Brasiliana Library Eduardo de Almeida + Mindlin Loeb + Dotto Arquitetos
2013-04-11 01:00
阿奎普·阿基德图拉·阿克莱昂纳多·塞特(Leonardo Sette)罗伯托·佐奇奥(Roberto Zocchio)卢安娜·拉德斯科(Luana Radesco)马伊拉·里奥斯(Maira Rios)Cesar Shadi Iwamizu,ArqCaio atílio Dotto,ArqJuan Gonzalez Calderón,Arq娜娜·布兰拉鲁(Nana Blanaru),阿克(Arq)jorge spangenberg(Meio Biente),Arq.玛丽娜·勒布,阿克塞西利亚·海希斯图尔(CECília Heichstul)玛丽娜·科洛内利(Marina Colelli)Felipe Noto,Carlos Labriola Sandler Cálculo Estructuto e Metálica Companhia de Projetos-Eng.Heloísa Maringoni Paisagismo CAP Ambiental Paisagístia-Armiseto Sidney Linhares Gerencimento Técnico Arq。Rodrigo Mindlin Loeb,Eng Cyro Ruben Alvares Pessoa,Eng Milton Zeni,JoséRubens Joazeiro,Mestre Sebasi o布埃诺da Silva,Arq。Caio atílio Dotto Supervis o Técnica Eduardo de Almeida Armisetos Associados Constru o Scopus ConStrutora e Incoradora
Equipe Arquitetura Arq. Leonardo Sette, Arq. Roberto Zocchio, Arq. Luana Radesco, Arq. Maira Rios, Arq. Cesar Shundi Iwamizu, Arq. Caio Atílio Dotto, Arq. Juan Gonzalez Calderón, Arq. Nana Blanaru, Arq. Jorge Spangenberg (meio ambiente), Arq. Marina Loeb, Arq. Cecília Heichstul, Arq. Marina Colonelli, Arq. Felipe Noto, Carlos Labriola Sandler Cálculo Estrutural de Concreto e Metálica Companhia de Projetos – Eng. Heloísa Maringoni Paisagismo CAP Consultoria Ambiental Paisagística – Arquiteto Sidney Linhares Gerenciamento Técnico Arq. Rodrigo Mindlin Loeb, Eng Cyro Ruben Alvares Pessoa, Eng Milton Zeni, José Rubens Joazeiro, Mestre Sebastião Bueno da Silva, Arq. Caio Atílio Dotto Supervisão Técnica Eduardo de Almeida Arquitetos Associados Construção Scopus Construtora e Incorporadora More Specs Less Specs
架构师提供的文本描述。Eduardo de Almeida e Rodrigo Mindlin Loeb签署了Brasiliana图书馆的设计。这座超过20.000平方米的建筑将收藏17000本有关巴西图书的珍稀藏书,这本书是由这位收藏家捐赠给这所大学的。
Text description provided by the architects. Eduardo de Almeida e Rodrigo Mindlin Loeb sign the design of Brasiliana Library. The building, with more than 20.000 m², will house a rare books collection of 17 thousand titles about Brasil donated by the books collector to the university.
1999年底,JoséMindlin转到他的孙子Rodrigo Mindlin Loeb和他的朋友Eduardo de Almeida,一项使命:开发并推进图书馆的构想和设计,将珍稀藏书-巴西最大和最重要的私人藏书-提供给圣保罗大学,藏书约1.7万本,藏书6万册,他已将这些藏书捐赠给圣保罗大学(USP)。当Mindlin于2010年2月去世,享年95岁时,建筑工程在资金和政治困难面前取得了进展,其结论只是一个时间问题。
At the end of 1999, José Mindlin transferred to his grandson, Rodrigo Mindlin Loeb, and to his friend Eduardo de Almeida, a mission: develop and move forward the idea and design of the library to house the rare collection of books – the biggest and most important private collection of Brasil with around 17 thousand titles and 60 thousand volumes – which he has donated to the university of São Paulo (USP). When Mindlin died, in february 2010, with 95 years old, the construction works advanced over the funding and political difficulties, and the conclusion was only a matter of time.
The 21.950 m2 building seeks inspiration in very well known libraries around the world, such as the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, in Yale University, USA, and Saint Geneviève Library, in Paris, France.The Library of Congress, Washington, was consultant to define conservation parameters.
The complex will house the important collection of the Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros (IEB) (Institute of Brazilian Studies), a bookshop, cafeteria, exhibition hall and an auditorium with 300 people capacity.
该设计考虑了环境和可持续的方向。所有空间都由一个大的独立屋顶结构连接,有一个夹层玻璃中央遮阳篷,允许自然光,节约能源,还有一个额外的紫外线过滤器系统和一个穿孔板天花板,以保护免受直接的太阳辐射。USP的Eletr nica研究所(IEE电子和电气研究所)在屋顶结构上开发了一座太阳能发电站。具有150千瓦的容量,可在白天提供所有的能源供应。
The design took into consideration environmental and sustainable directions. All spaces are connected by a large independent roof structure with a laminated glass central canopy, allowing natural light, saving energy, with an additional system of UV filters and a perforated plate ceiling, protecting from direct solar radiation. The Instituto de Elétrica e Eletrônica (IEE Institute of Electronics and Electric), USP developed a plant of fotovoltaic energy generation over the roof structure. With 150kw capacity, may provide all energy supply during daytime.
Integrated landscape will generate a small scale forest around the building. A few trees were transplanted to allow construction, and thousands of trees were planted in the neighborhood as a environmental compensation.
Brasiliana Guita e JoséMindlin图书馆消耗了约6 300万美元。除了USP的资源外,该建筑还得到了文化部、Lampadia基金会Ministério da Cultura、BNDES和Rouanet文化支助法、Petrobras、CBMM、CSN、Funda o Telef nica、Suzano Papel e Cloose、Votorantim、Grupo Santander、Raízen、Csan、Natura e CPFL的支持和赞助。
The Brasiliana Guita e José Mindlin Library consumed around US$ 63 millions. Apart from resources of USP, the construction was supported and sponsored by the Ministery of Culture, Lampadia Foundation Ministério da Cultura, BNDES and through Rouanet Cultural support law, Petrobras, CBMM, CSN, Fundação Telefônica, Suzano Papel e Celulose, Votorantim, Grupo Santander, Raízen, Cosan, Natura e CPFL.
Arquitetos Eduardo de Almeida, Mindlin Loeb + Dotto Arquitetos
Localização Biblioteca Brasiliana, Cidade Universitária - USP, São Paulo, Brazil