2013-01-25 00:00
架构师提供的文本描述。新的Fraunhofer LBF Adaptronik转移中心代表了一种新型的研究地点,其特点是动态工作组之间的紧密交流。实验室、实验和测试站、工作空间以及交流、展示和研讨会之间的相互联系,使用户能够将它们作为一个单一的功能单元来体验。
Text description provided by the architects. The new Fraunhofer LBF Adaptronik transfer centre represents a new type of research location that is characterized by intense communication between dynamic work groups. Laboratories, experiment and test stations, workspaces as well as communication, show and seminar rooms interlock with each other in a way that allows the user to experience them as a single functional unit.
© Thomas Lewandovski
托马斯·莱万多夫斯基(Thomas Lewandovski)
The borders are flowing and encourage knowledge and idea transfer between scientists and technicians, technology providers and clients. Adaptronik’s complexity, concerned with the development of self-adjustable structure systems, is reduced to its basic aspects: action and reaction. Irregularly perforated brass bond sheets that react to varying light conditions by changing colour transport this principle outward.The TZA was awarded 2nd place at the 2010 TECU Awards.