Casa Malpartida Cuartoymitad Arquitectura
2013-03-13 01:00
Text description provided by the architects. This work involves the complete rehabilitation of a detached house, located in Malpartida de Cáceres and built around 1920. The existing building, as most local urban houses found in the area, was divided into two volumes (front and rear), which were connected by means of a small open courtyard.
The most significant intervention was the construction of a connective structure between the formerly separated built volumes. This structure takes the shape of a complex prismatic body. It operates as an unfolded mask by juxtaposing its geometrical faces over the white canvasses of the original façades, thus articulating a wide array of connective relationships of both functional and visual nature.
Moreover, and due to the serious state of disrepair of the original roofing, a new roof structure was built. This allowed for an additional 60 centimeters of extra ceiling height, which were used to intensify the functional capabilities of the upper floor by creating a series of interconnected, multifunctional, double-height spaces that were carved out of the interior of the built volumes.
The project attempts to visually differentiate any new interventions from the original architectural elements, while simultaneously grafting both contemporary and historical sensibilities into a single and comprehensive design statement. Consequently, light, dry-joint construction systems were used in order to establish a contrasting dialogue with the massive wall structures of the original buildings. Additionally, the project pursued the development of construction criteria that allowed both technological exploration and the sustainable use of locally available technical and material resources.
CUARTOYMITAD ArquArchtura是一个灵活的结构,由Ana Miret、Miguel Paredes和Ruth Vega领导,旨在与来自多个学科背景的专业人员进行持续的交流与合作。阿奎图拉研究和发展建议,试图超越传统建筑实践的边界,以建立基础和空间身份,在那里可以建立与新兴的艺术实践和城市文化的一致关系。
CUARTOYMITAD ARQUITECTURA is a flexible structure -led by Ana Miret, Miguel Paredes and Ruth Vega- that is oriented towards continuous exchange and collaborative work with professionals from multiple disciplinary backgrounds. Cuartoymitad Arquitectura researches and develops proposals that attempt to surpass the borders of conventional architectural practices, in order to build both the substrate and the spatial identities where consistent relationships with emerging artistic practices and urban cultures can be established.
CuartoymitadArquArchtura目前正在完成将位于Santoa(西班牙)的一座18世纪的大型堡垒改建为MonteBuciero博物馆。最近建造的其他作品包括位于西班牙Asturias的Cangas del Narcea葡萄酒博物馆的展览设计和在特内里费举行的MACC会议的短暂建筑(西班牙加那利群岛)。此外,Cuartoymitad ArquArchtura设计并建造了DIM和Sáfilo在马德里的总部,以及圣地亚哥德孔波斯特拉的E-Burbulla分支办事处(西班牙加利西亚)。
Cuartoymitad Arquitectura is currently finishing the conversion of a large eighteenth-century fortress in Santoña (Spain) into the Monte Buciero Museum. Other recently built works include the exhibition design of the Wine Museum in Cangas del Narcea (Asturias, Spain) and the ephemeral architecture of the MACC conference in Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain). Additionally, Cuartoymitad Arquitectura has designed and built the headquarters of DIM and Sáfilo in Madrid, and the branch office of E-Burbulla in Santiago de Compostela (Galicia, Spain).
在其他场馆中,Colectivo Cuartoymitad的作品已在第11届威尼斯双年展、巴达霍兹当代艺术博物馆、巴伦西亚当代艺术馆以及利马、布宜诺斯艾利斯、布鲁塞尔、马德里和巴塞罗那展出,作为“埃默庆特全景”展览(第四届伊比利亚-美国建筑双年展)的一部分。此外,这项工作已广泛发表在建筑和艺术专著,杂志和期刊的国际范围。
Among other venues, the work of Colectivo Cuartoymitad has been featured in the 11th Venice Biennale, as well as in the Museum of Contemporary Art in Badajoz, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Valencia, and in Lima, Buenos Aires, Brussels, Madrid and Barcelona as part of the “Panorama Emergente” exhibition (IV Ibero-american Architecture Biennial). Additionally, this work has been widely published in architecture and art monographs, magazines and journals of international breadth.
目前,Colectivo Cuartoymitad的成员在IE大学、马德里政治大学和阿尔卡拉大学建筑学院担任教学职务。
At present, the members of Colectivo Cuartoymitad hold teaching positions at the Schools of Architecture of IE University, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Universidad de Alcalá.