HBA Resort凭借其屡获殊荣的设计项目,在度假村设计领域中脱颖而出

2020-03-26 17:35
HBA Resort为世界上最顶级的度假胜地 提供量身定制的设计 HBA Resort Delivers Hand-crafted Projects for the World’s Most Treasured Resorts
中国(2020年3月23日)——作为全球首屈一指的酒店室内设计公司——赫希贝德纳联合设计公司(HBA)的最新部门之一,HBA Resort成立于2017年,目前已成为度假村设计行业的新晋领导者。自成立以来,HBA Resort迅速扩大其足迹,完成了遍布亚洲、中东和非洲的60多个独一无二的度假胜地项目。 China (March 23, 2020) – Being one of the latest divisions of Hirsch Bedner Associates, the world’s leading hospitality interior design firm, HBA Resort was launched in 2017 and has now successfully positioned itself as a rising leader in resort design. Since its foundation, HBA Resort rapidly expanded its footprint, completing more than 60 bespoke resorts across Asia, Middle East, and Africa.

HBA Resort旨在提供量身定制的建筑、室内和景观设计。我们的团队与当地工匠密切合作,为世界上最顶尖的度假村打造出别具地道风情、匠心独运的设计。 HBA Resort provides tailored architecture, interior design and landscape services, with staff collaborating with local artisans to create indigenous and authentic design projects for the world’s most treasured resorts. HBA Resort战略性地将总部设置在印尼巴厘岛,这里是热带度假村的发源地,也是健康旅游的首选目的地。HBA Resort的理念在这座神奇岛屿的自然美景和神奇能量中不断得到启发、检测和提升。 Strategically located in Bali, Indonesia, the origin of tropical resorts and top destination for wellness travel – HBA Resort ideas are constantly inspired, tested and advanced through the natural beauty and magical energy of this magical island. 近期,通过首席建筑师Miles Humphreys、HBA Resort负责人David Haughton以及Coopers Hill公司的景观设计总监Bartosz Pawel Majchrzycki之间的无缝合作,HBA Resort将建筑、室内和景观设计完美融合,为客户提供浑然天成的一体化设计解决方案。 With the recent collaboration between Leading Architect Miles Humphreys, HBA Resorts Principal David Haughton and Landscape Design Director Bartosz Pawel Majchrzycki from Coopers Hill, HBA Resort brings great Architectural, Interior and landscape design under one roof, offering a seamless and holistic design solution.
Cempedak Private Island Resort 简单的赤足奢华 | Simple Barefoot Luxury
Cempedak Private Island位于印度尼西亚民丹东海岸,占地42英亩,以其地道风情和可持续的设计而闻名。这里有天然的白色沙滩和热带雨林,是当地各种鸟类和濒危动物的美好家园。为了最大程度地保护这座岛屿的自然美景,首席建筑师Miles Humphreys在设计和施工过程中严格遵循可持续发展原则。度假村的标志性别墅中大量使用竹子这种多功能环保材料。此外,别墅的月牙形屋顶都是用当地的草搭建而出,不仅和谐融入周边环境,同时还能抵御恶劣天气。 Cempedak Private Island is a 42-acre island off the east coast of Bintan, Indonesia, known for its authentic and sustainable design. It is naturally gifted with white sandy beaches and a large rainforest that serves as a home for a diverse population of local birds and endangered animals. To preserve the natural beauty of this island at its best, Miles Humphreys, the lead architect, carefully adheres to strict sustainable principles during the design and construction process. As an eco-friendly and multifunctional material, bamboo is largely used to support the resorts signature villas. In addition, the villas’ crescent-shaped roofs are made from local grass to provide a natural symmetry to the environment and at the same time protection from the elements.

Cempedak Private Island 鸟瞰图 Aerial View

海景别墅 | Beach Villa

卧室 | Bedroom (图片来源 | Photo Credit:Cempedak Private Island)
作为Long Run Organization的成员,Cempedak Island因其在可持续性方面的卓越表现以及对保护生态和当地社区的积极贡献而被公认为全球生态圈胜地(GER)。在Cempedak Private Island Resort这个理想的旅游胜地,不必顾虑留下过多的碳足迹,您大可以尽情享受极致的奢华假期。 As a member of the Long Run Organization, Cempedak Island is recognized as the Global Ecosphere Retreats (GER) for its excellence in sustainability and positive impact it has on conservation and local community. With this recognition, Cempedak Private Island Resort is undoubtedly an ideal destination where you can enjoy a luxurious holiday while leaving a light footprint.
阿雅娜Lako Di’a Ayana Lako Di’a 开启非凡的海上之旅 | Exceptional Journey to the Sea
阿雅娜Lako Di’a是世界上最大的豪华定制私人游轮,这个独树一帜的项目是由HBA Resort负责人David Haughton设计的。它最初的灵感来自南苏拉威西岛上那传奇的菲尼西造船艺术,该技术现在已被联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)视为世界非物质文化遗产。为宾客提供非凡海上之旅的阿雅娜Lako Di’a拥有9个豪华客舱,最多可容纳18位宾客。 Ayana Lako Di’a, the world’s largest specially built luxury private cruise ship is an utterly unique project designed by HBA Resort principal David Haughton. It is originally inspired by South Sulawesi’s incredible Phinisi boat-building art, which is now considered as the world’s Intangible Cultural Heritage by the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). With 9 sumptuous cabins, Ayana Lako Di’a can bring up to 18 guests onboard for an exceptional journey to the sea.

