Corten Apartments 3ndy Studio
2012-12-05 00:00
架构师提供的文本描述。3 Ndy Studio,建筑和设计,致力于2011年9月落成的Campiello的翻修工程。该项目实现了对维戈诺沃一个非常重要的部分进行再培训的目标,实现了一个新的社会聚集地,并与历史中心一起完成了这一工作。
Text description provided by the architects. 3ndy Studio, architecture and design, was committed for the renovation of the Campiello, which has been inaugurated on september 2011. The project reached its goal of retraining a very important part of Vigonovo, realizing a new place of social aggregation in completion with the historical center.
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG
回到生活的地方,让它回到古老的辉煌,意味着回忆起生活在其中的声音,历史碎片,日常生活的片段和传统,可以在一张纸上找到和描绘出来。在Campiello的项目中,这张巨大的纸已经变成了一个巨大的雕塑,它是用190张球状钢制成的,铺满了300 MQ,将被当作一本书的巨大而神秘的一页来阅读。
Taking a place back to life and bringing it back to its ancient glory means to recall the voices that lived in it, the history fragments, the pieces of daily life and tradition that can be found and traced out on a sheet of paper. This huge piece of paper has become, in the project of the Campiello, a big sculpture made of 190 sheets of corten steel which spread for 300 mq and are to be read as a giant and enigmatic page of a book.
The idea is to present again the design of the nineteenth-century building, destroyed by a fire. Performing a reconstruction of this building might have been a chance but it would have been false, so we decided to take the way of commemoration.
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG
3 ndy Studio设计的立面再现了摧毁者的尺寸,但却暗示了石膏上的时间点。以完成外观,并使之成为一个排他性的。在菲利普·达维里奥的建议下,来自皮亚琴察的雕塑家乔治·米拉尼(GiorgioMilani)邀请他参加这次大型艺术活动。
The facade designed by 3ndy Studio reproduce the dimension of the destroy one, but however suggests the spot of time on the plaster. In order to complete the facade and make it an exclusive one. 3ndy Studio under suggestion of Philippe Daverio, asked Giorgio Milani, a sculptor from Piacenza, to take part in this big artistic operation.
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG
米拉尼写在这一页,丰富了使用充分和空虚,因为字母表的字母表刻在墙板上的钢。从这里开始,诞生了“记忆中的脚步声”,这是一部刻字的作品,它意味着根据艺术家乔治·米拉尼(Giorgio Milani)19世纪的起源(这座建筑建成的年代)和他们的美学服饰,在22个不同的字母、大写字母和小写字母之间,精心选择字母和符号,组成字母和符号,不同的字体才能有一种审美与文化的和谐。
Milani wrote on this page, enriching by using fullness and emptiness due to the words of the alphabet carved from the panels of corten steel. From here has been born “ Footfalls echo in the memory”, a work of lettering, which means composing letters and symbols carefully chosen by the artist, Giorgio Milani, according to their nineteenth-century origin (the age in which this building as been built) and their aesthetics dress, balancing 22 different alphabets, upper-case and lower-case letters, of different fonts in order to have an aesthetic and cultural harmony.