Hall Arts高端城市综合体 HKS

2021-10-09 09:48
HALL Arts位于美国最大的都会艺术区内,是一个汇集了文化、商业和创意活动的多期文旅开发城市综合体,代表了场所营造的最高水准:一处居住、工作和娱乐有机融合的朝气之地,一个助力全区未来发展的核心。
HALL Arts is a mixed-use, multi-phased destination development located in the heart of the Dallas Arts District — a vibrant medley of culture, visual and performing arts, day and nightlife. HALL Arts is ideally situated within the largest urban arts district in the country, offering a teeming hub of culture, business and innovation. It represents placemaking at its finest: a vibrant place for people to live, work and play that activates the district for future development.
▼项目鸟瞰,aerial view of the project ©HKS

项目一期已于2016年启用,包括毕马威广场办公楼、与其相邻的的德克萨斯雕塑公园、三家顶级餐厅和七层地下停车场。本项目为HALL Arts项目二期,包括商业、酒店与高端公寓,其中酒店是一家全服务型豪华精品酒店,于2019年12月开业。HALL Arts公寓是一座豪华高层住宅,于2020年春季开放入住。整个艺术区设计大腕云集,HKS受邀设计本项目,并协调综合开发的各个方面,以营造出活力热情、富有文化底蕴的达拉斯市中心生活体验,吸引周边居民和游客前来探索新发现。
Phase I of the project opened in 2016 and includes the KPMG Office Plaza at HALL Arts; the adjacent half-acre HALL Texas Sculpture Walk; three premier restaurants and the seven-level underground HALL Arts parking structure. The HALL Arts Hotel, a full-service luxury boutique hotel, welcomes its first guests in December 2019. HALL Arts Residences, an exclusive residential high-rise, opens spring 2020. HKS was challenged to harmonize each component of the development to create a welcoming and culturally rich downtown Dallas experience, beckoning residents and visitors alike to explore.
▼从公园看向建筑,view to the building from the park ©HKS

如何做到在世界著名的达拉斯艺术文化区的中心地带创建一个可步行、健康可持续的社区?20世纪80年代, 达拉斯艺术区出台了最早的总体规划,计划为达拉斯市中心核心区域的私人物业和公共设施改善提供了一个都市设计框架。该规划的核心是让Flora街成为一个以绿茵与人行步道为主的友好环境,将该地区多样的艺术事件与先锋的建筑视觉结合起来。多年来,达拉斯艺术区成为世界级建筑和艺术的朝圣地,却未能实现最初预想的城市步行生活环境。
How do you create a walkable, sustainable, and healthy community within the heart of the world-renowned Dallas Arts District? In the 1980s, the Sasaki Plan, a master concept for the Dallas Arts District, provided an urban design framework for private investment and public improvements to a key district in the heart of the downtown Dallas. At the heart of the plan was Flora Street, intended to be a green and pedestrian oriented environment, unifying the diverse activities of the district with a progressive architectural vision. Over the years, the Dallas Arts District became home to world class architecture and art, but failed to deliver the walkable, urban-living environment that the Sasaki Plan originally intended.
▼区位分析,location analysis ©HKS

The project is phase two of a three phase development aiming at bringing commerce, hospitality, and living into the mix of uses provided in the Dallas Arts District. Phase one is the existing KPMG Plaza and Texas Sculpture Walk, an open-air collection of Art open to the public. The hotel and residences sought to build up on the contribution to the Arts District community in several ways. Further enhancing the public realm with street level public art space. Integrate into the architecture of the Dallas Arts District with a modern, clean, sophisticated architectural expression. Design at healthy and walkable neighborhood which immerses itself in the arts, and culture of the Arts District.
▼项目分期和周边环境,project phases and the surroundings ©HKS

The project makes full use of the location as the core of the cultural district. From the activated streets into the lobbies and restaurants, guests connect with the varied environments including world-renowned music halls, the 19th-century Cathedral Shrine of the Virgin of Guadalupe, contemporary art exhibition space, entertainment places and residentials, via Flora Street, Leonard Street, Ross Avenue, and the Texas Sculpture Walk.
▼分析图,与环境建立联系,analysis, building up connection with the environments ©HKS

