8 B Nave Arturo Franco
2013-11-08 01:00
© Carlos Fernández Piñar

In a small nave of the old slaughterhouse of Madrid, nave 8B, the tiles of a roof in disrepair have been removed, piled, and brought inside to meet a need. This could be the summary of this intervention.
The slaughterhouse of Madrid was designed around 1907 and built during the second decade of the twentieth century by Luis Bellido, municipal architect. For nearly sixty years it was working as a large pantry in the downtown area. Throughout this time, it demonstrated its functional virtues and its spatial qualities. More controversial has proved, over the years, the style applied to the facades, far from the first approximations to the Modern movement that were explored in this type of industrial buildings in Germany, Holland and France. From the eighties, the slaughterhouse was moved to the periphery of the city. The small "industrial city" projected by Bellido fell into neglect and oblivion. In recent years the city of Madrid wants to convert this deteriorated complex into an avant-garde, cultural engine for the city.
© Carlos Fernández Piñar

Nave 8B是行政管理的空间。一个小的工作区,一个仓库和一个多用途的演讲或演讲空间。最初,它们是储存在Nave 8中生产的遗骸的支撑区,在那里皮肤被干燥和腌制。这是一个较小的内凹,但有一个有趣的空间。
The nave 8 B is the space for administrative management. A small working area, a warehouse and a multipurpose space for lectures or presentations. Originally, they were support areas for the storage of the remains produced in nave 8, where skins were dried and salted. It was a smaller nave but with an interesting space.
© Carlos Fernández Piñar

The priority of the intervention was to restore a flat tile roof, make a structural reinforcement, and condition the interior, thermally and acoustically, to serve new uses. This process had been carried out before in some other naves of the slaughterhouse, and as a result, mountains of debris accumulated, from tiles, timbers, cobblestones, and granite slabs, waiting to be taken to the landfill.
I would think that this project arose from opportunity. From having discovered an opportunity in those ruins.
On the way to explore all reasonable possibilities, the construction system becomes a generator of the project, in a place where there is a specific ethical stance towards rehabilitation and architecture.
© Carlos Fernández Piñar

How does that found object work? How does the flat tile work? How is it stacked? How is it prepared? What are its organoleptic characteristics, its weight? How are they joined? These are some of the questions that arise in the process. The absence of some elements produces lattices, the passage of light. Sometimes a whole piece for the walls, half a piece for the finishes. The problem of the corners, the lintels. The universal problems of architecture appear. At the same time and with the same intensity are also labor and imperfection. The imperfection of man and the old, the recovered. I recall a naïve order for the work: "Jose, twist yourself, it does not matter", and a response, a lesson from the manager: "I do not twist, for that there is always time." A work of many full of vibrations. The vibrations of the collective artisan, the artisan claimed Richard Sennett.
© Carlos Fernández Piñar

Like the forest hut by Swedish architect Ralph Erskine, in which he piled trunks for protection from the harsh winter, this project is also bioclimatic. It is bioclimatic because the tile contributes to the thermal and acoustic comfort, and it is sustainable because it reinvents itself with what is available. It is bioclimatic like small town architecture, as the hearth-fireplaces clad in ceramic found in the province of Soria.
© Carlos Fernández Piñar

这是一种干预,旨在尊重有效的空间配置,而不改变它。无论它的用途如何,它都证明了建筑作为一个合格容器的力量。一个经典的,永恒的空间概念,与古典主义无关,也不一定与意大利有关。面对路易斯·贝利多(Luis Bellido)应用于正面的“民族”风格,在这种情况下,这种风格被淡化了,作为前马德里学校的继承人消失了。没有任何先验的正式意愿的秩序、机会、参与、争论或清晰。一片我不知道的土地,超越了这个项目,超越了任何意图。架构师的角色退一步,按时从体系结构中移除。如果我们从三个维度来理解历史,那么历史就是悬的或螺旋的。这个项目解开了一些走过的路,打算达到汇合点。正如奥泰萨解释的那样,随着赛艇运动员们的回首,它前进着后退。从摩尔人瓷砖,从妇女的大腿作为一个模子,和它的手动放置,它转移到工业化的应用和它的扁平版本。现在,工业元素,惰性,被不同的理解,非文本化和与不可预测的体力劳动放在一起。
It is an intervention that aims to respect a valid spatial configuration, without changing it. It is proof of the power of architecture as a qualified container, regardless of its uses. A classic, eternal concept of space, nothing to do with classicism, nor necessarily with Italy. Facing the style, supposedly "national", that Luis Bellido applied to façades, in this case inside, the style is diluted, disappears as heir to the former School of Madrid. Order, opportunity, engagement, contention or clarity without any a priori formal will. A land unknown to me, beyond the project, beyond any intention. The role of the architect takes a step back, is removed from the architecture on time. History is pendular or helical, if we understand it in three dimensions. This project undoes some paths traveled, intends to reach meeting points. It advances receding, as the rowers, looking back, as Oteiza explained. From Moorish tiles, from the woman's thigh as a mold, and its manual placement, it moved on to an industrialized application and its flat version. Now industrial elements, inert, are understood differently, decontextualized and placed with the unpredictability of manual labor.
Isometric view

This project aims to understand architecture as an intellectual, cultural, and ethical experience. Not to be confused with social or political positioning.

Architects Arturo Franco
Location Paseo de la Chopera, 14, 28045 Madrid, Spain
Category Interiors Architecture
Project Area 1000.0 m2
Project Year 2009
Photography Carlos Fernández Piñar