Joyce Wang作品 | 伦敦文华东方酒店,尽显英式优雅和奢华气派

2019-05-30 07:50
Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park,London has now re-opened in its entirety, having completed the most extensive restoration in its 117-year history. Following the re-opening of the public spaces in December 2018, the hotel now unveils all new guest rooms and suites,including two newly created expansive penthouse suites.


酒店坐落于壮丽的皇家公园与热闹的骑士桥之间,经过重新设计及装修,在经典文化遗址中融入现代风情。酒店建筑在19世纪80年代后期便开始建造,但最初由于担心其高度会在九曲湖上投下阴影而推迟施工。最终于1889年作为富裕单身汉的专属公寓落成开放,之后1902年成为一家酒店,拥有自己的私人皇家入口。此后,许多名人宾客都曾下榻此酒店,第二次世界大战后的几年,它曾一度成为英国特种空勤团 (SAS) 的总部。
Sitting between glorious Royal Parkland and the buzz of central Knightsbridge, Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park,London is re-imagined and re-invented, offering the essence of timeless heritage coupled with contemporary flair. The building was commissioned in the late 1880’s however construction was initially delayed due to fears that its height would cast a shadow over the Serpentine. It finally opened in 1889 as an exclusive block of apartments for affluent bachelors, before opening as a hotel, with its own private Royal Entrance, in 1902. Since then, many honoured guests have passed through the hotel, and for several years after the Second World War it was the headquarters of the SAS.


享誉国际的设计师Joyce Wang 负责监督酒店所有客房、套房及公共区域的全新设计,其灵感源自周边海德公园的自然美景,以及20世纪旅游黄金时代的迷人魅力。纽约著名设计师 Adam D Tihany 主持了伦敦文华东方酒店水疗中心及酒店著名餐厅和文华酒吧的翻修,效果令人赞叹。
Designer Joyce Wang oversaw the new design of all the rooms, suites and public areas, inspired by the natural beauty of neighbouring Hyde Park and the glamour of the 20th century Golden Ageof travel. The stunning re-imagining of The Spa at Mandarin Oriental, London along with the hotel’s destination restaurants and Mandarin Bar, were directedby esteemed New York designer Adam D Tihany.

公共区域的翻新工程在2017年9月便已揭开面纱。酒店委托Joyce Wang 对酒店大堂和接待区进行全新改造,使其与 The Rosebery 酒廊自然灵动的装饰风格无缝衔接。亚克力等现代材料与更为传统的金色瘿木纹装饰相辅相成。悬挂在中心的玻璃吊灯光彩夺目,更加增强了酒店入口处的气势恢宏。
The first phase of the renovation was unveiled in September 2017. Joyce Wang was commissioned to transform the Lobby Lounge and Reception area, which now blend seamlessly with The Rosebery’s nature inspired décor. Contemporary materials, including acrylic, are juxtaposed with more traditional finishes such as blond burl wood.Centre piece commissioned glass chandeliers enhance the dramatic entrance.



酒店公共区域还饰有其他不拘一格的艺术作品,接待区的抽象艺术品出自 Fredrikson Stallard 之手,是以海德公园的标志性树木——悬铃树的层状树皮纹理作为创作灵感,令人眼前一亮。
Other eclectic art pieces can befound throughout the hotel’s public areas.The reception artwork by Fredrikson Stallard, is an abstraction of the textured and layered bark of the Plane Tree- the signature tree of Hyde Park.



The hotel has a total of 181 rooms, each of the hotel’s 40 suites range in size from the smallest, at 47square metres, located within the turrets of the hotel, to the largest, at 444 square metres.  All the guest rooms andsuites are now more luxurious and comfortable than ever before, with artdeco-inspired features including carefully curated artworks and custom-designed furniture.


客房和套房明亮而现代,设计独特,布局独特,俯瞰宁静的海德公园,充满活力的骑士桥或美丽的内部庭院。每间客房和套房均以精心挑选的艺术品和定制设计的家具装饰,营造出温馨宜人的环境,体现了酒店宁静的公园位置。 Bespoke Fromental壁纸,马鬃灯壁灯,参考海德公园马车路径的光泽彩绘图案,醒目的金色和噼啪作响的玻璃定制橡子吊灯和Volakas大理石浴室也是新设计的一部分。
Light and contemporary, the guest rooms and suites are uniquely designed and individual in layout,overlooking tranquil Hyde Park, vibrant Knightsbridge or the beautiful inner courtyard.
Reflecting the hotel’s peaceful parkside location, each room and suite is decorated with carefully curated artworks and custom-designed furniture, creating a warm and inviting environment. Bespoke Fromental wallpaper, horsehair light sconces,gloss painted patterns that reference the carriage paths through Hyde Park,striking gold and crackled glass custom-made acorn chandeliers and Volakas marble bathrooms are also part of the new design.





酒店的新一代水疗中心由纽约设计师 Adam D. Tihany 监督设计。除13间豪华水疗室外,水疗中心还设有东方套房,内设两张按摩床及一间拉苏尔水寺——其热度、蒸汽及浴泥有益于健康,为宾客提供非同凡响的调节护理。

New York designer Adam D.Tihany, has overseen the redesign of the next-generation Spa at the hotel. Alongside our 13 luxurious treatment rooms, you’ll find the Oriental Suite,featuring two massage beds and a Rasul water temple – its health-enhancing heat, steam and mud are the ultimate in conditioning treatments.

















An oasis of calm, the extensively restored and enlarged Spa at Mandarin Oriental, London is a placeto enjoy peace and serenity and to restore mind, body and soul. 

Adam D. Tihany还负责监督 Dinner by Heston Blumenthal、伦敦 Bar Boulud 和文华酒吧的小规模整修。被称为20世纪20年代的 Bennett 茶室的 The Rosebery,将为宾客奉上一款20世纪20年代风格的特色下午茶,而文华酒吧制作的一系列特制鸡尾酒,则是以曾在酒店下榻的名人宾客和酒店标志性事件命名。

Adam D. Tihany has also overseena light refurbishment of Dinner by Heston Blumenthal, Bar Boulud, London and Mandarin Bar. The Rosebery, known as the Bennett Tearoom in the 1920s, willoffer a special 1920s Afternoon Tea, while Mandarin Bar has created a series of special cocktails named after celebrated guests and iconic events that tookplace within the hotel.






设计:Joyce Wang





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