaich bergermann und partner + Castro Mello Arquitetos + gmp Architects
2014-07-21 00:00
© Marcus Bredt

架构师提供的文本描述。巴西利亚(Brasília)是20世纪以来唯一座被联合国教科文组织宣布为世界遗产的城市。这座建于1956至1960年间的“理想城市”以其广泛的公共建筑,是现代风格的象征之一。在这方面,GMP建筑师与Schlaich Bergermann und Partner(SBP)合作,为卡斯特罗·梅洛·阿肯托斯(圣保罗)设计了巴西西́利亚国家体育场。它是在前马内́加林查体育场的地方建造的。爱德华多·卡斯特罗·梅洛(Eduardo Castro Mello)负责这座72,000个座位的碗的设计;gmp和sbp制作了具有特色的“柱状森林”和双层悬挂屋顶的高地。
Text description provided by the architects. Brasília is the only city dating from the 20th century that has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. With its range of public buildings, the “ideal city” built between 1956 and 1960 is one of the icons of the Moderne style. In this context gmp Architects, in cooperation with schlaich bergermann und partner (sbp), produced the design of the Brasília national stadium for Castro Mello Arquitetos (São Paulo). It was constructed in the place of the former Mané Garrincha stadium. Eduardo Castro Mello was responsible for the design of the 72,000-seat bowl; gmp and sbp produced the elevations of the esplanade as a characteristic “forest of columns”, and a double-skin suspension roof.

The objective of the design was a solution that does justice to the architectural history of the place, with a clear reference to the city’s tradition, and yet has its own distinct contemporary style. As the city’s largest building, located on Brasília’s central axis, the composition was developed as a monumental building volume which integrates seamlessly into the urban design context.
© Marcus Bredt

To achieve this, the stadium bowl is surrounded by an esplanade which comprises all access elements and supports the roof on its “forest of columns”. This clear gesture is emphasized by the mini- malist, almost archetypal design of the components – the key material being concrete. The circular suspension roof is a double- skin structure – the upper skin consists of a PTFE-coated glass fiber fabric while the lower membrane is made up of an open- mesh, back-lit fabric.
© Marcus Bredt

Architects Castro Mello Arquitetos, gmp Architects, schlaich bergermann und partner
Location National Stadium of Brazil Mane Garrincha - Brasilia, Federal District, 70070-701, Brazil
Category Soccer Stadium
Architect in Charge Volkwin Marg and Hubert Nienhoff with Knut Göppert
Project Manager Martin Glass
Project Manager Brazil Robert Hormes
Director of gmp do Brazil Ralf Amann
Team members Ante Bagaric, Holger Betz, Rebecca Born- hauser, Carsten Borucki, Lena Brögger, Martina Maurer-Brusius, Kacarzyna Ciruk, Laura Cruz Lima da Silva, Stefanie Eichelmann, Ruthie Gould, Florian Illenberger, Jochen Köhn, Martin Krebes, Helge Lezius, Tobias Mäscher, Adel Motamedi, Burkhard Pick, Jutta Rentsch Serpa, Lucia Martinez Rodriguez, Maryna Samolyuk, Florian Schwarthoff, Sara Taberner Bonastre
Project Year 2013
Photographs Marcus Bredt