New Volumes Collection Showcases the Sculptural Versatility of Elba Marble

2019-08-05 18:20

One of the things that caught our eye at this year’s Milan Design Week was “New Volumes”, the inaugural homeware collection by Australian stone and tile supplier Artedomus which was part of the Local Milan exhibition at 5 Vie district. Not only were we enthralled by the collection’s polished elegance, playful forms and exquisite craftsmanship, but we were also intrigued by the premise behind it: each collection is going to be based on a single natural material with the aim of pushing its boundaries. Powered by a distinct assembly of 8 stellar Australian designers, the New Volumes first collection explores Elba marble, a sumptuous bluish stone featuring cool grey tones and soft brown markings which was exclusively sourced from a quarry in northern Greece where the stone is richer in hue and texture than common varieties.

Photo by Sean Fennessy.

Photo by Sean Fennessy.

Undara designed by Nick Rennie, Elba marble, ø395 x 82mm. Part of New Volumes collection by Artedomus. Photo by Sean Fennessy.
Undara由Nick Rennie设计,Elba大理石,395 x 82毫米。Artedomus收集的新卷的一部分。照片由肖恩·芬内西拍摄。

Wyrie designed by Nick Rennie. Elba marble, 1340 x 1340 x 720mm. Part of New Volumes collection by Artedomus. Photo by Sean Fennessy.

Wyrie designed by Nick Rennie. Elba marble, 1340 x 1340 x 720mm. Part of New Volumes collection by Artedomus. Photo by Sean Fennessy.

Photo by Sean Fennessy.
Elba is a very robust, resilient and durable stone that can be used for heavy-duty applications such as kitchen counters, floors, and even exterior cladding, but its sumptuous coolness and sculptural versatility means it also makes for beautiful objects. Taking advantage of its unique characteristics, the collection presents an eclectic range of larger and smaller pieces with different functions in a variety of forms, from elemental geometric solids to more organic shapes like ripples and volcanos. Although each designer has approached the material from a different perspective, all of the pieces in the collection share a purity of form and statuesque gracefulness. Measuring 2.4 metres in length, Wyrie by Nick Rennie, a slender rectangular table top resting upon two softly angular bases, is the grandest piece in the collection which despite its size and considerable weight appears light and lanky. Smaller in size, Tom Skeehan’s Bacchus table makes as strong a statement, courtesy of its exaggerated proportions, curvaceous playfulness and a hollowed-out cavity that is both functional and whimsical.
厄尔巴是一种非常坚固,弹性和耐用的石头,可用于重型应用,如厨房柜台,地板,甚至外部覆层,但它的豪华凉爽和雕塑的多功能性意味着它也制造美丽的物体。利用其独特的特点,集合呈现出各种不同功能的大小不同的作品,从元素几何体到更有机的形状,如涟漪和火山。虽然每一位设计师都从不同的角度对待这一材料,但所有的作品都有着纯粹的形式和优雅的雕像。尼克·雷尼(Nick Rennie)的怀里(Wyrie)身长2.4米,是收藏中最宏伟的一块,它是一张纤细的长方形桌面,位于两个柔软的角度基座上。规模较小的汤姆·斯基汉(TomSkeehan)的巴克斯桌(Bacchus),由于其夸张的比例、曲线美的嬉戏和空洞无物的空洞,既实用又异想天开。

Bacchus designed by Tom Skeehan, Elba marble, 1000 x 600 x 425mm. Part of New Volumes collection by Artedomus. Photo by Sean Fennessy.

Bacchus designed by Tom Skeehan, Elba marble, 1000 x 600 x 425mm. Part of New Volumes collection by Artedomus. Photo by Sean Fennessy.

Lydn designed by Thomas Coward, Elba marble, 600 x 380 x 45mm. Part of New Volumes collection by Artedomus. Photo by Sean Fennessy.
莱顿设计,托马斯科沃德,埃尔巴大理石,600 x 380 x 45毫米。Artedomus收集的新卷的一部分。照片由肖恩·芬内西拍摄。

Hurlysi designed by Thomas Coward, Elba marble. Hurlysi Low - 400 x 400 x 500mm. Hurlysi High - 400 x 400 x 720mm. Part of New Volumes collection by Artedomus. Photo by Sean Fennessy.

