AD Classics La Sagrada Familia Antoni Gaudi
2013-10-16 01:00

Construction of the aisle vaults, 1997 © Expiatory Temple of the Sagrada Família
建造走道拱顶,1997年(Sagrada Família)体验神庙

Gaudi was appointed architect in 1883 at 31 years of age, following disagreements between the temple’s promoters and the original architect, Francisco de Paula del Villar y Lozano. He maintained del Villar’s Latin cross plan, typical of Gothic cathedrals, but departed from the Gothic in several significant ways. Most notably, Gaudi developed a system of angled columns and hyperboloidal vaults to eliminate the need for flying buttresses. Rather than relying on exterior elements, horizontal loads are transferred through columns on the interior.
Ground Level Plan

La Sagrada Familia利用由直纹面组成的三维形式,包括双曲面、抛物线、螺旋面和锥面。这些复杂的形状允许一个更薄,更精细的结构,并旨在提高寺庙的声学和光的质量。高迪使用石膏模型来开发设计,包括一个1:10比例的主音阶模型,其高度和宽度为5米,深度为2米。他还设计了一套弦和重量系统,悬挂在天花板上庙宇的一张平面图上。从这个倒模型中,他导出了柱、拱顶和拱门的必要角度。这一点在受难正面倾斜的柱子上是很明显的,它能回忆起拉伸的结构,但在压缩中起作用。
La Sagrada Familia utilizes three-dimensional forms comprised of ruled surfaces, including hyperboloids, parabolas, helicoids, and conoids. These complex shapes allow for a thinner, finer structure, and are intended to enhance the temple’s acoustics and quality of light. Gaudi used plaster models to develop the design, including a 1:10 scale model of the main nave measuring five meters in height and width by two meters in depth. He also devised a system of strings and weights suspended from a plan of the temple on the ceiling. From this inverted model he derived the necessary angles of the columns, vaults, and arches. This is evident in the slanted columns of the Passion facade, which recall tensile structures but act in compression.
Tiled vault © Renate Dodell
瓷砖拱顶(Renate Dodell)

Gaudi在La Sagrada Familia的每个方面都嵌入了宗教象征,创造了基督教信仰的视觉表现。他为大教堂设计了三个标志性的立面:荣耀、耶稣诞生和激情面,分别面向南、东和西。耶稣降生正面的雕塑让人回想起光滑、复杂的肉身,并由高迪监督。激情面的特点是乔瑟普玛丽亚苏比拉克斯的作品,他的角雕塑延伸了现代的神庙特征。雕塑家索托负责橱窗装饰和装饰,这象征着圣餐。
Gaudi embedded religious symbolism in each aspect of La Sagrada Familia, creating a visual representation of Christian beliefs. He designed three iconic facades for the basilica, the Glory, Nativity, and Passion facades, facing south, east, and west, respectively. The sculpting of the Nativity facade recalls smooth, intricate corbelling and was overseen by Gaudi. The Passion Facade is characterized by the work of Josep Maria Subirachs, whose angular sculptures extend the modernist character of the temple. The sculptor Etsuro Sotoo is responsible for the window ornaments and finials, which symbolize the Eucharist.
Detail of the Passion Facade © Renate Dodell

The central nave soars to a height of 45 meters, and is designed to resemble a forest of multi-hued piers in Montjuïc and granite. The piers change in cross section from base to terminus, increasing in number of vertices from polygonal to circular. The slender, bifurcating columns draw the eye upward, where light filters through circular apertures in the vaults. These are finished in Venetian glass tiles of green and gold, articulating the lines of the hyperboloids.
© John Kennan

一旦完成,La Sagrada Familia将以18座塔为特色,从任何一个有利的角度展示这座寺庙的独特景色。代表使徒的四座钟楼在每个门面上加冕,高度约为100米。在北端,一座代表圣母玛利亚的塔将矗立在山顶上。中心塔的高度将达到72米,象征着基督,四周是代表福音者的四座塔。
Once completed, La Sagrada Familia will feature eighteen towers composed to present a unique view of the temple from any single vantage point. Four bell towers representing the Apostles crown each facade, reaching approximately 100 meters in height. At the north end, a tower representing the Virgin Mary will stand over the apse. The central tower will reach 72 meters in height and symbolize Christ, surrounded by four towers representing the Evangelists.
The Nativity Facade © Expiatory Temple of the Sagrada Família
萨格拉达法米利亚(Sagrada Família)的诞生立面

