Les Lalanne’s personal collection heads to auction in Paris LesLal安妮的个人收藏负责人在巴黎拍卖
2019-08-07 16:12
Sotheby’s Paris will offer over 280 works of art from the collection of artists Claude and François-Xavier Lalanne in a two-day sale this autumn
They might not yet be household names around the world, but Claude and François-Xavier Lalanne – also known as Les Lalanne – have always been favourites of the creative elite, and their visionary oeuvre continue to inform tastemakers of today (Tom Ford, Marc Jacobs, and Bernard Arnault to name but a few).
它们可能还不是世界上家喻户晓的名字,但克劳德和弗朗索瓦(Xavier Lalanne)-也被称为Les Lalanne-一直是创意精英们的最爱,他们的远见卓识的作品继续为当今的时尚大师们提供信息(仅举几个例子)。
Part of the reason Les Lalanne’s legacy has still not fully been revealed is that the couple themselves remained influential within their bohemian circle: they created a dining table for Salvador Dalí and album covers for Serge Gainsbourg, while Niki de Saint Phalle, Max Ernst, Elaine Sturtevant and Jasper Johns were among their close friends. Large-scale exhibitions with international attention were few and far between – one of the only major retrospectives was at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in 2010.
Les Lalanne的遗产仍未被完全披露的部分原因是,这对夫妇在波西米亚圈子中仍然有影响力:他们为萨尔瓦多·达利制作了一张餐桌,为Serge Gainsbburg制作了专辑封面,而Niki de St.Phalle、Max Ernst、Elaine Sturteant和Jasper Johns是他们的密友。引起国际关注的大型展览寥寥无几,其中一个重要的回顾是2010年在艺术学院举办的大型展览。
French artist duo Claude and François-Xavier Lalanne
In October, a landmark sale dedicated to five decades of Les Lalanne’s creativity will take place at Sotheby’s Paris, interlaced with works by artist-friends of the duo. Facilitated by the couple’s family, more than 280 items of furniture, sculpture, art and jewellery will arrive directly from their shared studio and home close to Fontainebleu, and ‘every single piece embodies the creative genius of this mythic couple’, according to Florent Jeanniard, head of 20th century design at Sotheby’s.
今年10月,一场纪念Les Lalanne 50年创作的里程碑式拍卖会将在苏富比巴黎拍卖行(Sotheby‘sParis)举行,与艺术家-这对二人的朋友-的作品交织在一起。苏富比(Sotheby‘s)20世纪设计主管弗洛伦特·詹尼德(Florent Jeanniard)表示,在这对夫妇的帮助下,280多件家具、雕塑、艺术和珠宝将直接从他们共同的工作室和离枫丹白露(Fontainebleu)不远的家中运到,“每一件作品都体现了这对神秘夫妇的创造性天才”。
Jeanniard explained that the sale – which is preceded by a global touring exhibition in New York, Hong Kong, London and Paris – will ‘open the doors to the private world of Claude and François-Xavier Lalanne, from the motifs that inspired them and the artworks they chose to surround themselves with’. Their best known motifs drew the natural world: they created a veritable jungle of animals, flowers, vegetables and plants in cast bronze. Contemplative and curious, emotive and elegant, the couple never grew tired of nature, often drawing on what was growing in their own back garden. With the imminent threats of climate change their works have found a profound resonance with a new generation.
Jeanniard解释说,此次拍卖之前,将在纽约、香港、伦敦和巴黎举办一次全球巡回展览,为克劳德(Claude)和弗朗索瓦(Fran Ois)-哈维尔·拉兰(Xavier Lalanne)的私人世界打开大门,让他们从启发他们的主题,以及他们选择围绕自己的艺术品中打开大门。他们最著名的主题画了自然世界:他们创造了一个真正的丛林动物,花卉,蔬菜和植物铸造青铜。沉思和好奇,情绪化和优雅,这对夫妇从未厌倦自然,经常借鉴在他们自己的后花园生长。随着气候变化的迫在眉睫的威胁,他们的作品引起了新一代的深刻共鸣。
Although the couple shared a style that was radical in its reimagining of functionality, form and poetry, they didn’t only work collaboratively. ‘We were in tune with each other and yet also very distinct,’ as Claude tactfully put it in an interview. The works going up for auction on 23 – 24 October will reveal the extent to which their practice was intertwined, but also the touches and details that differed between the two. Their relationship is captured in a portrait taken in 1976: Claude straddling an iron Minotaur sculpture built by François-Xavier – who leans poses playfully, leaning against the mythical creature’s neck. It’s a picture that captures the fantasy, frivolity and harmony of their creative dynamism.
Mario Tavella, president of Sotheby’s France, describes Les Lalanne as ‘a couple who hold today a fundamental place in the history of French art’. As such, the auction is set to be a record-breaker – a 2015 auction at Sotheby’s Paris attracted almost €5m in sales. §
苏富比(Sotheby‘s France)总裁马里奥·塔维拉(Mario Tavella)形容莱斯·拉安妮(Les Lalanne)是“今天在法国艺术史上占有重要地位的一对夫妇”因此,这次拍卖将打破纪录-2015年在巴黎苏富比举行的拍卖会吸引了近500万欧元的销售额。§