墨伊教育中心,上海 TOPOS DESIGN

2021-06-13 11:33


项目名称:墨伊教育中心 设计单位:TOPOS DESIGN(www.topos-design.com) 设计总监:林 晨 设计团队:惠中旗(现场),王成(方案),卢丽媛(方案),章渺(实习)
设计文案:郑立跃 视觉设计:MEEM Design(www.meemdesign.cn) 业主单位: 墨伊教育 施工单位: 上海渊横建筑工程有限公司
机电顾问:王必虎 灯光顾问: 上海贝莹照明设计有限公司,上海旭亦照明科技有限公司 建筑摄影:
项目地址:中国,上海市,黄浦区 项目规模:室内面积1200平方米,露台面积420平方米 设计时间:2019年11月至2020年6月 施工时间:2020年10月至2021年3月 主要材料:防火板 石塑地板 PVC定制地板 EPDM塑胶地面 定制玻璃钢 人造石
Nature hopes that children should be like children before they become adults.
Jean Jacques Rousseau, 《Emile》
▼空间视频 Video
▼概念轴测 Conceptual Axonometric diagram

墨伊教育是一家以培养教育二至六岁学前儿童为使命的教育机构。2020年初,TOPOS DESIGN受邀为其在上海打造首个舒适安全、富有自然力与创新力的幼儿园。位于黄浦区的3层建筑,拥有1200平米的室内空间和420平米的露台空间,设计团队希望在此儿童教育空间的设计中能够避免繁复色彩,复杂造型的流行时尚,用以接近肌肤的质感,极具分寸感的空间,打造一座拥有满满记忆,如海绵般柔软的儿童之城。
Moipoint Education is an educational institution whose mission is to train and educate preschool children between the ages of two and six. At the beginning of 2020, TOPOS DESIGN was invited to build their first kindergarten in Shanghai, which would be comfortable, natural and innovative. The three-floor architecture has 1,200 m²of indoor space and 420 m²of terrace space. Our design team hopes to avoid using complicated popular or fashion elements in the children’s education space like complicated colors or complex forms. Moreover, its purpose is to create a city for children with texture close to skin and high sense of scales, soft like a sponge and full of memories.
▼多功能室 Multifunctional Room

质感的空间 Textured Space
The site is located in a three-story single building on the riverside of the World Expo, Huangpu District, Shanghai. The lower side is Zhongshan South Road, the higher side is an inner ring elevated, and one side of the road is the Cross-Border Expo Park. We noticed that surrounding the park, the vehicles are noisy and passing quickly, and the colors of the commercial buildings are indifferent. These powerful city objects are aggressive. As a result, Moipoint Educational Center settles a space capsule here to contain a warm and free space for children.
▼前台 Reception



The entrance avoids the public roads in the park and hidden in a row of green walls, forming a dividing line between inside and outside. The inside area is based on light wood grain, with round arches, round grooves, and rounded corners, which are used in doors, walls, and front desks. Wood is against concrete, and the soft form is against hard right angles and long, endless straight lines. Above all, the perceptible texture depicts a map leading to the world of childrens action and experience.
▼室内太空蓝色胶囊 Interior Blue Space Capsule



From the capsule-shaped multifunctional hall on the first floor, climbing to the second floor, there are the game house, classrooms and the baking room. The designer chose different sizes and directions for different rooms, in order to decrease the sense of interference from the adult world. Children can fully enjoy the joy of exploration while walking through different rooms.
▼游戏屋 Game House


▼教室 Classroom




From the beginning of this area, the intervention of sea blue hints more hidden spaces: A child-scale calm house, a lunar module-style passage, and a set of gangways that seem to just have been lowered from the cabin. All of them allow the entire floor space to continuously generate new attractions. On the third floor, in addition to the well-lit classrooms and studios, the blue capsule passage once again reminds new spatial elements: it leads to the sports arena on the terrace, where the outside world reappears, but when children face it, the viewing used is already different.
▼露台太空蓝色胶囊 Terrace Blue Space Capsule


