La Passerelle Pierre Vurpas et Associés Architectes
2013-12-18 01:00
架构师提供的文本描述。一块像钻石一样的石头卵石,一块矿物前院,伸出手来吸引过路人,一面玻璃正面像一幅不断变化的天景,镀金如铜,古老的法语字典中的文字刻在玻璃面板上,用编织的金属窗帘照亮:La Pserelle,这是特蕾莎迪斯的一个新的文化空间,插槽在医院旁边的缝隙里,就像一块缺失的拼图,创造了历史与当代建筑完美的融合。这个节目的灵感来源于该镇丰富的文学和建筑遗产,创建了一个教育、文化和共享论坛,汇集了一所音乐学校、一个多媒体图书馆、一个CIAP(建筑和遗产中心)、一个老药房、一个展览厅和一个多用途的电影院。设计团队面临的挑战是在一个特殊的地点生产一座向城镇和当今世界开放的当代设施。通过一个激进的,但温和的,对抗,这个项目使这个小镇的历史,在索恩河岸,大家都可以看到。
Text description provided by the architects. A stone pebble cut like a diamond, a mineral forecourt that reaches out to draw in passers-by, a glass facade like an ever-changing skyscape, gilded like copper, words from the old French dictionary engraved into the glass panels, illuminated by curtains of woven metal: La Passerelle, a new cultural space for Trévoux, slots into the gap next to the hospital like a missing piece of the puzzle creating a perfect blend of history and contemporary architecture. The programme is inspired by the town’s rich literary and architectural heritage, creating a forum for education, culture and sharing which brings together a music school, a multi-media library, a CIAP (architecture and heritage centre), an old pharmacy, an exhibition hall, and a multi-purpose room fitted out as a cinema. The challenge for the design team was to produce a contemporary facility that would be open to the town and today’s world, on an exceptional site. Through a radical, yet gentle, confrontation this project makes the history of this town on the banks of the river Saone visible for all to see.
Courtesy of Pierre Vurpas et Associés Architectes

Tuning into a place and its history
To fully understand the subtleties of the project you need to take look at the little-known history of Trévoux. The town, located 25 kilometres north of Lyon, played an important role as a regional agricultural storehouse, because of its close proximity to the city of Lugdunum and the river Saone. This role led the town to develop as a port and toll gate. In the 16th century, Trévoux was the capital of the Dombes and as it was not part of the kingdom of France, it had its own parliament and minted its own money. As an independent territory, it welcomed writers and thinkers and authorised the publication of works such as the Trévoux dictionary and journal, and as such became a source of great intellectual effervescence during the age of enlightenment. One of the independent principality’s main attractions was its status as a tax haven. Indeed in Trévoux the gold drawers, who produced the gold and silver wires used by the Lyon-based silk makers, did not have to pay the tax on royal wire drawing. This gave the industry considerable impetus. In 1762 the town became part of France, and although it lost its tax privileges, it preserved this industrial heritage and continued to produce a tool required for the activity: draw plates. Draw plates are plates pierced with conical drawing holes through which metal is drawn to form wires. Over time these draw plates were made with increasingly harder materials: oak, iron, steel, ruby, and sapphire. In 1965, a worker in Trévoux managed to pierce the hardest-wearing material of all: diamond. Trévoux then became the capital of diamond draw plates.This rich history is reflected in the town’s unusually high quality, prolific urban and architectural heritage. The hospital built into the ramparts, the parliament and the church, the castle, the small, steep medieval streets, the footbridge and its extension etc. However, Trévoux’s character has not only been forged by its history, but also owes much to its geographical location. Although the river Saone flows from north to south, Trévoux is located on a large meander which forms both a south-facing beach and a natural port. The site has unusual potential from a landscape perspective thanks to its own visibility and its views of the river. The town is built into the slope at the foot of the Dombes plateau, and follows the site’s topography, revealing its power.
© Studio Erick Saillet
C.Erick Saillet工作室

A sustainable legacy
该项目在尊重地加强历史建筑和在新设施中使用当代语言之间形成了一个连续体。从城市规划的角度来看,目的是重建城墙的排列,在索恩河岸上呈现一个连续的前线。这些附属建筑的拆除使得医院的南面能够在最好的光线下显示出来,将建筑物重新定位到河边,并将其打开到新创建的杜邦广场。多媒体图书馆填补了医院和翻新酒店之间的空间。在北面,面对城镇,正面与医院在地块的边缘,在一个小的铺好的广场前面。小镇上最古老的小巷Ruelle du Cornet已经修复,并重新建立了通往购物中心广场的通道。建筑的整体尺寸与医院的尺寸相对应,建筑与相邻房屋的最高点相连。从上面可以看到的平屋顶,就像特雷代尔克斯的所有建筑物一样,覆盖着植被或铺有边道的砖块,以便与周围瓦片屋顶的颜色融为一体。与之相对的是,“艺术之亭”就像一块石头卵石,重新组织了公共空间。它为新地方杜邦的框架,引导行人与它的角度墙,并保护多媒体图书馆免受噪音和视觉干扰的交通在码头上。
The project forms a continuum between the respectful enhancement of the historical building, and the use of contemporary language in the new facility. From an urban planning perspective the aim is to recreate the alignment of the ramparts to present a continuous front along the banks of the Saone. The demolition of the annexes has allowed the south facade of the hospital to be shown in its best light, re-orientating the building towards the river and opening it out onto the newly-created Place du Pont. The multi-media library fills the space left between the hospital and the renovated hotel. To the north, on the side facing the town, the facade is aligned with the hospital at the edge of the plot, in front of a small paved square. The Ruelle du Cornet, the oldest alley in the town, has been restored and access through to thesmall square re-established. The overall dimensions correspond to those of the hospital and the building connects with the neighbouring houses at their highest point. The flat roofs, visible from above, like all the buildings in Trévoux, are covered in vegetation or with bricks laid edgeways so as to blend in with the colour of the surrounding tiled roofs. Opposite, the Pavillon des Arts, like a stone pebble, re-organises the public space. It frames the new Place du Pont, guides pedestrians with its angled walls, and protects the multi-media library from noise and visual disturbance from the traffic on the quay.
© Alessandro Clemenza

