2013-01-23 00:00
架构师提供的文本描述。寿司餐厅是一家1000平方英尺/英尺的寿司餐厅,位于花旗集团中心(Citigroup Center)的中庭空间,它采用了一种创新的新订购技术,将iOS应用程序与定制的寿司定制相结合。在餐厅业务中,有一半的空间分配给14名员工,其战略是通过一套被视为文化标志或触发器的表面纹理,最大限度地利用剩余空间。首先是用手工制作的黑色卡达帕石头包裹地板,然后再用镜面抛光的不锈钢和一个持续到定制吊顶上的预涂铝制背板继续往上爬。
Text description provided by the architects. Sushi-teria is a 1000sq/ft sushi restaurant located in the atrium space of the Citigroup Center that utilizes an innovative new ordering technology that combines ios apps with bespoke made to order sushi. With half the space allocated to a 14 person staff in the restaurant operation, the strategy was to maximize the remaining space through a set of surface textures that were seen to function as cultural signifiers or triggers. First by wrapping the floor in a hand tooled black kadappa stone, then continuing up the walls with a mirrored polished stainless steel and by a pre painted aluminum backing that continued on to the custom hung ceiling.
© Barkow Photo

This set of steel and aluminum panels are perforated with a custom pattern that wraps wall and ceiling invoking atmospheric effect of both the fog in its expanse of diminishing reflection of mirror as well as the fisherman’s woven net looming from above. The final surface resides on the wall behind the sushi chefs and is visually framed by the raked reclaimed poplar. Set within white subway tiles, 800 individually cut pieces of clear pine were whitewashed pickled and then finished with a gloss white and pink to produce a caustic shimmering effect much like the play of light on a morning sea.
