Velo Towers Asymptote Architecture
2013-10-22 01:00
© Asymptote Architecture

The Velo Towers consist of three major components: a base, the stacked volumes, and a sky bridge. At the base, a plinth connects the towers and provides space for park side condominiums and a covered drop off area beneath. Secondly, the stacked volumes provide gardens, open-air stacks through the cores and a sense of discrete communities within the larger complex. Thirdly, a sky bridge high above not only structurally connects the two towers cores, but also provides public amenities in the sky overlooking Seoul.
© Asymptote Architecture

According to the architect, the tower's "design and construction strategy exploits the latest advances in design, materials and digital fabrication that are now being brought forward from the automotive, aerospace and marine industries. By merging these new means of production, and fabrication into building design the Velo Towers offer a glimpse into the future of building with the aid of technological advancements in the fabrication and assembly of building componen
© Asymptote Architecture

韩国首尔永山地区建筑师协会-高楼大厦设计负责人Hani Rashid,Lise Anne Couture项目主任,John Guida设计小组组长Liam Lowry,Hong Min Kim,Duho Choi设计团队Danny Abalos,Brian DeLuna,Rebecca Caillouet,Oliver Dibrova,Rob Eleazer,Tara Hagan,John Hsu,喻屏,Mu-Jung Kang,Yu Nong Khew,Serra Kiziltan,Makiko Nukaga,Bika Rebek,Matthew Slatery,Valentina Soana,Kane Yanagawa,Margarita Yong,Michael Young Client DreamHub汉城韩国当地建筑师Siaplan韩国结构工程师Arup New York交通工程师Siaplan韩国可持续发展咨询公司Arup New York MEP Engineer Arup New York Reagawa,Margarita Yong,Michael Young Client DreamHub汉城本地建筑师
Architects Asymptote Architecture Location Yongsan District, Seoul , Korea Category Skyscrapers Design Principals Hani Rashid, Lise Anne Couture Project Director John Guida Design Team Leaders Liam Lowry, Hong Min Kim, DuHo Choi Design Team Danny Abalos, Brian Deluna, Rebecca Caillouet, Oliver Dibrova, Rob Eleazer, Tara Hagan, John Hsu, Yu Ping Hsieh, Mu- Jung Kang, Yu Nong Khew, Serra Kiziltan, Makiko Nukaga, Bika Rebek, Matthew Slattery, Valentina Soana, Kane Yanagawa, Margarita Yong, Michael Young Client DreamHub Seoul Korea Local Architect Siaplan Seoul Korea Structural Engineer Arup New York Traffic Engineer Siaplan Seoul Korea Sustainability Consultants Arup New York MEP Engineer Arup New York Facade Consultants Arup New York Area 135000.0 sqm Project Year 2012 Photographs Asymptote Architecture