Dordrecht Energy Carousel Ecosistema Urbano
2013-01-25 00:00
Read more about Dordrecht Energy Carousel after the break!
Courtesy of Ecosistema Urbano
The Dordrecht Energy Carousel contains a forest of revolving ropes that are set at different heights. The carousel is strategically designed so that as one moves away from the center, the lengths of the ropes become shorter. This divides the carousel into different spaces and age groups, sending younger children towards the center to play while taller, older children can hang on the outside.
Courtesy of Ecosistema Urbano
As kids swing around on the carousel, kinetic energy is released and captured through the structure and stored in a battery underneath the play site. When the sun sets and darkness looms over the park, the carousel is illuminated using the energy that was stored during the day. The varying colors of light are determined by how much energy was stored up that day. Therefore, this park creates two different experiences: one during the day with natural sunlight and one at night with colorful LED lights.
Courtesy of Ecosistema Urbano
这个能量传送带不仅是孩子们玩的一个有趣的地方,而且也是有教育意义的。Ecosistema Urbano希望孩子们能够了解发电的替代方法。通过与旋转木马的直接互动,人们将能够亲身体会到他们如何能够帮助创造一种更可持续的城市化方式。
The energy carousel will not only be a fun area for kids to play but it will also be educational. Ecosistema Urbano hopes that children will learn about alternative methods for generating power. Through a hands-on interaction with the carousel, people will be able to physically see how they can aid in creating a more sustainable approach to urbanism.
Courtesy of Ecosistema Urbano
The structure of the Dordrecht Energy Carousel will be constructed out of efficient materials that highlight the project’s unique design. Unlike other play structures, this carousel uses a limited amount of steel. Instead, tensegrity is created through a structure formed with ropes and textiles. The top of the structure consists of a textile roof that provides shelter, enabling play during both rainy and bright sunny days.
This project is currently under prototyping and construction but will eventually attract many visitors and residents to Governeusplein square. Dordrecht is a very dense area and does not include much infrastructure like this, so it is sure to be a center of play and education.
欲了解更多信息,请访问Ecosistema Urbano‘s Eco Boulevard和Ecopoli广场。
For more, check out Ecosistema Urbano's Eco Boulevard and Ecopolis Plaza .
建筑师Belinda Tato和Jose Luis Vallejo位于Governeusplein广场类别社区设计团队Jaime Eizaguirre、Luisa Zancada、Johannes Kettler、Masatoshi Oka和Francesco Cingolani Energy Engineering Roberto Suarez结构工程师Alejandra Albuerne策展人Elger Blitz照明顾问Juan Jose García纺织顾问Javier Tejera和Marian Marco Marco
Architects Belinda Tato and Jose Luis Vallejo Location Governeusplein square Category Community Design Team Jaime Eizaguirre, Luisa Zancada, Johannes Kettler, Masatoshi Oka, and Francesco Cingolani Energy Engineering Roberto Suarez Structural Engineer Alejandra Albuerne Curator Elger Blitz Lighting Consultant Juan Jose García Textile Consultants Javier Tejera and Marian Marco