Le St
2014-02-07 01:00
Courtesy of Thomas Balaban Architect

架构师提供的文本描述。圣裘德温泉和健康中心是设在退役的结构和延伸到多米尼加教堂和避难所,我们的玫瑰女神和圣裘德。1907年,这座石头、砖和钢结构占据了蒙特利尔主要商业要道之一的圣德尼街(St-Denis Street)的繁忙地段,位于高原的中心地带,这是蒙特利尔最具活力的住宅区之一。一个北欧水疗中心、健身中心和餐厅的适应性再利用项目设想将这种结构重新融入社区的日常仪式中。该项目试图避开现代水疗中心的概念,将其作为隐居或沉思的目的地,而是在旧世界的浴场和当代的健身房中发挥作用。
Text description provided by the architects. The St-Jude spa and wellness center is housed in the decommissioned structure and extension to the Dominican church and sanctuary to Our Lady of the Rosary and to Saint Jude. The 1907 stone, brick, and steel structure occupies a busy stretch of St-Denis Street, one of Montreal’s principal commercial arteries and is situated at the heart of the Plateau, one of Montreal’s most vibrant residential districts. The adaptive reuse project for a Nordic spa, fitness center, and restaurant conceives the reintegration the structure into the daily ritual of the community. Attempting to eschew the notion of the contemporary spa as a destination for seclusion or contemplation the project plays instead on old world bath houses as well as contemporary gyms.
Courtesy of Thomas Balaban Architect

Le St-Jude offers up the idea of the hydrotherapy spa as a social space for the community. Interweaving spaces and juxtaposing functions common to the various program elements, the project promotes social interaction as opposed to the creation of personal bubbles. The church space is separated into two levels that orchestrate a fluid series of complementary ritualistic experiences or loops involving the gym and the thermal experience of the spa. These two loops cross in the lounge situated at the center of the building. Stairs, corridors, and communal spaces reach out from the lounge, oriented towards the church’s existing windows and architectural details. Walls are dissolved through the use of glass partitions interlinking these spaces and allowing light and views to penetrate through to adjacent spaces.The configuration presents a theatrical collage tying together the architectural elements and activities in different spaces. It facilitates serendipitous encounters and catalyzes human interaction.






Architects Thomas Balaban Architect
Location Saint Denis Street, Montreal, QC, Canada
Category Spa
Architect in Charge Thomas Balaban, Justin Boulanger, Naomi Frangos, Maxime Lefebvre, Julia Manaças, Elliott Sturtevant, Jennifer Thorogood
Area 1570.0 sqm
Project Year 2013