新作丨赤梁营造 以幻治幻,土壤上的抽离与唤醒 首
2021-10-27 22:20
Feb. 06.2021赤梁营造设计
宇宙间万事万物都是迂回曲折,从来不走直线。—— 爱默生:《社会和孤独、工作与时日》
当农业金属击碎了世俗的条条框框,一个新的时代即将到。项目位于河南原阳,经济舱烧烤CLUB 经济舱意为创造条件飞向想要的未来,隐含较高性价比提供餐品服务。
A new era will come when agricultural metals break the secular rules. The project is located in Yuanyang, Henan Province. Economy class barbecue Club economy class means to create the conditions to fly to the desired future, implying higher cost performance to provide food services
Science Institute Feb. 05 2017
Science Institute Feb. 05 2017
Construction site
Signboards take on more subtle things and make them big enough for people to see - the concept of how architecture draws hidden boundaries and constructs the relationship between us. Attract people through solid block and light
▲From the Internet
Signboards take on more subtle things and make them big enough for people to see - the concept of how architecture draws hidden boundaries and constructs the relationship between us. Attract people through solid block and light
吧台区 Bar area
弧,线性,圆,禅意灯具 等相关的构件,贯穿融合,呼应未来与传统,回到对宇宙对未来最初的遐想之中
Arc, linear, circle, Zen lamp and other related components, run through the fusion, echo the future and tradition, return to the original reverie of the universe to the future
▲吧台区 Bar area
▲吧台区 Bar area
就餐区 Dining area
就餐区 Dining area
The circular ceiling suspended in the stage area runs through the stage and dining area, and is delimited by the area between the top and the ground, so that the entrants have a more immersive experience.
▲ 下沉式就餐区 Sunken dining area
▲ 下沉式就餐区 Sunken dining area
▲ 下沉式就餐区 Sunken dining area
▲ 下沉式就餐区 Sunken dining area
In the relatively monotonous flat open space, the spatial level dislocation is created, which makes the body sense produce the spatial transformation from top to bottom, and enter the spatial rhythm, so as to make the sense of experience rich and reach a larger value
舱.就餐区 VIP Dining area
▲ 舱.就餐区 VIP Dining area
▲ 舱.就餐区 VIP Dining area
▲ 舱.就餐区 VIP Dining area
Enrich the space, emphasize the VIP cabin area through the building block, create a sense of ceremony, make the dining scene more diverse and meet a variety of customer needs.
M.就餐区 M Dining area
The immersion dining area is built with high frequency wrapping of the same material, which makes the space more quiet
▲ 就餐区 Dining area
▲ 就餐区 Dining area
▲ 就餐区 Dining area
▲ 就餐区 Dining area
▲ 就餐区 Dining area
The simulation of the magma wall is a key point for the whole project. The experiment and exploration between the design media and technology is an important part of the progress of Chiliang. How to integrate the experimental nature into the space atmosphere will be the further consideration and exploration of Chiliang
▲ 厨房明档区 Open file area of kitchen
▲ 卫生间 Toilet
In order to meet the needs of the project o
peration, the lighting of the project can be adjusted in different time periods and scenes, and the space expression switching between lost and warm can be realized
Exploded drawing
项目名称 | 经济舱烧烤CLUB
项目地点 | 新乡原阳,河南
设计时间 | 2021年02月
竣工时间 | 2021年06月
项目设计 | 河南赤梁空间建筑设计有限公司
软装设计 | 河南赤梁空间建筑设计有限公司
张真(zen zhang)
ICONIC AWARDS 2020德国标志性创新建筑设计大奖精选项目奖
I-DING AWARD2019国际设计大奖-艾鼎奖 银奖
赤梁 | RedBeam,DesignStudio.
Founded in Yuanyang, Henan Province, the design team has worked for many years in international well-known design institutions, and is committed to providing residential and commercial space in line with contemporary aesthetics for forward-looking customers in different industries. The work is committed to creating modernity and locality in the Oriental context through the construction and spatial medium relationship.
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