Facilities for Children and Youth Activities “La Camisera” Cerrejon Arquitectos + Magen Arquitectos
2011-10-17 00:00
架构师提供的文本描述。该项目的起源在于设施上的体育活动与场地特征之间的关系:一块25 226平方米的地块,坡度为9点,向西和向北的邻近绿地明显下降。这项建议符合要求清单中确定的需要,特别是关于在场地上有必要的南北方向的三个运动场的住宿需要。因此,该提案包括三个大型的、水平的、分层的平台,它们适合于地形的起伏,包括主入口和多个运动场;11边足球场和7边足球场。楼宇东南方的正门位置、各建筑物及运动场的内部移动及布局,亦与有关该地块位于奥立弗米拉布诺区之间,以及在南面兴建地区与北部公园之间的其他城市考虑因素一致。
Text description provided by the architects. The origins of this Project lie in the relationship between the sports placed at the facilities and the features of the site: a 25,226 m2 plot of land with a sep downward slope and marked drops in height towards the west and towards the neighbouring green space to the north. This proposal meets the needs established in the list of requirements, particularly those concerning the accommodation of the three playing fields, with the necessary north-south orientation, on the site. Thus the proposal includes three large, horizontal, tiered platforms, adapted to the relief of the land, containing the main entrance and the multi-sports court; the 11-a-side football pitch; and the 7-a-side football pitch, respectively. The location of the main entrance in the south-east of the premises, the internal movement and the layout of the various buildings and playing fields are also in line with other urban considerations concerning the plot’s location between the Oliver anf Miralbueno districts, and between the built-up area in the south and the park in the north.
© Roland Halbe

On the basis of these initial considerations, the proposal is for an open-plan system, with isolated buildings between the lawn of the playing fields and the vegetation, seeking a suitable relationship between the premises and the landscape. The inner routes and urban spaces created (entrance area, porches, shelters, viewing areas, etc.) are functional items which also act to unite the premises as a whole. The project aims to provide the facilities with a certain unifying, formal, constructive quality by using only two materials, concrete and galvanised steel, both in the buildings and in the constructed items which define the inner spaces, establishing a close relationship between the facilities and their components.
© Roland Halbe

The layout of the buildings is based on a highly linear, horizontal structure, with long porches marking the transit areas. In the general service and changing-room buildings, the prefabricated concrete panels covering the external, facades, and the galvanised steel panels in the interior and the porch ceiling, denote a systematic, modular character, in line with the appearance of pavilions which these buildings strive for. The changing-room building has a certain prototypical character, repeated in different positions and with different relationships for each of the playing fields. The general service pavilion is a linear building which folds over itself, from the entrance to the overhanging area overlooking the park, creating various inner spaces (entrance area, porch, green space, viewing area), housing cafeteria, lockers, officers, halls and a gymnasium. A polycarbonate mass over the entrance lends character to this space, and allows it to be lit up at night. The shelters covering the stands and entrance conceal the structural mechanisms supporting these major overhanging areas. This allows a more abstract, direct interpretation of these items, as they were desingned, as galvanised steel planes of a certain thickness, resting on a row of pillars (in the case of the stands) or concrete walls (in the case of the entrance shelter).
案文由Cerrejon ArquArchtos提供。
Text provided by Cerrejon Arquitectos.
© Roland Halbe