Lentpark Schulitz Architekten

2014-05-06 01:00
架构师提供的文本描述。这个完全透明的建筑群可以容纳一个溜冰场,一个室内游泳中心,有各种各样的游泳池,一个桑拿浴室和一家餐厅。一条高高的溜冰场,在欧洲是前所未有的,在建筑物的每一个部分都是一个圆圈,提供令人兴奋的内外景观。建筑服务的智能交叉使冰和游泳设施看似矛盾的气候要求以极高的能源效率运作,使之成为欧盟绿色建筑计划中的第一个冰运动设施。2007年SCHULITZ Architekten赢得了高轮廓的国际建筑竞赛。
Text description provided by the architects. The entirely transparent building complex accommodates an ice rink, an indoor swim center with a variety of pools, a sauna and a restaurant. An elevated ice skating track, unprecedented in Europe, runs as a round circuit through every part of the building providing exciting views inside and outside. An intelligent cross-linking of the building services allows for the seemingly contradictory climatic requirements of an ice and swimming facility to operate in an extremely energy efficient manner, making it the first ice sports facility in the European Union’s Green Building Program. SCHULITZ Architekten won the highly profiled international architecture competition in 2007.
The principal design concept of the stadium is a completely transparent triangular from which unites the different parts of the building in both a functional and aesthetic fashion. On the northwest side lies the 1,800 square meter ice rink. On the southeast side the lap pool and recreational pools can be found. The entrance hall is centrally located and functions to divide the buildings main elements: water and ice. Directly connected to the central entrance hall lies the cafeteria and the changing rooms. All areas combine a gross floor area of 12000 square meters. The park-like landscaped outdoor area offers a natural water pool as well as a relaxation area.
 Courtesy of Schulitz Architects
Exciting views from the elevated ice skating track
A primary attraction is the 260 meter long elevated ice skating track that lies above the ice hockey rink and is visually connected to the swimming area. A highly insulated glass facade serves to divide the ice track and the swimming area climatically. The bright yellow lattice-like roof structure allows for the elevated ice track to remain free of columns and also permits direct views of the urban landscape, the surrounding park, the ice hockey rink and the swimming area. At the same time the ice track skaters can be observed from the ice hockey rink and the swimming pools. All perspectives are possible in this seamless transparent structure.
While the facade enables maximum transparency, external panels serve to keep the building cool during summer months as well as prevent any unwanted glare from entering the sport facility. The reflective steel panels have different angles in response to the respective positions of the sun on the east, south and west side of the building. Viewed from outside the stadium possesses a particularly dynamic appearance as light dances on its surfaces. From the inside visitors benefit from the natural light as well as the rich play between light and shade.
 Courtesy of Schulitz Architects
Intelligent solutions for high energy efficiency – Green Building
SCHULITZ Architekten公司在该设施的能源和水供应方面采用了创新的解决方案。冷热元素的矛盾需求是通过交叉连接建筑服务,从而最大限度地降低运营成本来实现的。因此,冰场冷却装置的余热被用来加热游泳池和桑拿。通风的热回收效率超过85%。现场的一口井为游泳池、卫生设施和冰的准备工作提供了水.屋顶配备了巨大的太阳能发电系统。在进行屋面结构规划时,考虑到了经济方面的因素,采用了与预制相结合的模块化建筑方法,降低了建筑成本。
SCHULITZ Architekten incorporates innovative solutions for the energy and water supply in the facility. Contradictory needs of hot and cold elements are united by cross-linking the building services and thereby minimizing operational costs. Thus the waste heat from the ice rink’s cooling devices is used for heating the swimming pools and the sauna. The heat recovery of the ventilation has an efficiency of over 85 per cent. An on-site well provides water for the swimming pools, the sanitary facilities and the ice preparation. The roof is equipped with a vast solar power system. Economical aspects were taken into consideration while planning the roof structure; the modular building method aligned with prefabrication kept building costs low.
欧盟将“LentPark”项目作为欧洲首个冰体运动设施接受为绿色建筑项目,因为该项目具有能源效率和创新技术。SCHULITZ Architekten“这项工作从一开始就让我们着迷”,SCHULITZ Architekten主任马克·舒利茨(Marc Schulitz)说,“冰球场和游泳设施的这种共生关系以前是不存在的,这就是为什么这个项目如此具有挑战性的原因。“
The European Union accepted the “Lentpark” to it’s Green Building program as the first ice sports facility in Europe due to the building’s energy efficiency and innovative technologies. SCHULITZ ARCHITEKTEN “The job fascinated us from the start“ says Marc Schulitz, director of SCHULITZ Architekten. “This symbiosis of an ice stadium and a swimming facility didn’t exist before, which is what made the project so challenging.“
 Floor Plan

IOC/IAKS Award for Exemplary Sports and Leisure Facilities 2013
In October 2013 the "Lentpark" received the bronze IOC/IAKS Award in the Category D (Complex indoor centers for sports, leisure and recreation with small or no spectator facilities). The IOC/IAKS Award is the only international architecture competition for sports and leisure facilities. 95 teams of operators and designers from 30 countries took part in the competition. The Award is organized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the International Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities (IAKS) and brings to public attention exemplary buildings and complexes that integrate sensible sustainability and legacy considerations, strong functional planning, and exceptional architectural design. The goal of enhancing the human experience and appreciation of sport and leisure while protecting the environment through design, material use and cre
舒利茨建筑公司在德国不伦瑞克和巴西圣保罗设有办事处,专门设计体育设施。目前正在美国洛杉矶设立一个新的办事处。该公司在汉诺威设计了AWD竞技场/国际足联世界杯竞技场,在沃尔夫斯堡设计了Eisena/Del冰曲棍球竞技场,以及在不伦瑞克设计了Eintachtstadion/2 Bundesliga足球场,以及其他项目。该办公室还受托设计巴西萨尔瓦多2014年世界杯体育场方特·诺瓦体育场,该体育场于2013年4月落成。
The Schulitz architecture firm, with offices in Brunswick, Germany and Sao Paulo, Brazil specializes in the design of sports facilities. Currently a new office in Los Angeles, USA is being established. The firm designed the AWD Arena / FIFA World Cup Arena 2006 in Hanover, the EisArena / DEL Ice Hockey Arena in Wolfsburg and the extension of the Eintrachtstadion / 2nd Bundesliga football stadium in Brunswick, among other projects. The office was also commissioned to design the FIFA World Cup 2014 Stadium Arena Fonte Nova in Salvador, Brazil, which was inaugurated in April 2013.
 Courtesy of Schulitz Architects
Architects Schulitz Architekten
Location Lentstraße 30, 50668 Cologne, Germany
Category Swimming Pool
Building Services Ingenieurbüro Möller, Meyer GmbH
Owner KölnBäder GmbH
Desing Team Philipp Heitger, Gustavo Oettinger, Rafael Wiglenda, Sebastian Moll, Jasmine Behzadi, Matthias Rätzel, Christian Laviola, Stefanie Blume, Roland Pabel
Area 12900.0 sqm
Project Year 2012





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