顶层甲板 | Upper Deck

豪华卧室 | Luxury Bedroom

餐厅| Dining Room (图片来源 | Photo Credit:Himawan Sutanto)
徜徉在顶层甲板上,一望无际的海景,动人心弦的日落,舒缓的海风,伴您度过惬意的时光。甲板的设计和纹理采用精致的田园风格和饱和色调,而客舱的色调更为柔和,令人彻底放松身心。每间客舱都配有手工制作的家具,其独特的设计讲述着印度尼西亚岛屿的古老故事。从特色的巡航套餐、到定制的水上活动、再到世界一流的水疗服务,阿雅娜Lako Di’a无疑是您一生必去之地。 With sweeping ocean views featuring fabulous sunsets and soothing ocean winds, the upper deck is an amazing spot to lounge the day away. While the design and textures on the deck area are of refined rustic and saturated tones, the cabin room uses softer and gentler tones to bring full relaxation. Each cabin room with handcrafted furnishings is uniquely designed to tell stories of the islands of Indonesia. With signature dining options, bespoke aqua activities, and world-class spa treatments, the beautifully crafted Ayana Lako Di’a is a must-go destination for once in a lifetime.
嘉玛塔别墅 Villa Jamadara 终极热带体验 | Ultimate Tropical Experience
崖顶乌干沙度假村的嘉玛塔别墅是坐落于悬崖边的一座绚丽的五居室别墅,其别具一格的设计使您的度假体验回味无穷。无论是精心打造的热带花园,还是俯瞰印度洋的浩瀚海景,总有一道迷人的风景在等待着您。 Villa Jamadara at the Ungasan Clifftop Resort is a stunning 5-bedroom cliffside villa perfectly designed for a memorable family getaway. Whether it is the manicured tropical garden or the pristine view over the Indian Ocean, there is always an enchanting sight awaiting.

崖顶无边泳池 | Clifftop Infinity Pool

泳池边的休息区 | Poolside Area

餐厅 | Dining Area (图片来源 | Photo Credits:崖顶乌干沙度假村和HBA Resort)
干净、明快和现代感十足的线条勾勒出嘉玛塔别墅独特的风格,而白色的石头加上浓厚的天然木材香气,为空间增添了更多的自然舒适感。深蓝色的沙发、海军蓝的遮阳帘和俯瞰石灰岩峭壁的绿松石无边泳池,三者相得益彰,形成了一个天堂般的日光浴点。同时,宽敞的餐厅采用开放式设计,带入和煦的微风和充足的阳光,使室内与室外的热带岛屿生活达到完美融合。 Clean, crisp, and contemporary lines define Villa Jamadara’s distinct flair, while the white stone juxtaposed with rich natural wood accents adds natural comfort to the space. The dark blue sofas and navy sun shades complement with the turquoise infinity edge pool overlooking the limestone cliffs, forming a heavenly sunbathing spot. On the other hand, the spacious dining area with an open design catches the sun breeze and brings in abundant sun light, creating an ideal blend of indoor and outdoor tropical island living.
曼达帕丽思卡尔顿酒店 Mandapa Ritz-Carlton Reserve 绿林深处的秘密胜地 | Secret Retreat Amongst Greenery
坐落于巴厘岛的曼达帕丽思卡尔顿酒店由建筑师Miles Humphreys设计,酒店依傍着古老的巴厘梯田和风景如画的阿漾河,是一个隐蔽在乌布自然奇观中的度假胜地。曼达帕的名字来源于梵语中的“庙宇”,它提供60间豪华套房和私人别墅,以现代的设计诠释古代巴厘岛庙宇的特色。每一座套房和别墅都经过深思熟虑的设计,成为探索内心和获摆脱尘世纷扰的私人庇护所。 Designed by architect Miles Humphreys and nestled along the ancient Balinese rice terraces and the picturesque Ayung River, Mandapa Ritz-Carlton Reserve is a retreat tucked away in the natural wonders of Ubud. Deriving its name from the Sanskrit word of “temple”, Mandapa offers 60 luxury suites and private villas, resembling modern iterations of the ancient Balinese temples. Each of them is thoughtfully designed as a private sanctuary for inner exploration and tranquility.


