BIG Shortlisted to Design ARTA Arts Cluster in Arnhem
2014-02-18 15:00
“Combining a contemporary exhibition facility with a film theater in a vibrant public building is paradoxical challenge,” described BIG. “ArtA fuses the two traditional architectural archetypes, the Black Box and the White Cube, and creates a gradient of transitional spatial conditions that lends itself to new hybrid programs of art and performance.”
“A simple twist of the building volume generates a diagonal public art plaza that connects the ground floor with the roof top. The Art Plaza creates encounters between the various users of the building - blurring the boundaries between art, public life, education and recreation. The building becomes a unique offspring - at once organic and rational, transparent and solid, unique and flexible, extrovert and introvert.
“这座建筑有两种正面:一种是有玻璃的,一种是扭曲的窗户,使建筑物的所有聚集空间都能看到阳光和令人叹为观止的景色。”façade的这一部分从开阔的滨水角开始,提供莱茵河的水平全景;它在级联艺术广场(Cascading Art Plaza)周围继续,最后是一个覆盖着冬季花园的玻璃屋顶,俯瞰整个城市。建筑物的实体部分用现浇混凝土覆盖.
"The building has two types of facades: One face of the building is glazed, creating a twisting window allowing daylight and breathtaking views for all gathering spaces of the building. This part of the façade starts at the open waterfront corner, providing a horizontal panoramic view of the Rhine; it continues around the cascading Art Plaza, ending as a glazed roof top covering a winter garden, overlooking the city. The solid parts of the building are clad in in-situ cast concrete.
"The twist creates a covered public space for outdoor art installations and ArtA’s main entrance which will activate the street."
建筑师大地点Meijnerswjk 5,6841 HA Arnhem,荷兰类别博物馆合作者Allard Architecture Partners,负责Bjarke Ingels,Andreas Klok Pedersen项目负责人,洪凯廖项目建筑师Marie Lancon设计团队Jakub Wlodarczyk,Martin Maria Beck,Dariusz Duong Vu Hong,Giedrius Mamavicius,Domenic SchMID,Dimitrie Grigorescu面积8000.0平方米
Architects BIG Location Meijnerswijk 5, 6841 HA Arnhem, The Netherlands Category Museum Collaborators Allard Architecture Partners In Charge Bjarke Ingels, Andreas Klok Pedersen Project Leader Hung Kai Liao Project Architect Marie Lancon Design Team Jakub Wlodarczyk, Martin Maria Beck, Dariusz Duong Vu Hong, Giedrius Mamavicius, Domenic Schmid, Dimitrie Grigorescu Area 8000.0 sqm