Daniela Bucio Sistos丨妙趣横生的Zirahuén度假屋 首
2020-09-11 09:18

Daniela Bucio Sistos

Casa Zirahuen是位于米却肯州一个叫做Zirahuen的小镇上的度假别墅。从山的高度看,项目在基地的植被中央。
‘Casa Zirahuén’ is a holiday house located in a small town of Michoacán called Zirahuén. From de heights of the hills, the project rests amongs the site’s vegetation.

Zirahuen湖在西面,将项目所有的视线引向它。Casa Zirahuen设计的主要目标是重建和重新解释墨西哥小屋,不仅通过重造体量方面,而且采用当地的建筑技术。我们用基地的粘土“charanda”和“topure”在室内和立面墙面上做了涂层。
The lake of Zirahuén is to the west, directing all the project’s views towards it. The main goal of Casa Zirahuen’s design was to recreate and reinterpretate the mexican cabin, not only by retaking volumetric aspects but also in vernacular constructive techniques. We made coatings on interiors and facade walls with site’s clay soils named ‘charanda’ and ‘topure’.

Casa Zirahuen砖石墙的石头排列受到了我们在整个州看到的城镇中划分土地的石头栅栏的启发。双向倾斜的混凝土板覆盖了室内空间,并向外延伸,在室外也创建了庇护所。
The arrangement of the stone in the masonry walls of Casa Zirahuén was inspired by the stone fences that delimit the land in the towns that we see throughout the state.The two way inclined concrete slabs cover the interior spaces and extend outward to create shelters also on the outside.

The house is divided into 4 cabins, the largest contains the social program; living and dining room, the copper kitchen, a stairway to a lookout in the rooftop and a cellar area in its basement. The other 3 cabins, house the private program in its first and attics plants, all three of them are connected through hallways on the ground floor and small bridges in the attics plant. Two of the private cabins have a basement floor with a lake view, a bar and a gym with jacuzzi.

三个小木屋与主木屋分离,形成一个中央庭院,这是项目中一个重要的交汇点。将项目划分为不同体量的决定来自于在Casa Zirahuen内沿着任何方向创建内部/外部走道的搜索。
The 3 cabins are disarticulated from the main cabin to create a central courtyard, an important meeting point in the project. The decision to divide the program into different volumes is taken from the search to create interior/exterior walks throughout the site in any direction you take in Casa Zirahuén.
