Johnston Marklees Design for Menil Drawing Institute To Harness Gradients of Light

2014-02-24 01:00
Situated in an extensive 30-acre masterplan designed by David Chipperfield Architects, the institute will be located amongst Renzo Piano's main museum building, Piano's Cy Twombly Gallery, the Dan Flavin Installation at Richmond Hall, and the Rothko Chapel. More info on the design, and all the renderings, after the break.
 West Façade as seen from the Energy House. Image Courtesy of Johnston Marklee / The Menil Collection
从能源屋看西法塞。Johnston Marklee/Menil收藏的形象礼貌
A Roof Over the Landscape
梅尼尔绘画学院的网站就在梅尼尔钢琴设计的主要收藏的南面。这一位置将MDI定位为梅尼尔(Menil)其他艺术建筑的枢纽,周围是新的绿地,位于新的步行街和西大街(West Main Street)的中心,将校园统一起来。
The site for the Menil Drawing Institute lies just south of the Menil’s Renzo Piano-designed Main Collection. The location positions the MDI as a hub among the Menil’s other art buildings, surrounded by new green spaces and placed at the center of new pedestrian paths and an extension of West Main Street that will unify the campus.
 Site plan for the Menil Drawing Institute and new Energy House in relation to the main museum building and Cy Twombly Gallery
约翰斯顿·马克里(Johnston Marklee)的设计开始于“这些循环路线,以及该遗址的一个显著自然特征:壮丽的活橡树。该设计要求树木被三个方形、开放屋顶的庭院包围:其中两个在建筑物的西侧和东侧充当入口,第三个在北面提供学者的修道院”。
Johnston Marklee’s design begins "from these circulation routes and from a prominent natural feature of the site: magnificent live oak trees. The design calls for trees to be surrounded by three square, open-roofed courtyards: two of them serving as entrances on the west and east sides of the building, and the third providing a scholars’ cloister on the north."
"Enclosed volumes set between these courtyards provide the main areas for the MDI’s programs. A living room - both a circulation spine and a gathering place - runs between the west and east entrance courtyards. On the living room’s south side, the space opens into the exhibition galleries. On the north, the living room gives access to administrative offices on one side of the scholars’ cloister and to study rooms and the conservation lab on the other."
 West Courtyard. Image Courtesy of Johnston Marklee / The Menil Collection
西庭院。Johnston Marklee/Menil收藏的形象礼貌
Modulation of Light
"The principal structural element that unifies these indoor and outdoor spaces and their circulation routes is a thin, flat roof made of painted steel plate. When the one-story MDI is viewed from the side, the roof appears to float in the landscape, pierced here and there by treetops. Functionally, the roof works with the landscape to create MDI’s unprecedented modulation of natural light."
According to the architects and lighting designers, the design achieves an unprecedented "interplay between indoor and outdoor space in a facility for highly light-sensitive works on paper." As visitors approach and enter the MDI, the design organically and incrementally reduces the intensity of the sharp Texas sunlight by means of the canopy of the surrounding trees and the roof canopy of the building.
 Partial view of the Living Room and Scholars’ Cloister. Image Courtesy of Johnston Marklee / The Menil Collection
客厅和学者衣帽间的局部景观。Johnston Marklee/Menil收藏的形象礼貌
"A modest level of baffled light, spilling into the building through two entrance courtyards and the scholars’ cloister, orients visitors and scholars in the areas of public gathering. More controlled gradients of artificial light define the areas for exhibition and storage. In the study room, a skylight fitted with fritted glass and a sailcloth scrim admits natural light so that researchers may notice subtle changes in the sky throughout the day."
Spatial Organisation: the "Mingling of Public and Professional Space"
 South Façade. Image Courtesy of Johnston Marklee / The Menil Collection
南法塔德。Johnston Marklee/Menil收藏的形象礼貌
对于MDI的所有用户来说,“客厅和学者的修道院之间的直接视觉联系,以及进出建筑物的空间的柔和流动,将创造一种比以前更活跃、更开放和更吸引人的氛围,用于观看和研究绘图。”Allegra Pesenti声称,“这座建筑将使MDI成为一种前所未有的私人和公共空间的融合,并为欣赏和研究绘画提供功能”,它将成为“艺术家作品的平台,也是学者和参观博物馆的人很容易融合的一个欢迎之地”,阿莱格拉·佩森蒂(Allegra Pesenti)说。
For all users of the MDI "the direct visual connections between the living room and the scholars’ cloister, and the gentle flow of space into and through the building, will create a more active, open, and engaging atmosphere than has existed before for the act of viewing and studying drawings." Claiming that "this building will make the MDI an unprecedented merger of private and public spaces and functions for the enjoyment and study of drawings," Allegra Pesenti said that it will act as "a platform for the work of artists, and a welcoming place where scholars and museum-goers will easily ming
Johnston Marklee is also designing a new energy control center for the campus, while Houston’s Stern and Bucek is developing the Bistro Menil. Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates will also aid the Menil’s transformation by revising the campus’ Alabama Street entry and implementing a more sustainable landscape scheme.
Work is "tentatively scheduled" to begin in early 
建筑师Johnston Marklee
Architects Johnston Marklee & Associates Location 1533 Sul Ross Street, Houston, TX 77006, United States Category Gallery Architects in Charge Sharon Johnston, Mark Lee Design Team Nicholas Hofstede, Andri Luescher, Anton Schneider, Rodolfo Reis Dias, Letitia Garzoli, Douglas Harsevoort, Maximilian Kocademirci, Mehr Khanpour, David Gray Landscape Architects Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates (MVVA) Landscape Project Team Michael Van Valkenburgh, Jack Ohly, Matthew Bird Masterplanning David Chipperfield Architects Structural Engineer Guy Nordenson and Associates Associate Structural Engineer Cardno Haynes Whaley MEP Engineer Stantec Civil Engineer Lockwood Andrews Newnam Building Envelope Engineer Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Lighting Design George Sexton Associates Landscape Lighting Tillett Lighting Design Cost Consulting AECOM Acoustical, AV/IT Arup Security Architect’s Security Group Soils Olsson Irrigation WC3 Area 30150.0 sqm Project Year 2015





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