Pulpit Rock Mountain Lodge Helen - Hard
2011-07-24 00:00
Text description provided by the architects. The new Pulpit Rock mountain lodge, the winning design competition entry in 2004, accommodates twenty-eight guest rooms, a café, a restaurant and a conference room. The lodge is situated at the trail-head leading up to The Pulpit Rock, the sheer cliff cantilevering over the Lysefjord.
Site Conditions/Placement
The lodge’s placement and massing is well fitted into the immediate environment with its undulating terrain, its roof profile drawn from adjacent peaks. The volume is furthermore bent around a rock outcropping creating a gesture to the main entrance. It has an access path going around the hill to the access plateu in front of the entrance. The roof is overhanging at different places to cover outdoorspaces and terraces which are connected to the restaurant and conference room.
客户Stavanger Turistforning(Stavanger Trekking Association)回应了参观讲坛岩(目前每年约有12万人)的游客数量迅速增加的问题,他意识到这座老木屋(建于1947年)不符合现代标准。客户简介的目的是为一幢简陋的建筑提供适当的住宿和升级的浴室设施。这座建筑应该是通用的,而且应该是真正的环境友好型建筑。
The client, Stavanger Turistforening (Stavanger Trekking Association), responding to the rapidly increasing amount of tourists visiting the Pulpit Rock (currently around 120 000 people yearly), realised that the old cabin (built in 1947) did not meet modern standards. The client’s brief was to provide a modest building with appropriate accommodation and upgraded bathroom facilities. The building should have universal access and be truly environmentally friendly.
The construction system consists of 32 wooden ribs of massive timber elements placed at a distance of 2,8m. Every wall, floor and roof is built up with the same prefabricated system. The ribs are doubled between the guestrooms so that the floor elements can be suspended between, while also preventing lateral sound transmission. The ribs containing the public rooms are hollowed out to create more space. The ribs are oriented towards the views.
The massive timber is Holz100. This system was chosen for the construction because of its completely pure wooden system without any need for glue or nails. The timber panels, consisting of different layers of wood are only held together by wooden dowels, which swell after being injected. This means that the wood retains almost all of its performative qualities according to load-carrying capacity and directionality.
排骨面临的主要工程挑战是公共空间的大跨度;咖啡馆和餐厅。解决了这一问题,通过将元素的构造向外展开,暴露出对角线层,这些层可以在更高的层次延伸到房间中,并为公共空间形成独特的空间几何图形。同时,该程序揭示了Holz 100独特的结构原理和木质材料十分内在的品质。
The chief engineering challenge facing the ribs was the large span over the public spaces; the café and restaurant. This was solved by turning the build-up of the elements inside out, exposing the diagonal layers which then could extend into the room at a higher level and form a unique spatial geometry for the public rooms. At the same time, the procedure revealed unique construction principle of Holz100 and the wooden materials very intrinsic qualities.