The change of viewing is clearer on the large terrace on the roof floor: the wooden guardrail covered by green plants has both protective and visual guidance functions, but what more important is when viewed from a child’s height, guardrails’ various heights create a jungle with rich layers. Whether it is a street, a viaduct, or other nearby commercial buildings, they all become landscape objects that have been recreated by children’s eyes.
Children become the masters of this textured space.
▼露台太空蓝色胶囊 Terrace Blue Space Capsule

内外的游戏 Games Inside and Outside
The designer invites children to play a game about inside and outside.
Unlike most general school buildings, the corridors of the Moipoint Education Center are not only topological points connecting different spaces, but are action spaces need to be rediscovered and treated equally as real existence. It is wider and more complete, and the arc element of the capsule is everywhere. As for partial area, the size of the passage will change quietly, it will no longer be unobstructed, but become a place worthy of feeling the details and changes when staying, walking, and running.
▼活动走廊 Activity Corridor

If we defined each functional room as inside, then we can say the corridor separated by a door is outside. If the whole building is regarded as a spaceship on an adventurous journey, then the corridor is closer to the core of the spaceship than any other rooms. The function of the corridor hasn’t been defined by adults. It is another public space for children for growing in the future.
▼活动走廊 Activity Corridor


功能的具形 Functional Form
What is the concept of preschool education space? Whomever Piaget, Vygoski, or Pipette, they will disagree that it is an aggregation of abstract concepts. Perhaps, it should be a big toy that children can intuitively perceive and interact with it at any time, and discover or create its hidden function at the same time.
▼一层卫生间 1F Bathroom

二层卫生间 2F Bathroom


The various areas of the Moipoint Preschool are marked by graphic from different circles, different arcs, different-length line segments, and different-size squares. No need to rely on house numbers or words, just use curiosity, observation, trial and error, childrens innate exploration ability can lead them to identify different functional spaces and redefine them in their own way.
▼三层卫生间 3F Bathroom

The multi-functional hall design is a typical example.
In the purely objective drawing, it is a horizontal arch. At one end of the arc, the bookshelves full of books form an open-capsule children’s library, which encloses the same arc-shaped stage; while on the other side of the square, mirrored walls and handrails mark the dance space.
▼多功能室 Multifunctional Room




But the possibilities of this space are far more than that in the eyes of children. When the entire space is evenly illuminated by the soft light which shaped like ocean waves on the ceiling, its publicity reaches its peak. The front of the stage bears the meaning of display for children, while the partners act as audiences in the front, or prepare together in the space on the back of the stage. All above actions happen in the same scene and connect to each other.
While in another scenario, when the stage is the only bright spot in the space, it will become an island in the dark night.
美好的点滴 Moi Moments
The “Moi” in Moipoint means enjoyable things in Dutch. The name of Moipoint was conceived and named by the client and the design team together, which means enjoyable moments. Every Moipoints child, will be filled with the dedication of the Moipoint team, even the tiniest details.
▼空间标识 Space Graphic

The founder of Moipoint has been in the education industry for many years, and our design team has reached a consensus with her, and must carefully guard the sense of design. Nowadays, popular design trends are often over-designed, designers have forgotten how to treat specific environment carefully but use sensitive elements that can quickly spread on social media without thinking.
▼楼梯标识 Stair Graphic

In this particular project, the design team made the most simplified solution. In a three-story single building space for early childhood education, what is the reason to design every corner, every parameter, and every centimeter? Is it for viewing from an external perspective, especially remote viewing from the Internet, or for the subject of children in it?


The former requires a static posture, like a stage setting. It does not point to functions, but to popular symbols. The latter is looking forward to a dynamic and constantly updated natural evolution. Obviously, children will continue to use this space and continually provide motivation for evolution. In this process, the unique spiritual temperament of Moipoint Preschool was born.
▼活动走廊 Activity Corridor

▼1F平面图 1F Plan

▼2F平面图 2F Plan

▼3F平面图 3F Plan

▼RF平面图 Roof Plan












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