Even as construction continues, older portions are undergoing cleaning and restoration. The temple has relied entirely on private donations since its inception, and has seen many delays due to lack of funding. A particularly significant setback occurred during the Spanish Civil War, when Gaudi’s workshop was destroyed, including much of the documentation he left behind.
1925 © Expiatory Temple of the Sagrada Família
1925年(Sagrada Família)圣殿

Subsequent generations of craftsman and architects have relied on the remaining drawings and plaster models to advance the project, adhering to Gaudi’s vision as closely as possible. As a result, the design of the temple is a collaboration spanning centuries. Gaudi himself viewed the project as the collective work of generations. "I will grow old but others will come after me. What must always be conserved is the spirit of the work, but its life has to depend on the generations it is handed down to and with whom it lives and is incarnated." [1]
© Expiatory Temple of the Sagrada Família
(C)Sagrada Família圣殿

近几十年来,La Sagrada Familia采用了当代数字设计和建筑技术。建筑师和工匠使用Rhinoceros、Cadds 5、Catia和CAM来理解复杂的几何图形,并将建筑整体可视化。石膏模型仍被用作设计工具,现在由3D打印机生成,以加速这一过程。最近发布了一段数字渲染的视频,显示了La Sagrada Familia完成后的预期出现。
In recent decades, La Sagrada Familia has adopted contemporary digital design and construction technologies. Architects and craftsmen use Rhinoceros, Cadds5, Catia, and CAM to understand the complex geometries and visualize the building as a whole. Plaster models are still used as a design tool, now generated by a 3-D printer to accelerate the process. A digitally rendered video was recently released showing La Sagrada Familia's expected appearance upon completion.
[1]Basílica de la Sagrada Família,La Fundacióde la Junta Constructora del TempleExpiatori de la Sagrada Família。网站。2013年10月7日。
[1] Basílica de la Sagrada Família. La Fundació de la Junta Constructora del Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família. Website. 7 October 2013.
建筑师Antoni Gaudi Location La Sagrada Familia、Carrer de Mallorca、401、08013巴塞罗那、西班牙建筑师Antoni Gaudi现任首席建筑师若迪·法利、前首席建筑师若迪·邦特、弗朗切斯克·德保拉·金塔纳·伊瓦尔·维达尔、Isidre Puig I Boada、Llu Bonet i Garí、Francesc de Paula del Villar y Lozano、Carles Buxadé、琼·马加里特、Josep Gómez Serrano技术顾问Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya、皇家墨尔本理工学院工程部乔迪·科尔、安德烈斯·德梅萨雕塑家Etsuro Soto、Josep Maria Subirachs彩色玻璃JoanVila-Grau拍摄Sagrada Família的体验神庙、John Kennan、Jose Gonzalvo、amazinao、Famke Veenstra、Renate Dodell、Eugene卓科夫斯基、托德·海登地区4500.0平方米的Sagrada Família、John Kennan、Jose Gonzalvo、Famke Veenstra、Famke VeenstraRenate Dodell,Eugene Jukovsky,Todd Heiden
Architects Antoni Gaudi Location La Sagrada Familia, Carrer de Mallorca, 401, 08013 Barcelona, Spain Architect Antoni Gaudi Present Chief Architect Jordi Fauli Former Chief Architects Jordi Bonet, Francesc de Paula Quintana i Vidal, Isidre Puig i Boada, Lluís Bonet i Garí, , Francesc de Paula del Villar y Lozano Deputy Chief Architects Carles Buxadé, Joan Margarit, Josep Gómez Serrano Technical Consultants Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Project Department Jordi Coll, Andrés de Mesa Sculptors Etsuro Sotoo, Josep Maria Subirachs Stained Glass Joan Vila-Grau Photographs Expiatory Temple of the Sagrada Família, John Kennan, Jose Gonzalvo, amazinao, Famke Veenstra, Renate Dodell, Eugene Zhukovsky, Todd Heiden Area 4500.0 sqm Photographs Expiatory Temple of the Sagrada Família, John Kennan, Jose Gonzalvo, amazinao, Famke Veenstra, Renate Dodell, Eugene Zhukovsky, Todd Heiden

