2013-02-18 00:00
More images and the architect´s description after the break.
Courtesy of PlusUrbia

In an invitation-only RFQ for a master plan, the designers were given a set of parameters that dictated an intricate solution by means of phasing the project over time in order to minimize the effect on the port’s functions and to retain the existing buildings until the last phase. In addition, PlusUrbia’s team, following the RFQ’s guidelines, refrained to design specific buildings and maintained a generic/volumetric look to the design with the intention of later engaging other architects to provide the architecture.
Courtesy of PlusUrbia

Endowed with a privileged location, the site affords its buildings with outstanding views of Miami, Key Biscayne and South Beach. As such, Port-Side was designed to become a key upscale destination for residents and visitors alike, including retail, office and hotels that would provide round the clock activity as well as supporting one of the busiest cruise ship and cargo terminals in the US. The project aimed to transform Port Miami into an anchor for South Florida as well as setting a new standard for waterfront development.
The master plan’s building disposition was designed to emphasize its iconic nature while using downtown Miami’s scale and intensity as reference. Port-Side’s master plan is envisioned as an immediate extension of downtown while maintaining its identifiable urban island feel.

The proposal would become a destination by simply its physical attributes, engaging the water’s edge in a variety of ways (pedestrian and vehicular promenades, plazas and waterfront parks) supported by shops, boutiques, cafes and restaurants on the water.
该新区改造并扩展了现有的基础设施(加勒比道路),作为其步行和自行车通道,扩展了迈阿密市的河流步行计划,将河流与Bayside Marketplace、BayFronPark连接起来,并提出了可能包括其他公共交通方式的未来计划。
The new district retrofits and extends existing infrastructure (Caribbean Way) as its pedestrian and bicycle access extending the City of Miami’s plans for its river-walk that connects the river to Bayside Marketplace, Bayfront Park and proposed future plans that may possibly include other means of public transportation.

建筑师PlusUrbiaDesignLocationLocationLocationPlusUrbiaWay 1007,迈阿密,FL 33132,美国类别港口合作者GSHstudio,OskiStudio y studioLFA客户世界贸易中心迈阿密港型城市建筑面积135000.0平方米项目年2013年
Architects PlusUrbia Design Location 1007 North America Way, Miami, FL 33132, USA Category Port Collaborators GSHstudio, OskiStudio y studioLFA Client World Trade Center Miami + Port of Miami Type Urbanism Area 135000.0 m2 Project Year 2013