A mixed programme – simple organisation
该方案雄心勃勃、专业和慷慨,包括设施。它将记忆、文化和教育结合在一起,形成了一个具有客户强烈承诺的战略项目。音乐学校位于翻新的历史建筑的南翼。这个位置使它能够独立运作,同时保持高度的能见度,并从建筑物的高贵和威望中受益。多媒体图书馆是整个项目的特色,其金色的外观构成了21世纪新的堡垒。它占据了医院的东侧,新的部分填满了两座建筑之间的整个空间。Trévalx字典显示在一楼的中间,在大楼的中心,在那里它加入了文物收藏。这个空间毗邻CIAP和旧药房。这一整段,被称为Carrédes Patrimoines[遗产广场],连接着这座历史小镇。旧药房是原医院的一部分。CIAP是围绕着当地的一个模式建立起来的,它使用不同的内容,以一种吸引人的和审美的形式来描述它的历史。艺术馆是多媒体图书馆的对立面.它所包含的空间是或可以共享的,使不同的方案具有整体的一致性。它非常靠近码头的一侧,但在广场的一侧非常开放,里面有一个可以从建筑物外面看到的展厅,还有一个多功能的房间,配有可伸缩的座位,可用作会议厅、剧院、排练室或电影院。
The programme is ambitious, specialised and generous in terms of the facilities included. It combines memory, culture and education and forms a strategic project with a strong commitment from the client. The music school is situated in the south wing of the renovated historical building. This location allows it to operate independently whilst remaining highly visible and benefiting from the nobility and prestige of the building. The multi-media library characterises the whole project with its golden facade that forms a new 21st century rampart. It occupies the east wing of the hospital, and the new section fills the entire space between the two buildings. The Trévoux dictionary is displayed in the middle of the ground floor, at the heart of the building, where it joins the heritage collections. This space adjoins the CIAP and the old pharmacy. This whole section, known as the Carré des Patrimoines [Heritage Square], is connected to the historical town. The old pharmacy formed part of the original hospital. The CIAP is structured around a model of the local area and recounts its history using varied content staged in an engaging and aesthetic format. The Pavillon des Arts is the counterpart to the multi-media library. It contains spaces which are or can be shared, giving an overall coherence to the different programmes. Very closed in on the side facing the quay, but very open on the side facing the square, it houses an exhibition hall that is visible from outside the building, and a multi-purpose room equipped with retractable seating which can be used as a conference hall, theatre, rehearsal room or cinema.
© Studio Erick Saillet
C.Erick Saillet工作室

Discreetly obvious
Heritage and modernity are in permanent contact but never clash, and the atmosphere created is calm and serene. The architects chose to adopt clean lines, favouring simple shapes, and a range of materials that is limited but which has been chosen for harmony, intended to acquire patina rather than age. Transparency, clarity and finesse characterise this project which blends memory, context and creation. The architects have absorbed everything that makes up the site and heritage of Trévoux and drawn their inspiration from it: the overall tone of the old, mineral, independent town, the gilt-edges of old books, golden coins, threads of precious metals, the walnut wood of the apothecary cabinets, the quality of the script in the dictionary and the very special light, magnified by the reflections on the river Saone. The response echoes this through the materials chosen for coatings, the stones, the dyed concrete flooring, the pebbles, all in shades of «sand». These components are lifted by the light that catches on the gilding and the interplay of reflections. The same principle guided the choice of yellow through to copper shades for the furniture.
© Studio Erick Saillet
C.Erick Saillet工作室

Opacity, transparency, reflections
Between opaque and transparent, smooth and rough, thick and thin, the materials that make up the facades have been worked with precision to form a series of skins that characterise the project. The balance between fully transparent and fully opaque is symbolic of the connection between past and present. There is no intention to imitate the site’s heritage, but rather to express it simply and subtly. The transparency comes from the luminous, effervescent glass facades that are the hallmark of this project. The facade of the multi-media library stands face-to-face with that of the Pavillon des Arts. Facing due south, the double glass wall benefits from a solar gain, whilst acting as a thermal filter and service duct. Facing due north, the single-glazed windows create simultaneous echo and mirror effects. Entries from the Trévoux dictionary are screen printed onto the facade, bringing it to life whilst preserving the river views. They are suspended from guide rails and can slide across each other. They are the result of research carried out with the designer Sophie Mallebranche, a specialist in metal weaving. The irregular mesh creates effects which change according to the time of the day and the season. In terms of opacity, several examples stand out. The solidity of the renovated facade of the hospital is emphasised by its proximity to the fragile, glass skin. The aim is to restore its initial clarity and appearance by adopting the original proportions of the floor framework (by recalibrating the bays, raising the aprons, and fitting windows into the attic space) and removing some recently added components. The Pavillon des Arts and the north-facing facade are clad with Massangis stone, a type of limestone whose grey and beige colour blends in both with the hospital and the golden stones of the buildings in the old town. The overall composition of the north-facing facade has been worked so as to emphasise the alignments, string courses, fluting and the proportions of the openings. On the Pavillon des Arts the layout of the smooth stone cladding has been used to accentuate the pebble effect.
First Floor Plan

