Hualien Residences BIGs Most Mountainous Housing Project Yet
2014-04-07 01:00

From the Architect. TLDC, a prominent land developer based in Taipei, has recently obtained license to turn what used to be an industrial and factory region into a world class beach resort. The site has great potential for spectacular views as it is located prominently against the coast and near the intersection of two river deltas. Taiwan's spine of mountains can be seen to the west while the ocean is to the east; Hualien city is to the north.

For the resort masterplan, a language of green landscape stripes create a mountain terrain of commercial and residential program that echo the natural mountains in distance. The stripes run east-west to frame the best views while also becoming an optimal shading system for Taiwan's hot and humid tropical climate. Low-angle, high-glare morning and evening sun is effortlessly blocked by the stripes while favorable north-south light is allowed into the units. Green roofs further mitigate heat gain and combined with the striping create a low energy masterplan.

建筑师大址花莲县建乡ōng 1路台湾973级公寓建筑师负责Bjarke Ingels、Jakob Lange项目主任AndréSchmidt项目设计师Cat Huang项目建筑师Min Ter Lim设计团队Anu Leinonen、Eric Li、Andrew Low、Camila Luise de Andrade Stadler、萧如黄、Junje、Song He、Christin Svensson、Eivor Davidsen、Chris Beaudin,爱德华多·卡马纳、安布拉·基萨、格温多琳·埃维亚德、阿格尼斯卡·库维西恩、安德烈亚斯·穆勒茨、约翰娜·涅南德、阿尔贝托·赫尔佐格·鲁伊斯·德阿雷格里、理查德·约翰·西摩、张颖、多米尼克·姆罗津斯基、霍里亚·斯皮雷苏、洛拉·康特、劳拉·瓦特、马蒂亚斯银行、卡斯珀·雷默尔·汉森、李金浩·李合作者鲁杰·吴、阿洛普、吉斯纳集团120000.0平方米项目年
Architects BIG Location Huágōng 1st Road, Jian Township, Hualien County, Taiwan 973 Category Apartments Architect in Charge Bjarke Ingels, Jakob Lange Project Director André Schmidt Project Design Architect Cat Huang Project Architect Min Ter Lim Design Team Anu Leinonen, Eric Li, Andrew Lo, Camila Luise de Andrade Stadler, Hsiao Rou Huang, Junjie Yan, Song He, Christin Svensson, Eivor Davidsen, Chris Beaudin, Eduardo Camarena, Ambra Chiesa, Gwendoline Eveillard, Agnieszka Kwiecien, Andreas Mullertz, Johanna Nenander, Alberto Herzog Ruiz de Alegri, Richard John Seymour, Ying zhang, Dominik Mrozinski, Horia Spirescu, Lola Conte, Laura Wätte, Mathias Bank, Kasper Reimer Hansen, Jinho Lee Collaborators RJ Wu, Arup, Glessner Group Area 120000.0 sqm Project Year 2009 Photographs BIG