Hamer Hall ARM Architecture
2013-03-22 01:00
© John Gollings

架构师提供的文本描述。设计背后的基本想法来自罗伊·基斯和约翰·特鲁斯科特的冲突主题的力量。我们的委员会包括审查整个艺术中心区的总体规划,它与大南岸的关系。我们的使命,是透过与不同参与人士的冲突和协议,逐步完善我们的使命,就是开放Hamer Hall,使它与河水融为一体,使它成为21世纪的场地,而我们的工作是修复它作为一座主要的市民建筑的地位。这座建筑代表了墨尔本的两个艺术主题:城堡和矿井的建筑故事:宫殿的戏剧故事和珠宝的洞穴。我们采用了这两种叙述,重新诠释了它们,并在Hamer Hall的故事中添加了我们自己的声音。新的河岸段受到新几何学的启发。
Text description provided by the architects. The underlying ideas behind the design come from the strength of the conflicting thematics by Roy Grounds and John Truscott. Our commission comprised a review of the master plan for the whole of the Arts Centre precinct its relationship to greater Southbank. Our mission, gradually refined through conflicts and agreements with the various client participants was to open up Hamer Hall, integrating it with the river and make it a 21st Century venue .Underlying our job was to repair its standing as a major civic building. The building represents two artistic discourses in Melbourne: the architectural story of the castle and the mine: the theatrical story of the palace and the cave of jewels. We took these two narratives, reinterpreted them and added our own voice to the story of Hamer Hall. The new riverside section is inspired by a new geometry.
© John Gollings

The redevelopment was approved by Heritage Victoria. Throughout the redevelopment we took great care to preserve many unique heritage aspects of the Hall, retaining Roy Grounds’ base architecture and as much as possible of John Truscott’s original interiors.
© Peter Bennetts
(Peter Bennetts)

The redevelopment repairs HH’s performance acoustics, to world standards, installs state of the art stage technology and back of house facilities. The patron amenity is completely redesigned, with increased foyer area, toilet numbers and lounges with exterior modifications that create a more outward facing venue to make it more accessible and inviting to the public.
© Peter Bennetts
(Peter Bennetts)

现有的鼓的建造形式已经被保留,但对分局河岸段进行了根本性的改变。这一新形式的影响来自于罗马圣安杰洛教堂的缪斯教堂(Castel San Angelo)。它建在不固定的混凝土里,让人想起古罗马废墟的土木基础。布局强化了建筑物周围现有的蚂蚁轨迹。
The existing built form of the drum has been retained but radical changes were made to the riverside section of the precinct. The new form draws its influences from Grounds’ muse, the Castel San Angelo, Rome. Built in off‐form concrete it recalls the rusticated base of the Roman ruin. The layout reinforces the existing ant tracks around the building.
© John Gollings

Our commission was to rethink the master plan completed earlier by FJMT. The funding for the project had been primarily focused on high level ambitions for rebranding Hamer Hall and repairing theater technology and poor access. Quickly the team had honed in on the main programmatic challenges to be addressed. These included improved integration with the Hall’s surroundings, especially St Kilda Rd and River side, substantial Hall acoustic repair, substantial operating and technical improvements, a third revenue stream through new F&B spaces and improved patron amenity. While this was latent in the overall business case, it had never been defined physically or translated into a budget. We did that.
© Peter Bennetts
(Peter Bennetts)

ARM协调了设计团队,其中包括Peter Elliott(城市设计)、TCL(景观)、Kirkegaard Associatess和Marshall Day(声学师)、Aurecon(服务)
ARM coordinated the design team which included Peter Elliott (Urban Design), TCL (Landscape), Kirkegaard Associatess and Marshall Day (acousticians), Aurecon (Services & Structure) and Shuler Shook (theatre designers).
© John Gollings

该项目是通过联盟合同交付的,这意味着建筑师是项目交付团队的平等成员,其中包括所有者、建设者和设计师。Hamer Hall重生是在国家目标预算范围内,在规定但不切实际的时间框架内完成的。有趣的是,其范围和功能已经远远超出了“一切照旧”和客户的期望。
The project was delivered through an Alliance contract, which means that the architects were an equal member of the project delivery team comprising Owner, Constructor and Designer. Hamer Hall reborn was delivered within the State’s target budget, and within the prescribed but unrealistically short time frame. Anecdotally, the scope and functionality has been achieved well beyond “business as usual” and the expectations of the client.








Architects ARM Architecture
Location Southbank VIC 3006 Australia
Category Theater
Design Team Ian McDougall, Stephen Ashton, Howard Raggatt, Neil Masterton, Peter Bickle, Stephen Davies, Jonothan Cowle, Andrea Wilson, Rhonda Mitchell, Doug Dickson, William Pritchard, Paul Buckley, Justin Fagnani, Sarah Lake, Tom Denham, Matthew Ginnever, Allira Davies, Tim Brooks, Asako Miura, Andrew Lilleyman, Aaron Poupard, Andrew Ta, Deborah Rowe, Jason Lee, Ken Billan, Lee Lambrou, Mark Raggatt, Martine De Flander, Monique Brady, Mordechai Toor, Natalie Lysenko, Sarah Box, Sarah Lake, Simon Shiel, Tobi Pederson, Tom Denham, Tom Marsh
Project Year 2012
Photographs John Gollings, Peter Bennetts
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