Residential building “Brancacci” Alessandro Luigini
2012-12-28 00:00
架构师提供的文本描述。通过更换不合格和过时的建筑,这座建筑处于升级区。然而,该项目的规模及其在一条小街上的位置,比Viale G.Bovio的主干道-亚德里亚得西亚SS16号公路的城市段-赋予了这座建筑一个纯粹的建筑角色,没有可能影响周围的城市,即使它的存在没有资格。在这种情况下,我们为自己设定了一个目标,就是故意以自我参照的方式开发一个综合计划,但这将满足网站的偶然性、客户的需求,更重要的是,他有一份意向书的力量和清晰性:所以我们想以一种说教的不敬态度,拒绝维特鲁维三合会第一人,Utilitas和Venustas分三卷,主要特征直接从三位一体的一个条目中下降。因此,混凝土地下室,为Firmitas,石片立方体,为Utilitas,和阿波罗立方体的白色石膏,为Venustas,形成了建筑物的三个部分,使它从体积和材料点,然后,丰富的不断变化的观点:实际上,建筑的表面没有一个部分可以与另一个相似,而构成这个铰接式吊带的所有元素,就像在电影故事卷轴中一样,相互跟随。连续视点的调和序列。
Text description provided by the architects. The building is in an upgrading area by replacing unqualified and obsolete construction. The size of the project, however, and its location on a side street than the major artery of Viale G. Bovio, urban section of the SS16 Adriatica, confer to this building a exclusively architectonic role, with no possibility of influencing the city around, if not its presence qualifying. In this scenario we have set ourselves the goal of developing a compositive program intentionally in self-referential mode, but that would meet the contingencies of the site, the demands of clients and, more importantly, he had the strength and clarity of a statement of intent: so we wanted to decline, with a didascalic irreverence, the Vitruvian triad Firmitas, Utilitas and Venustas in three separate volumes that the predominant feature descend directly from one single entry in the triad. So the concrete basement, for Firmitas, the stone sharded cube, for the Utilitas, and the Apollonian cube in white plaster, for Venustas, forming three portions of the building making it articulated from the volumetric and material point, and then, rich in continuously changing views: actually there is no surface portion of the building that can be flanked by similarity to another and all the elements that compose this articulated ensamble follow one another as in a film storyreel. Harmonic sequences of perspectives in succession.
© Sergio Camplone

In particular, the east elevation features a variability of views generated by the "shards" which open from the facade and have the dual function of limiting the introspection of spacious loggias behind and pick up the light from the south to convey it in places exposed to north.
© Sergio Camplone

该项目的概念是为使建筑节能和与可持续建筑的最新观点相兼容的一些方面提供的:所有涂饰材料、粘合剂和浸渍木部件都是天然的,并在建筑物的某些部分寿命结束时保持完全可回收利用,自然光的优化,即使是通过“碎片”收集日光,具有自身能量(光伏和太阳能热)的低透光率包络,以及LED照明的有效使用(所有外部照明消耗小于100 W),都承载着建筑单位35~38年的能源需求。
The concept of the project are provided for some aspects that make the building energy efficient and compatible with the latest views on sustainable construction: all finishing materials, adhesives and impregnating wooden parts are natural and maintain the completely recyclable at end of life of some parts of the building, the optimization of natural light even through the collection of daylight through the "shards" the low transmittance envelope with the self-energy (photovoltaic and solar thermic) and exensive use of LED lighting (all exterior lighting consumes less than 100W) carry the energy demand of the building between 35 and 38 years kWh/sqm per unit.