大研设计新作 丨奢雅华美舞韵 泓著大观花苑销售中心 售楼处

2021-08-05 13:59
大研设计| 泓著大观花苑销售中心 




"Huai river southeast of the first state, when the crenellated tower around the mountain. The gold ribbon hangs at the bottom of the waist, and the snow song is written." - bai juyi


The case is located in Huaian, is one of the birthplace of ancient culture in the Jianghuai River basin, art and culture has a long history. Morris once said: Art should not only be for the people, but also for the people. Design and art have the same origin, design is human design, meet the psychological, physiological and emotional cultural needs of people, so this case focuses on huaian Huaihai opera culture, from the three dimensions of meaning, rhyme, shape will be traditional and modern blend, deduce to the United States art culture in the space, create a lifestyle of elegance and luxury.
The buildings outside the sales center take soft curves as the main visual elements, soft zhou Zheng. large area transparent French Windows have a modern feeling, which can be interpreted as the fusion of contemporary and traditional, and interpret the spatial tonality of poetic interest.





Meaning | fusion and collision



When entering the reception hall for the first time, the neat layout and large configuration make the hall full of order, and lay a sense of grand atmosphere and scene. The elegant brown wood wall finishes are paired with a large area of light colored marble walls to create the fundamental tone of luxury and elegance of the space.


The shape of water sleeve dancing in Huaihai costume of China is applied to the space as a visual element. The artistic chandelier in the top center and the trunk of curve spiral simulate the path of the graceful body and posture of the performers on the stage of opera. Collocation is transparent the adornment that is like biwing, lightsome changeful. The dancing sleeves are transformed into abstract curves, forming a dynamic flow of decorative elements, which are displayed on the whole side glass and the background stone parquet, delicate and flexible.


When the harp and the lyre sounded, the feather dance began. Huaihai opera is accompanied by instruments with Chinese national characteristics, including three-stringed instruments with elegant form and Chinese characteristics. The three-string elements are disassembled into basic geometric elements and applied to the luminaire form. Standing in front of it, people seem to be able to hear the tune of harmony and see the swaying posture of the dancing.



The reception desk also has a unique style by changing the shaped decoration of the piano head and reconstructing it into details. Traditional elements are unexpectedly presented in the subtleties in a modern form, showing the collision and fusion of tradition and modernity.





The scattered metal lamp stands, like exquisite instruments hanging in the space, are the nodes of the iconic musical passages, which echo each other from afar and rotate repeatedly, pushing the overall rhythm to the climax.



Rhyme | perceptual and romantic


The first thing that catches your eye in the sand table area is the artistic ceiling device that spirals upward freely. The designer captured and abstracted the shape of the water sleeve dancing in the opera, and transformed it into a gentle and powerful arc shape, which was interwoven freely to show the solidified artistic beauty under the transformation of artistic processing. The sand table and the reception desk choose the same elements to continue the identity of space texture and form an echo. At the same time, the suspended ceiling and sand table are selected in the form of rounded corners to enhance the integrity of the space.





The negotiation area space sight is open, the top of the area is divided by the top form of the sand table area, and the smooth curve creates a round and stable atmosphere. The top surface of the deep talking area uses a dark metal ripple to visually partition the space psychologically.

Symmetrical tables and chairs form a perfect sense of order, which fits the pursuit of symmetrical beauty that people tend to pursue.


The background wall of the water bar area is enclosed by curved wall. The brown color is matched with light color, continuing the fundamental color of the space, and the perfect combination of traditional and modern. The soft and curved lamp is suspended on the top, which seems to bring the visual experience of holding the pipa half covered surface.



In the deep discussion area, the space is shaped with an extreme sense of symmetry. The wall lamp in the form of three-string instrumental music hangs on the column and appears repeatedly in the space, just as one traditional music piece after another is melodious and circulated here. The texture of space is conveyed from a cultural perspective, bringing people into a long lasting situation and arousing cultural resonance.






Modern art furniture is matched with elegant tabletop floral art and soft decorations, blending ancient charm with modern texture.

Storage cabinet partition uses acrylic board clip retro texture metal plate, delicate and exquisite.

Childrens activity area chooses light wood veneer, make the space atmosphere more light. With the classic fairy tale Alice in Wonderland, the space is composed, combining classic and contemporary, showing romance and endless imagination.



Shape | material and scale



The VIP negotiation area also adopts the form of axial symmetry to complete the spatial layout, continuing the sense of ceremony created by the lobby. The dark coffee color wood veneer on the wall lays the stable texture of the space. The red art installation and bright color furniture in the space brighten the space, making the solemn atmosphere without loss of enthusiasm.






The design continues the overall texture of the space, reshaping the spatial connotation with modern techniques and traditional elements, and the neat sequence of logic expresses the quiet and elegant thinking




The melodious music sounded, and the graceful posture of the dance brought the past closer to time. In each space, we are led to touch the mark of traditional culture, and our thoughts are rippling in the aftertaste. This case integrates traditional culture, presents visual shock with the modernist design style, deduces the perfect blend of traditional and modern aesthetics, and shows the modern charm of light luxury.
平面图/floor plan



项目名称 | 泓著大观花苑销售中心

The project name | carry forward the grand view garden sales center

项目地点 | 江苏·淮安

Project site | jiangsu huaian

硬装设计 | Yan Design大研设计

Hard outfit Design | Yan Design dayan Design

软装设计 | 元禾大千

Soft outfit design | yuan grain fills 

甲方单位 | 弘阳集团

Party a unit | hong Yang group

甲方团队 | 张镝、胡林林、孙亮、黄路、王玮、白好佳

Party a team | Zhang Di, lin-lin hu, carlo, yellow road, wang wei, white is good

设 计 师 | 祝昌炜、汤玲慧、张春文、刘亚群、朱超、王鹏

Designer | ZhuChangHui, Shang Linghui, Zhang Chunwen, ya-qun liu, Zhu Chao, Paul peng wang

设计风格 | 现代风格

| design style of modern style 

项目面积 | 850M²

Project area | 850 m squared 

主要材质 | 保加利亚灰大理石、星雅灰大理石、木饰面、镀钛波纹板、艺术玻璃

Main material | Bulgaria grey marble, star of titanium coating on grey marble, wood veneer, corrugated board, art glass

项目摄影 | 本末堂、一千度视觉

Photography project | the hall, a red vision 

完工时间 | 2021年6月

Completion time | in June 2021























Yan Design大研设计由知名设计师欧阳辉先生2004年成立于上海,在设计领域已深耕数十年。研,愈思有度;取义详尽。大研设计一直保持初心,以钻研的态度做设计,致力空间与艺术的高度融合。多年来公司参与了各类地产、商业及办公空间的软、硬装设计与实施,与一线开发商保持着长期的战略合作关系。服务业主包括:中海、世茂、正荣、招商、中建、保利、阳光城、弘阳、万科等大型知名房企。




















Yan Design大研设计创始人 

2004年创立Yan Design大研设计。

从业二十余年,一直保持初心,带领团队在设计专业化和市场化之间不断平衡。坚持在务实中进取思考,反复探求,用设计悟生活。Yan Design大研设计作品屡次斩获国内外设计大奖。





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