Ferry Terminal Marge Arkitekter
2014-07-15 01:00
架构师提供的文本描述。2013年6月,Marge Arkitekter在斯德哥尔摩的Str mkajen开设了新的渡轮码头。这些建筑为前往斯德哥尔摩群岛的游客提供服务,位于该市游客最多的地区之一。该遗址位于皇宫对面的中心位置,毗邻大酒店和国家美术馆,靠近Skeppsholmen博物馆,吸引了大量游客进入该地区。
Text description provided by the architects. June 2013 saw the opening of Marge Arkitekter’s new ferry terminals at Strömkajen in Stockholm. The buildings serve travellers heading to the Stockholm archipelago and are located in one of the city’s most visited areas. The site’s central location opposite the Royal Palace, next to the Grand Hotel and the National Art Gallery and in close proximity to Skeppsholmen’s museums results in a considerable flow of tourists into the area.
设计的基础是一个基本的形式-锥,框架对水的不同看法。锥体以不同的方式结合在一起,以满足不同企业的需求,导致建筑物没有特定的正面或背面。每一座建筑都是独一无二的,但它们共同为Str mkajen的船只和行人交通创造了一个有凝聚力的表达方式。
The design is based on an elementary form – the cone, framing different views over the water. The cones are combined in different ways to meet the demands of the different businesses, resulting in buildings with no specific fronts or backs. Each building is unique but together they create a cohesive expression for the boat and pedestrian traffic of Strömkajen.
Exterior facades are covered with burnished Tombak, a brass alloy. The interiors are made of rough sawn oak. Glass parts by the waiting hall and the selling area are drawn back to give rain shelter and to provide space for facade displaying. Due to the construction of the buildings a precise expression has been created where guttering and drain pipes can be avoided.
相对于周围的建筑,终端建筑被缩小。该设计的首要任务是保持从Stallgatan和Grevgr nd对皇家宫殿的自由看法,并突出Blasieholmen上的宏伟建筑。
The terminal buildings are scaled down in relation to the surrounding architecture. The design’s priority is to maintain free views of the Royal Palace from Stallgatan and Grevgränd and to highlight the monumental edifices on Blasieholmen.
该项目包括三栋新建筑、两个Str MMA/斯德哥尔摩观光终点站和一个Waxholmsbolaget终点站,以及一个有咖啡馆、观景台阶、储藏室和一个回收站的大楼。人们可以从台阶上拍摄一张皇家宫殿的照片,或者坐在阳光下欣赏斯德哥尔摩古城的壮丽景色。
The project consists of three new buildings, two terminals for Strömma/Stockholm Sightseeing and for Waxholmsbolaget and one building with a café, viewing steps, store room and a recycling station. From the steps one can take a picture of the royal palace or just sit in the sun and enjoy the magnificent view over the old city of Stockholm.
Architects Marge Arkitekter
Location Södra Blasieholmshamnen 9, 111 48 Stockholm, Sweden
Photographs Johan Fowelin