Silo 468 Lighting Design Collective
2012-11-28 00:00
Text description provided by the architects. The project is a conversion of oil silo into light art piece and a public space designed by Madrid based Lighting Design Collective (LDC).
It sits by the sea facing central Helsinki, Finland. Prevailing winds well known to residents are strongly present. The natural light, wind and the movement of light on the water formed the principles for the lighting concept. Walls are perforated with 2012 holes referring to the Helsinki World Design Capital 2012 year.
照明标志着赫尔辛基市重大城市重建的开始。它的作用是把焦点吸引到未知的地区,并创建一个地标和营销手段的城市。也许最重要的是,通过使用自然光和人造光,它为公民创造了一个独特的公民空间。此外,它为11000人成为“光明区”开创了先例。在最初的几年里,筒仓主要是从远处看的,当这个地区开始建造的时候。1280 LED圆顶2700 K白色安装在筒仓后面的切割和从几公里外可见。
The lighting signifies the start of a major urban redevelopment for the City of Helsinki. It functions to draw focus to unknown district and creates a landmark and a marketing device for the City. Maybe most importantly through the use of natural and artificial light it created a unique civic space for the citizens to use. Furthermore, it set a precedent for a new district for 11000 people to become the “district of light”. During the first years the silo is mainly viewed from distance when the area starts to get build. 1280 LED domes in 2700K white are fitted inside the silo behind the cut-outs and visible from several kilometres away.
LDC developed a bespoke software using swarm intelligence and nature simulating algorithms that refresh responding to parameters such as wind speed, direction, temperature, clear night and snow. System dials out every 5 minutes for new data. The patterns are fluid, natural in feel and never repeat. They are slow but speed up in relation to the wind speeds creating constantly changing mural of light. At midnight the exterior turns deep red for 1 hour. The colour refers to the former use of the silo as a container of energy. At 02:30 when the last ferry goes past to Suomenlinna lights go off.
The interior gains importance as the area gets populated. Inside is painted deep red. Daylight seeps through the pattern derived from original rust patterns on the walls. North facing wall has no perforations. 450 steel mirrors moved by winds are fitted behind the holes. With sunlight the silo appears to glimmer and sparkle like surface of water.The warm white LED grid reflects light indirectly via the red walls into the space. The moving patterns read as halos racing across the walls. The Silo is a civic space for the citizens of Helsinki. Floor was added and rigging infrastructure, power, water and emergency & cleaning lighting. Light intervention has created a new space for people.
在正常使用期间,安装使用的功率约为2KW,约为每平方米2W。该软件创建了一个粒子系统,它结合鸟类、昆虫、鱼类的运动行为,在128×10 LED网格中为照明系统创建有机和非重复的动画。这些动画是利用来自当地天气的当前数据,特别是风速和方向产生的,创造了大量不可预测的光运动,使观众能够直观地反映城市中的天气感受。该控制应用程序是在openFrameworks中开发的,这是一个用于创造性编码的开源c+工具包,运行在e:线索照明控制引擎MX服务器上。
During normal use the installation uses about 2kw of power, which is approximately 2W per square meter. The software creates a particle system that combines motion behaviors from birds, insects, an fishes to create organic and non repetitive animations for the lighting system, in a 128 x 10 LED grid. This animations are being generated using current data from the local weather, specially wind speed and direction, to create a vast and unpredictable array of light movements that give the viewer a visual representation of the weather sensations in the city. The control application was developed in OpenFrameworks, an open source c++ toolkit for creative coding, an runs in an e:cue Lighting Control Engine mx server.