Originally planned as a skyscraper, construction for the site’s subterranean garage had been completed when the stock market crashed in 1983, halting the project. The challenging 12-foot elevation change over the existing parking structure is one of the site’s most celebrated assets. The solution is a rhythmic half-acre of landscaped walkways and public realms in which visitors engage with world-class art sculptures, bars, restaurants and local street life. The Texas Sculpture Walk serves as a civic gesture bridging the Arts District and Central Business District in downtown Dallas.
▼利用高差建造的公园,park taking advantage of the height differences ©HKS

▼富有韵律的步行体验,rhythmic walking experiences ©HKS


▼夜景,人们可以享受丰富的雕塑和街头艺术,night view, people could enjoy various sculptures and street arts ©HKS


The project seeks to maximize the connection to public space, create a walkable neighborhood, and bring art to the public. The project’s “four front doors” approach opened a visual and physical connection to the public and guests alike. The front doors, one along each axis, seek to erase the boundaries between the indoor and outdoor realms.
▼开敞的入口,open entrance ©HKS


Through engagements with Dallas community groups and various city officials, Leonard street was reshaped to allow for a higher quality pedestrian experience. By narrowing drive lane widths and moving standing vehicle zones, Hall Arts was able to achieve slower vehicular speeds in the street and create a pedestrian friendly environment.
▼行人友好的环境,pedestrian-friendly environment ©HKS

An urban garden provides a physical barrier between pedestrians and moving vehicles, reduce street vehicle noise, and provide an enhanced streetscape with more trees, higher quality finishes, and public seating space.
▼人行道和建筑之间的都市花园,urban garden between the pedestrian and the building ©HKS

The hotel lobby creates a beckon of light for the community along Ross Avenue and Leonard Street. The high transparency glazing connects guests on the interior with the street activity outdoors, and also serves to connect the street realm to the lovely white washed interiors of the hotel. All hotel public space flanks the exterior walls, providing a magnificent view of the art, and design of the building interior.
▼酒店大堂,hotel lobby ©HKS


▼弧线形的楼梯,curved staircase ©HKS

▼前台,counter ©HKS

▼夹层上的休息区,lounge on the mezzanine ©HKS

The residential lobby and arrival garden connects with the public streetscape while also creating a buffer of relief from the world outside. The garden, planted with regional flora, and a natural material pallet soothes visitors as they enter the building. From the arrival, residents and visitors are greeted by the beautiful custom stainless steel screen, and white walls, creating a play of shadows throughout the day. The glass and steel canopy above not only protect residents from inclement weather, but also provide a portal view the beautiful textures of the white and glass tower above.
▼公寓大堂外的小花园,small garden outside the residential lobby ©HKS

▼小花园夜景,氛围私密,night view of the small garden with an intimate atmosphere ©HKS


Hall Arts酒店和公寓以其充满现代感的、简洁而又精致的当代审美与表达融入了达拉斯艺术区的建筑群。该建筑采用了特殊的表皮处理,既融入了该地区的建筑美学,同时也在区域中突出了自己的存在。
Hall Arts Hotel and Residences blends uniquely into the architecture of the Dallas Arts District with a modern, clean, and sophisticated architectural expression. The building employs some vary unique building skins that fuse into the aesthetic of the district, while also creating a presence of its own among the neighborhood designs.
▼简洁精致的建筑外观,clean and sophisticated architectural expression ©HKS

▼特殊的表皮在融入街区的同时彰显自身的存在 unique surface creating self-presence while being harmony with the block ©HKS


The Hotel façade features a mixture of two unitized curtainwall systems. One system, located along the façade facing Leonard street, incorporates a simple high-performance insulated glass panel allowing for unmatched wall to wall views of the Wyly theatre and surrounding Arts District, for each guestroom. Along Ross Avenue, and facing the Texas Sculpture walk, the hotel utilizes another wholly distinctive façade, unlike any other in the region. This curtainwall blends a mix of vision glazing for quality guestroom views, with custom opaque aluminum walls offering both privacy and a distinct appearance on the exterior.
▼酒店立面幕墙细部,details of the hotel curtain wall ©HKS

The exterior of the hotel displays artful custom wall panels with raised vertical lines designed to be a play on light. Sunlight illuminates the lines during the day, but integrated backlighting reverses the pattern at night, obscuring the lines and brightening the gaps.
▼酒店夜景,立面肌理反转,night view of the hotel creating a reversed facade pattern ©HKS

