Rejuve Lab皮肤诊所,上海 / Mur Mur Lab
2019-09-19 16:42
Rejuve象征新生。皮肤诊所不是Mur Mur Lab擅长的题材:注重室内陈设多于空间本身;功能的日常性和诗意间的距离……都是设计需要面对的挑战。怀抱对未来商店不确定性的共同期盼,让我们还是接受了这次委托。
Rejuve is Symbolic of new life. Skin clinic is not the subject of Mur Mur Lab ‘s expertise: focusing more on indoor furnishings than space itself; the distance between functional routines and poetry… are design challenges. With a common hope for future store uncertainty, we accept the commission.
▼入口空间,entrance space ©UNITU
▼光线被过滤后,照亮开端的空间,the light was filtered, illuminating the beginning of the space ©UNITU
▼注重室内陈设多于空间本身,focusing more on indoor furnishings than space itself ©UNITU
功能 | Functions
一间办公室,几间诊室几乎就已经充满了这个100平米的空间。如何在一个不大,但高度可观的空间内恰如其分地铺陈开所有的功能?Mur Mur 设计了一条长长的流线。光线被过滤后,照亮开端的空间;从这里迅速进入窄长的通道,它组织起了诊所必备的功能:接待、疗愈、盥洗。在端部,有一个集日常使用和冥想一体的空间在静静等待被发现。
▼设计概念图,concept drawing
Mur Mur designed a long circulation.The light was filtered, illuminating the beginning of the space; Quickly entering into the narrow channel, from here it organized the necessary functions of the clinic : reception, healing, showering.
▼由入口进入内部功能空间,from the entrance to the functional space ©UNITU
▼窄长的通道,the narrow channel ©UNITU
The space by the window is comfortable and stay-able; reception is core and private; the clinic is routine… The function is separated by the wall, and because the eaves are extended. In this long sequence, light is the most important guide. Bathed in light, is the beginning. The shadow , let a person calm; Bright and soft room and an unexpected end. Light and shadow together shape different texture in the space and atmosphere. It was fun everyday.
▼通道组织起了诊所必备的功能:接待、疗愈、盥洗,the narrow channel organized the necessary functions of the clinic: reception, healing, showering ©UNITU ©Jr.hoct
▼光和影共同塑造着空间里不同的质感和氛围,light and shadow together shape different texture in the space and atmosphere ©UNITU
日常 | Daily
皮肤是身体最敏感的表皮。立面的折射,恰如其分的设置了一层日常和非日常的间隔。日常就是,你能以一种非常舒适的状态进入这个空间,你会对立面折射下来的影子好奇,你会被墙上这个有趣的洞口吸引,你会为一处淋蓬头驻足… 在所有的日常之下会不会都有一些非日常的事发生,这是Mur Mur 的好奇心。 日常的背景之上, 就是这层延绵的屋檐。
The skin is the most sensitive epidermis of the body. The refraction of the facade is appropriately set up at a level of routine and non-routine intervals. Daily is that you can in a very comfortable state into this space, you will be curious about the shadow of refraction.,you will be attracted by the interesting hole on the wall, you’ll be stop by a shower hair… Under all the daily will have some special things happen, this is Mur Mur curiosity. On top of the daily background is this long eaves, is this layer over the roof.
▼浴室,bathroom ©UNITU ©含之 Hanzhi
▼墙上有趣的洞口,the interesting hole on the wall ©含之 Hanzhi
建筑学 | Architecture
胚芽是事物的根本,这是Mur Mur 一直强调的建筑学本体,它更像一个种子。“现代建筑是一种新的建筑风格,也创造了一种新的和与以往不同的谈论建筑的方式。”沿袭对现代的描述,我们试想以未来作为背景,创造一种大众都可以接纳并想象的方式。在Mur Mur Lab一系列叙事性空间的实践中,我们坚信:好建筑是可以撰写出来。在这里,它像一颗糖果。
Germ is the essence of things, and this is the architectural ontology that Mur Mur has always emphasized, and it is more like a seed. “Modern architecture is a kind of new architecture style, also created a new and different ways of talking about architecture.” Following the description of modernity, we imagine using the future as a background to create a way that the public can accept and imagine. In Mur Mur Lab’s series of narrative spaces, we believe that good architecture can be written. Here, it’s like a candy.
▼透过立面材料的光与影,light and shadow through materials ©含之 Hanzhi
▼细部,details ©含之 Hanzhi ©Jr.hoct
关于Mur Mur Lab | Profile
Mur Mur Lab由建筑师夏慕蓉、李智2016年创立于上海。他们以建筑学为内核,通过创意不断激发典雅趣味性审美范式的建立。将设计作为城市更新和社会改良的工具,关注未来商店,城市装置和微小建筑空间复兴。不囿于传统,于不意中见真知,创造日常的惊喜,是《Frame》眼里的Chinese Whispers.
Mur Mur Lab was founded by architects Samoon and Lee in 2016, in Shanghai. They establish an elegant and interesting aesthetic paradigm through creativity, regarding architecture as the core of design. Mur Mur Lab see design as the tool for urban renewal and social environment improvement, focusing on the projects of future stores, urban installations and micro architectural spaces renovation. The studio is not confined to the tradition, continuously providing insight beyond expectation and creating surprises for daily life. They are reckoned as Chinese Whispers in Frame.
项目名称:Rejuve Lab
©Mur Mur Lab 未来商店 2019