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曼达帕丽思卡尔顿酒店 | Mandapa Ritz-Carlton 鸟瞰图 | Aerial View

儿童乐园 | Kid’s Camp (图片来源 | Photo Credit:Miles Humpherys Architect)
曼达帕丽思卡尔顿酒店自2015年开业以来,屡获CondéNast Traveler、Forbes Travel guide、Trip Advisor及其它大奖。曼达帕是巴厘岛乌布德的文化和宗教中心,许多来自世界各地的游客慕名而来,曼达帕丽思卡尔顿酒店持续为他们打造难忘的住宿体验。 Since its opening in 2015, Mandapa Ritz-Carlton Reserve has been multi-awarded by Condé Nast Traveler, Forbes Travel guide, Trip Advisor and other luxury magazines. As Mandapa stands as Bali’s cultural and spiritual heart of Ubud, Mandapa Ritz-Carlton continues to craft unforgettable staying experiences for guests from all over the world.
巴厘岛塞米亚克海滩英迪格酒店 Hotel Indigo Bali Seminyak Beach 巴厘岛传统的再现 | Re-imagination of Balinese Tradition
巴厘岛英迪格酒店位于塞米亚克的中心,是一个现代时尚和与巴厘传统相碰撞的大熔炉。这家拥有270间客房、19栋别墅的海滩度假酒店分布在郁郁葱葱的热带花园和庭院中,其灵感源自这座独特岛屿的景观、村庄、艺术和文化,并通过一个全新的设计角度将这些当地特色重新诠释。 Hotel Indigo Bali is situated in the heart of Seminyak, a melting pot, where fashion and style meet Balinese tradition. This 270 room, 19 villa beach resort spreads among lush tropical gardens and courtyards, inspired by the landscapes, villages, art and culture of this unique island, but designed from a new and very different perspective. 从宾客一踏入庭院,就开启了传统巴厘岛村庄的神秘之旅。在这里,带有铜火炬和倒影池的别墅营造了一种别样的奢华感受。SugarSand 沙滩俱乐部是个集设计、音乐、美食于一身的海滨餐厅和酒吧,为宾客带来多感官的极致享受。另外,Tree Bar的灵感来源于巴厘岛周围茂盛的热带植物,在酒吧中拔地而起的黑柏树极为醒目,给宾客带来意料之外的惊喜。 Starting from the dramatic arrival courtyard experience, the guests enter a stunning traditional Balinese village, where the exclusive guest villas with cooper fire torches and immersive reflect pools brings in modern luxury. The SugarSand Beach Club, the beachside restaurant and bar, is a truly exceptional mélange of design, music, and taste. On the other hand, the Tree Bar, inspired by the lush flora that encompasses Bali, surprise the guests with a huge Pulai tree planted to rise dramatically from the bar.

游泳池 | Swimming Pool

游泳池 | Swimming Pool (图片来源 | Photo Credit: Coopers Hill)
关于HBA Resort About HBA Resort
HBA Resort将建筑、室内和景观设计结合为一体,为客户提供从小型精品店,到全面、大型的综合开发和完整的交钥匙工程的全套定制度假村项目。HBA拥有超过50年的综合经验,从总体规划到客房和别墅设计、以至款待和采购专业,我们都能够提供一体化设计解决方案。位于巴厘岛的设计总部,以当地的热带岛屿生活的手工文化为灵感,充分迎合所有度假村的设计理念和愿景。 我们巴厘岛工作室的设计过程融合了室内、建筑、景观、照明与艺术设计,并且借鉴了我们全球设计团队的经验和技巧。我们整合了生态建筑、度假村室内设计和可持续景观设计的专业工艺,表达了一个贯穿整体的愿景,即促进健康生活和丰富个人发展和福祉。 Miles Humphreys拥有30多年的国际经验,提供独特的建筑设计,始终秉持可持续性和先进性的全球最高标准。他杰出的项目作品集覆盖了顶级酒店和住宅领域内的高端项目。从打造零碳足迹度假村到拯救物业遗产,他不断通过对豪华旅游行业的了解以及对旅游目的地的生物多样性的认可为尊贵的客户提供精心定制和手工制作的设计。 HBA Resort integrates architecture, landscaping and interior design services to clients delivering the promise of inclusive and bespoke resort destinations, from small boutique scale keys, to comprehensive, large scale mixed developments with complete turn-key services. Having over 50 years combined experience, HBA Resort provides a cohesive service from feasibility master planning packages through room and villa design, hospitality and procurement disciplines. Located in the indigenous design base of Bali, surrounded and inspired by the pure artisanal spirit of tropical island life, we cater to all resort design philosophies and visions. Our Bali studio’s design process is a holistic combination of interior design, architecture, landscape, lighting and art, drawing upon the exploration and skills of our worldwide network of design studios. We integrate the specialist crafts of Eco-architecture, Resort Interiors and Sustainable Landscape design, delivered through an over-arching vision of promoting wellness and enriching personal development and wellbeing. With over three decades of international experience, Miles Humphreys delivers unique architectural designs that ensure the highest standards of sustainability and sophistication across the world. His exceptional portfolio exhibits high-end projects delivered within the top sector of the hospitality and residential market. Understanding the full scope of luxury tourism and respecting the biodiversity of unique destinations, he offers to his valued clients a carefully tailored and hand-crafted vernacular response from zero carbon print resorts to rescuing property legacies.

HBA国际上海代表处 上海市静安区常德路800号C1栋2层 邮编:200040 T:  86.21.6433.0062 | F:  21.6433.0590 网址:www.hba.com





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