The 28-story tower at its essence reduces energy use by creating a dense, metropolitan environment for residents, allowing for reduce solar load on the building and its mechanical systems. The building façade features an average 54% window to wall ratio. This was accomplished for the residential tower, with solid aluminum panel walls and insulated spandrel glass placed adjacent to the building core at a 5:95 window to wall ratio. At the same time vision glass with panoramic views of downtown to the south west, and the skyline of Dallas to the Northeast and Northwest provided a higher average 75:25 window to wall ratio. To add to the energy efficiency the hotel was clad with a modular wall panel system with an average 43:57 window to wall ratio on walls facing southeast and southwest.
▼节能分析图,energy saving analysis ©HKS

The hotel — a boutique retreat that both reflects and complements the soul of the Arts District — features design-forward spaces, including two distinctive culinary restaurants, 6,000 square feet (560 square meters) of private event space, as well as striking views of downtown and an extensive in-house art collection.
▼一层餐厅,restaurant on the first floor ©HKS

▼露台上的餐厅,restaurant on the patio ©HKS


▼富有艺术气息的空间,space with artistic atmosphere ©HKS

How does the design promote the health and well-being of all people? There is a global shift towards urbanism. It is estimated that by 2050, 66% of the world’s population will be living in urban areas. This shift offers residents the chance to be closer to businesses, roads, and each other. This densification will create issues with air and water pollution, intrusive lighting, and disruptive noise, thus impacting sleep. The project is designed to combat the issues that arise with urban development to the highest measures possible.
▼屋顶的休闲娱乐空间,recreational space on the rooftop ©HKS


▼泳池,swimming pool ©HKS

Standing at 28 stories, the luxury residential tower is designed to give homeowners the highest level of comfort and health, with infrastructure and amenities focused on soothing the mind and body. The residential and hotel amenity decks serve as connecting places for all occupants of the building. The residential amenity deck opens to panoramic views of Flora Street, providing calming pool and seating areas across the deck. The interior common room, living room, and wine room flank the outdoor amenity deck, gaining access to the same unmatched views of the Dallas Arts District.
▼从泳池可以欣赏周边街区,enjoy the view of the surrounding blocks from the swimming pool ©HKS


Features include a raised flooring system to promote design flexibility and energy efficiency, renewable building materials and programs that promote healthy nutrition and fitness.
▼公寓大堂,residential lobby ©HKS


▼大堂中的休息区,resting area in the lobby ©HKS

The design prioritizes human health and well-being with the built environment through air, water, nourishment, light, fitness, comfort and mind will leave a lasting impact on the guests and community. In addition to all three buildings obtaining LEED Gold certification, the Hall Arts Luxury Residential Tower is the first residential development in Texas to register for WELL Multifamily Certification.
▼公寓室内,interior of the residence ©HKS

从室内的艺术收藏展品到室外的德克萨斯雕塑公园,达拉斯的城市故事由此翻开了崭新的一页。访客和周边居民可在HALL Arts综合开发项目的各个角落充分体验一系列经过精心挑选的艺术空间,雕塑、艺术品、餐厅、酒吧、露台和其他社交活动空间从地面和天空,公共空间联动互通,这些空间节点以精致优雅的美学风格与多功能复合体验融为一体,助力强化达拉斯艺术区超前的建筑及艺术形象。
From the curated art collections that fill the interiors to the connecting Texas Sculpture Walk, a new story unfolds in the city of Dallas. The project energizes the Dallas Arts District with interconnective and communal spaces at street level and throughout the height of the project, activated by restaurants, bars, terraces, and nightlife brings new life to the cultural hub. Throughout the development, guests and residents alike experience a broad range of hand selected art pieces enhance and uphold the progressive architectural and artistic vision for the Dallas Arts District with sophisticated and elegant aesthetics that unite home, commerce and culture.
▼夜景,night view ©HKS


地点:美国,德克萨斯州,达拉斯 建筑面积:38,043平方米 功能:酒店、高端公寓 认证:LEED金级认证,WELL认证
Location: Dallas, Texas, USA Size: 409,500 Total; 249,200 – Residences; 160,300 – Hotel Function: Hospitality, Residential Performance-based Ratings Systems: GOLD LEED, WELL Building













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