Brooklyn Bridge Park Pier 6 Viewing Platform BIG
2013-09-17 01:00
Bjarke Ingels comments: “The Mantaray is a small public platform at the end of the pier - equally accessible above and below. Its namesake organic slopes and curves have been shaped by concerns for accessibility, safety, shelter, structure - like a manmade reef evolved to accommodate human life.”
该设计将为布鲁克林的滨水区提供一个高架的、受曼塔射线启发的平台,位于布鲁克林大桥公园6号码头未开发的北角。这座“阶梯起伏”的建筑位于未来的海滩附近,最初被认为是纽约蓝威计划的一部分,它将能够作为小型和大型活动的室外礼堂运行,成为“不仅可以俯瞰港口,还可以回到布鲁克林的栖身之所”。据建筑评论家迈克尔·金梅尔曼(Michael Kimmelman)称,比尔克·因格尔(Bjarke Ingels)将月台在站台末端缩小至17.5英尺高的点描述为设计中的“泰坦尼克时刻”(Titani Time)(指的是电影中的一个场景)。
The design will provide Brooklyn's waterfront with an elevated, manta ray-inspired platform on the undeveloped northern corner of Pier 6 in Brooklyn Bridge Park. Located near a future beach, originally conceived as part of New York's Blueway plan, the "stepped and undulating" structure will be able to operate as an outdoor auditorium for both small and large-scale events, becoming "a perch from which to look not just over the harbor but also back at Brooklyn." According to architectural critic Michael Kimmelman, Bjarke Ingels has described the point at which the platform tapers to a 17.5 foot high point at the end of the platform as the design's "Titanic moment" (referencing a scene from the movie).
布鲁克林大桥公园的总裁雷吉娜·迈尔说:“这座壮观的建筑将为公众活动提供急需的遮荫和独特的空间,同时提供一个戏剧性的上升到水的边缘。”“我们很高兴迈克尔·范瓦尔肯堡(Michael Van Valkenburg)在公园南部的景观设计与Bjarke Ingels的设计合作,设计了一个令人叹为观止的建筑附加部分,为滨水区提供了一个真正特殊的时刻。”
“This spectacular structure will provide much-needed shade and a unique space for public events, while offering a dramatic ascent to the water’s edge,” said Regina Myer, President of Brooklyn Bridge Park. “We are so pleased with the collaboration between Michael Van Valkenburgh’s landscape design for the southern portion of the park, and Bjarke Ingels’ design for a breathtaking architectural addition that provides a truly special moment on the waterfront.”
BIG was selected as winner of the project in Spring 2013. The collaboration between MVVA and BIG has evolved into a fruitful partnership where pavilion and landscape design inform and inspire each other. The project won the unanimous approval of the Community Board’s executive committee, as well as from the city’s Public Design Commission.
负责Bjarke Ingels的建筑师大合伙人,Thomas Christoffersen项目负责人Iannis Kandyliaris项目经理Martin Voelkle Team Ho Kyung Lee,David Spittler,Dennis Harvey,Isshin Morimoto合作者Michael Van Valkenburg Associates,Knippers HelBig,Tilotson Design Associates,AltieriSeboreber,Pantocraft,Formactiv客户布鲁克林桥公园养护区2013年560.0项目
Architects BIG Partner In Charge Bjarke Ingels, Thomas Christoffersen Project Leader Iannis Kandyliaris Project Manager Martin Voelkle Team Ho Kyung Lee, David Spittler, Dennis Harvey, Isshin Morimoto Collaborators Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates, Knippers Helbig, Tilotson Design Associates, AltieriSeborWieber, Pantocraft, Formactiv Client Brooklyn Bridge Park Conservancy Area 560.0 m2 Project Year 2013
References: New York Times, BIG