Hurlysi designed by Thomas Coward, Elba marble. Hurlysi Low - 400 x 400 x 500mm. Hurlysi High - 400 x 400 x 720mm. Part of New Volumes collection by Artedomus. Photo by Sean Fennessy.
Melbourne-based designer and New Volume creative director, Thomas Coward, took advantage of Elba’s strength and density to create Hurlysi, two cantilevered side tables carved from a single piece of stone that impress with their poised minimalism. Just as impressive is Lydn, a tray that Coward created in order to “capture a moment in time through the stylised form of an exaggerated ripple”. Representative of both sound and water, the polished ripple-like form conveys a sense of movement in an otherwise static material. As evocative in their visual associations, Marsha Golemac’s Spomenik I and Spomenik II take their name from the modernist monuments built in the former Yugoslavia between 1960 and 1990 which she spotted in a book by Belgian photographer Jan Kempenaers. Golemac drew from the socialist utopian ideology that the monuments intended to represent in order to design two ziggurat-like pieces, part objet d’art, part bowl or vase, which beautifully marry form and function.
墨尔本的设计师兼新卷创意总监托马斯·考沃德利用埃尔巴的力量和密度创造了赫利西,这两张由一块石头雕刻而成的悬臂边桌,给人留下了他们泰然自若的极简主义印象。同样令人印象深刻的是莱顿,这是考沃德为了“通过夸张的波纹的风格形式来捕捉时间的瞬间”而制作的托盘。代表声音和水,抛光波纹状的形式传达了一种运动的感觉,在另一种静止的材料。玛莎·戈莱马克(Marsha Golemac)的“斯波梅尼克一世”(Spomenik I)和“斯波梅尼克二世”(Spomenik II)的视觉联想让人联想到,它们的名字来源于1960年至1990年在前南斯拉夫建造的现代主义纪念碑,她在比利时摄影师简·肯佩纳戈莱马克从社会主义乌托邦的意识形态中汲取,为了设计两件像齐古拉一样的作品,一部分是奥贝特艺术,一部分是碗或花瓶,这两件作品将形式和功能完美地结合在一起。

Spomenik II designed by Marsha Golemac, Elba marble, 300 x 300 x 270mm. Part of New Volumes collection by Artedomus. Photo by Sean Fennessy.
斯波梅尼克II设计由玛莎戈莱马克,埃尔巴大理石,300 x 300 x 270毫米。Artedomus收集的新卷的一部分。照片由肖恩·芬内西拍摄。

Spomenik I designed by Marsha Golemac, Elba marble, 380 x 380 x 180mm. Part of New Volumes collection by Artedomus. Photo by Sean Fennessy.
斯波梅尼克我设计的玛莎戈莱马克,埃尔巴大理石,380 x 380 x 180毫米。Artedomus收集的新卷的一部分。照片由肖恩·芬内西拍摄。

Photo by Sean Fennessy.

Photo by Sean Fennessy.

Semper Planter designed by Dale Hardiman, Elba marble. ø 400 x 1150mm. Part of New Volumes collection by Artedomus. Photo by Sean Fennessy.
由戴尔·哈迪曼(Dale Hardiman)设计,Elba大理石设计。400×1150毫米Artedomus收集的新卷的一部分。照片由肖恩·芬内西拍摄。

Semper Vase designed by Dale Hardiman, Elba marble, ø 400 x 1150mm. Part of New Volumes collection by Artedomus. Photo by Sean Fennessy.
Dale Hardiman shares Golemac’s affinity for symmetry in his design of Semper, a cylindrical planter and vase, which both come with their own pedestal which in the case of the vase also doubles as a platter to collect fallen leaves and petals. Notwithstanding its practicality, the platter can be seen as a lyrical gesture that celebrates both life and death. Completing the collection are Ross Gardam’s Brutalist desktop lamp, Sarah King’s curvaceous mortar and pestle (cheekily titled Napoleon - Josephine), Nick Rennies crater-like fruitbowl, and Emma Elizabeth’s rough-hewn candle holders that reflect the designer’s intention to give the impression that “someone had literally hacked into the natural formation of the stone and created the piece themselves”. Photographed at the quarry where the stone traces its origin, Artedomus couldn’t have found a more suitable location to showcase the collection’s ingrained nobility and elemental pureness. Depicted against the daunting excavated hillside, among humongous blocks of stone, piles of aggregate and excavation equipment, the photo shoot also highlights the extraordinary effort and craftsmanship required to transform an unwieldy chunk of Elba marble into a sculptural piece of design.
戴尔·哈迪曼(Dale Hardiman)与戈莱马克(Golemac)一样,在他设计的“Semper”(一种圆柱形播种机和花瓶)中具有对称的亲和力,这两种设计都带有自己的基座,在花瓶的情况下,它们也是收集落叶和花瓣的盘子。尽管它的实用性,盘子可以被看作是一个抒情的姿态,庆祝生死攸关。完成收集工作的还有罗斯·加德姆的布鲁塔式台灯,莎拉·金的曲线美的迫击炮和锤子(厚颜无耻的名字叫拿破仑)。

Hemera designed by Ross Gardam, Elba marble. ø 390 x 362mm. Part of New Volumes collection by Artedomus. Photo by Sean Fennessy.
赫梅拉由罗斯加德姆设计,埃尔巴大理石。390 x 362毫米Artedomus收集的新卷的一部分。照片由肖恩·芬内西拍摄。

Napoleon - Josephine designed by Sarah King, Elba marble. Mortar ø175 x 110mm. Pestle ø65 x 150mm. Part of New Volumes collection by Artedomus. Photo by Sean Fennessy.

Undara designed by Nick Rennie, Elba marble, ø395 x 82mm. Part of New Volumes collection by Artedomus. Photo by Sean Fennessy.
Undara由Nick Rennie设计,Elba大理石,395 x 82毫米。Artedomus收集的新卷的一部分。照片由肖恩·芬内西拍摄。

Artemis designed by Emma Elizabeth, Elba marble. Artemis I - 110 x 110 x 110mm. Artemis II - 260 x 130 x 110mm. Artemis III - 400 x 180 x 110mm. Part of New Volumes collection by Artedomus. Photo by Sean Fennessy.

Photo by Sean Fennessy.

New Volumes collection by Artedomus. Photo by Sean Fennessy.





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