Emily Forgot | Resort Assemblage Pieces
2019-02-22 14:33
英国艺术家Emily Forgot与平面设计师Olivia Aspinall合作发布了一系列新配件和限量版印刷品。
British artist Emily Forgot has released a new collection of assemblage pieces and limited edition prints in collaboration with surface designer Olivia Aspinall.
Emily制作的木制组合描绘了想象中的室内设计和建筑,它们在艺术和设计之间共存。 这些作品在2016年伦敦设计节期间,由KK Outlet画廊举办的个展“梦幻岛”中展出。从那时起,Emily开始季节性地开发新系列,同时还收集了收藏家和室内设计师的作品,以制作定制产品。
Emily produces wooden assemblages depicting imagined interiors and architecture that sit happily between the fine art and the design world. These works were first exhibited at her debut solo show ‘Neverland’ at KK Outlet Gallery during London Design Festival 2016. Since then, Emily has developed new collections seasonally alongside commissions from collectors and interior designers alike to create bespoke pieces.
These collections have been exhibited as part of her open studios in South East London and sold on her online store to her ever-growing buyers list. In fact, the last ‘VILLA’ collection sold out through Instagram before she had the chance to add the series to her online shop.
Emily的最新系列被称为“RESORT”,灵感来于源法国1970年代度假胜地La Grande Motte度过的暑假记忆,这是一个由建筑师Jean Balladur设计的独特未来主义风格。所有的艺术作品都灵感来自Emily在旅行中所访问过的地方,但在形式和颜色方面都进行了有趣的重新设想。该系列包括原始组合和限量版印刷品。
Emily’s latest collection is called ‘RESORT’ and draws on personal childhood memories of summer holidays spent in the French 1970’s resort La Grande Motte, a unique and futuristic place conceived by architect Jean Balladur. All the artworks are inspired by places Emily has visited on her travels but are playfully re-imagined in both form and colour. The collection consists of original assemblages and limited edition prints.
'RESORT'也看出Emily在组合中的创新。在参观平面设计师Olivia Aspinall经营的水磨石瓷砖铸造车间后,Emily觉得Olivia将是完美的合作者。精心挑选的作品与Olivia专业演奏的水磨石Jesmonite相结合,增强了整个度假村系列的节日气氛和欢乐感。
‘RESORT’ also sees Emily experimenting with new materials within her assemblages. After attending a terrazzo tile casting workshops run by surface designer Olivia Aspinall, Emily felt Olivia would be the perfect collaborator. The carefully chosen colour palette of the pieces combined with the terrazzo Jesmonite expertly cast by Olivia enhances the holiday mood and the joyous feel of the Resort collection as a whole.
当发现布莱顿的The Unlimited商店时,Emily觉得这是一个完美的空间,一个海滨位置的画廊,适合以旅行和阳光为灵感的收藏品。
When approached by The Unlimited shop in Brighton Emily felt it was the perfect space in which to launch RESORT — a gallery with a seaside location fit for a collection inspired by travel & sunshine.