Huis aan ‘t laar 51N4E
2012-12-07 00:00
© Filip Dujardin
c.Filip Dujardin

架构师提供的文本描述。在过去的十年里,非营利组织Monnikenheide已经成为比利时卫生保健建筑的实验室。它位于安特卫普省佐塞尔市的一个小森林里。Monnikenheide为精神残疾者及其家庭提供服务。在地形上,建立了一个门诊诊所、一个短期的住家和一个在住家期间需要不断指导的人的家。2009年,由于对新住宅的需求日益增长,蒙尼肯海德决定建造一个新家。在一次小型竞赛后,布鲁塞尔51N4E办公室被要求建造“Huis aan‘t Laar”(森林中的空地处的房子),这是一个住宅项目,为智障的(年轻人)成年人提供了16套工作室公寓。客户日夜都住在这个房子里,他们是一个由八个成员组成的小组的一部分。每组都有一个同伴。
Text description provided by the architects. The non-profit organization Monnikenheide has become a laboratory for health care architecture in Belgium during the last decade. It is located in a small forest in Zoersel, a municipality in the province of Antwerp. Monnikenheide offers services to people with a mental disability and their families. On the terrain, an outpatients’ clinic was established, together with a short stay home, and a home for people who need constant guidance during their dwelling. In 2009, because of the growing need for new residences, Monnikenheide decided to build a new home. After a small competition, the Brussels office 51N4E was asked to build the ‘Huis aan ’t Laar’ (‘House at the open space in the forest’) – a residential project with 16 studio flats for (young) adults with an intellectual disability. The clients live in this house day and night, and they are part of a group of eight members. Each group has one companion.
© Filip Dujardin
c.Filip Dujardin

The first design decision by 51N4E was to accommodate these two groups in one building – a decision that is not evident, and that is mostly avoided by reverting to the construction of different pavilions. For practical and psychological reasons, it is better for these clients not to have contact on a daily basis with more than eight other individuals. Therefore, the ‘Huis aan ’t Laar’ consists, in a certain sense, out of two identical houses. Nevertheless, the building does nowhere show its double nature, except in the remarkable split stairway, which cuts like a scissor through the heart of the house. These flights of stairs are at the beginning of two separate routes, connecting eight individual rooms, a bathroom, a washhouse and a living room with a kitchen, leading outdoors to the garden. At some places, like in the studio flat of the companions, the two circuits meet. The combining of the two groups and their spaces results in a compact building, consisting of three stories and a cellar. It functions perfectly, although it never simply shows its own nature or structure.
Courtesy of 51n4e
51 n4e

This somewhat mysterious quality is proper to the exterior as well. The floor plan of the building is irregular, as it is defined by both internal and external conditions. In order to avoid the all too rectangular and overtly functional rooms that are mostly designed for health care architecture, 51N4E wanted every room to have at least one corner – and at least one window looking out in a different direction than the other one. This does indeed result in different studio flats, that are not that large (although with an average of 27 square metres they surpass the standard), but that nevertheless can be very easily divided into different living spheres – for sleeping, watching television, reading or just looking out the window, at the many trees. Exactly because of the existing trees (and of the splendid views they offer), the contour of the building is stretched or dented in order to approach the direct environment, or to move away from it.
© Filip Dujardin
c.Filip Dujardin

因此,这个项目同时也是一个完美的例子,展示了现代而有尊严的医疗保健体系,并否认了任何一种正式的陈词滥调都可能被附在一座具有这种服务的建筑上。无论谁走近它,都会逐渐意识到它在树木之间的存在,它登上了一座绿色的小山的顶端。一边,斜坡突然塌了下来,为建筑的根部腾出了空间,但更确切地说,是通往地窖的入口,那里可以停放自行车,也可以送货。在另一边,山的倾斜缓慢,使斜坡可以从客厅内踩上,可以用来吃饭或坐在外面。不仅是(人工)景观中的锚地决定了建筑物的外观-它也是自然环境的绿色、天空的蓝色和正面的黑色之间的对比。黑色,的确-只有那些看似散乱的窗户,就像黄色的方形补丁,在黄昏降临的时候就贴在了门面上。这个立面是由西伯利亚落叶松板制成的,稍微碳化,表面就变黑了,耐用性也提高了。这种对外观材料的处理-再加上那种既正式又实用的设计态度-可能被认为是对日本建筑师藤森(Terunobu Fujimori)住宅的一种敬意。藤森的项目往往带有某种幻想,或者至少是一种超凡脱俗的性格。“回族”也是如此,它好像来自一个梦,不愿透露它的意义。但是无论谁住在它里面,或者曾经访问过它,都知道它有多明显的作用。
And so this project is at the same time a perfect example of contemporary and dignified health care architecture, and a denial of every formal cliché that could be attached to a building with this kind of service. Whoever approaches it, becomes gradually aware of its presence in between the trees, mounted on the top of a small green hill. On one side, the slope suddenly falls, making space for what seem to be the roots of the building, but what is rather the entrance to the cellar, where bikes can be parked and deliveries can be made. On the other side, the hill inclines slowly, so that the slope can be tread on from inside the living room, and can be used for eating or sitting outside. It is not only the anchorage in the (artificial) landscape that defines the appearance of the building – it is also the contrast between the green of the natural environment, the blue of the sky, and the black of the facade. Black, indeed – only the windows, seemingly scattered at random, are like yellow, square patches, stuck to the facade as soon as the evening falls. This facade is made of boards of Siberian larch, slightly carbonized so that the surface is blackened, and the durability is heightened. This treatment of the facade material might – together with the pert, both formal and functional design attitude – be considered as an homage to the houses of the Japanese architect Terunobu Fujimori, whose projects often have a somewhat fantastical or at least unworldly character. The same goes for the ‘Huis aan ’t Laar’ that, as if it came from a dream, does not wish to reveal its meaning. But whoever lives in it, or has paid a visit to it, knows how obviously it functions.
正文作者:Christophe Van Gerrewey发表于:Abitare杂志#524-7月
Text Author: Christophe Van Gerrewey Published in: Abitare magazine #524 - July & August 2012
© Filip Dujardin
c.Filip Dujardin

Architects 51N4E
Location Zoersel, Belgium
Category Retirement
51N4E partners Johan Anrys, Freek Persyn, Peter Swinnen
51N4E team Karel Verstraeten, Jan Opdekamp, Aline Neirynck, Paul Steinbrück
Area 1320.0 m2
Project Year 2012
Photographs Filip Dujardin