Inspiria Science Centre AART Architects
2011-11-14 00:00
Text description provided by the architects. Inspiria Science Centre is designed as one of the most advanced science centres in Northern Europe and is part of a long-term plan to make knowledge the most important asset of the Østfold Region in Norway. This ambitious plan is reflected in the architectural aspiration, as the trifold form is designed as a communications platform merging the environment, energy and health.
该内部方案包括70个互动展览、讲习班和北欧最先进的天文馆,预计英斯皮里亚科学中心每年将吸引100 000多名游客,主要是学校旅行、家庭和游客。包括该社区的长期计划将通过每年向该地区的4万多名学生提供免费参观的方式加以解决。
The interior program includes 70 interactive exhibitions, workshops and the most advanced planetarium in Northern Europe and Inspiria Science Centre is expected to attract more than 100,000 visitors every year, mainly school trips, families and tourists. Long- term plans to include the community will be addressed by annually offering over 40,000 students of the area a free trip to visit the venue.
A vibrant communications platform
Inspiria Science Centre combines communication and architecture into an inspiring and eventful whole, in order to provide new spaces for learning and supports the idea of sustainability as a window of opportunity to increase the quality of life between humans and the environment. Inspiria Science Centre is thus designed as a passive house in close contact with both nature and the users, as glass enclosed wings extend from the focal circular atrium creating a dynamic heart to the building.
By merging the architecture and the science centre’s focus on the environment, energy and health, Inspiria Science Centre is designed as a vibrant communications platform with a clear narrative. The narrative permeates the building design, as the trifold form symbolises nature’s cyclical repetitions and spiral forms, which blend with the technology cycle expressed in the universal power of the circular basic form. The goal has thus been to create a striking building, which in itself constitutes an identity-laden branding of Inspiria Science Centre by uniting the activities of the science centre into a single concept.
A unique fundraising process
此外,Inspirria科学中心是一个独特的例子,说明公共部门和企业界如何能够团结起来,筹集资金,提高年轻人对科学的兴趣。因此,该架构已成为2 850万欧元科学中心品牌和筹资过程中的一个重要标志。例如,挪威政府向科学中心提供了500万欧元的补助金,企业界提供了700万欧元的补助金。
Furthermore, Inspiria Science Centre is a unique example of how the public sector and the business community can come together and raise funds to enhance young people's interest in science. The architecture has thus been a significant icon in the branding and fundraising process of the €28.5 million science centre. For example, the science centre has been granted €5 million in subvention from the Norwegian Government and €7 million in subvention from the business community.
此外,该科学中心还得到了政府拥有的伊诺瓦公司的补贴,该公司促进挪威建筑部门对能源消费进行无害环境的再分配。正如挪威贸易和工业部部长Trond Giske所指出的那样,18个市镇聚集在一起,参与该项目,这也是相当独特的,而企业界提供的资金远远多于通常的建设项目。
Besides, the science centre has received subsidies from the government-owned corporation Enova that promotes environmentally friendly redistribution of energy consumption in the Norwegian construction sector. As Trond Giske, the Norwegian Minister of Trade and Industry, has stated, it is also quite unique that 18 municipalities have gathered so significantly and engaged themselves in the project, while the business community has granted far more funds than in usual construction projects.