Hub 01
2013-01-01 00:00
架构师提供的文本描述。Hub 01是一个移动住宅终端,由位于Courtrai的天主教学院Katho委托。它是由dmvA和Office A3开发的,并在国际两年期“Interieur”期间提交。
Text description provided by the architects. HUB 01 is a mobile housing terminal, commissioned by Katho, a catholic academy in Courtrai. It has been developed by dmvA and Office A3 and presented during the international Biennial 'Interieur’.
© Mick Couwenbergh

The concept is based on three principles; 'mobility', 'personalized student rooms' and 'educational design'. During the last year the students worked out this concept.
© Mick Couwenbergh

In view of globalization the idea is to provide an opportunity to students to take their own room to different places and attach it to a central terminal by a 'plug-in' system. A prototype of this terminal is built in Courtrai and follows the form of an I-phone. This mobile terminal houses a central kitchen, a living room and a bathroom. By a simple connecting system (hidden by the yellow accordion) the individualized rooms can be attached to the terminal. The rooms all have different concepts. One concept is 'back to basics', based on ecological principles and clad with plants. Another one is based on passive living, walls are completely clad with solar panels and a wind-turbine is placed on the roof. The one with the skate platform was placed in the center of Courtrai during the Biennale, but can also be attached to the terminal. Three minimalistic white units of 6 m2 each, provide a bed, toilet and workspace to those students who want to live and work without being distracted.
© Mick Couwenbergh

The central terminal is based on dimensions of a container 244 x 600 and can be dismounted in case it should be moved.
© Mick Couwenbergh

The project is a vision on the future of learning, the future of living and the future of the student, educational design.
© Mick Couwenbergh