ECRU Studio新作丨极简与复古的空灵之境

2021-11-22 10:30




ECRU Studio
CC Residence

在台北大安区,月光下的市场、酒吧和闪闪发光的精品店主宰着城市景观,住宅安静的矗立其中。业主从加拿大返台在这里寻找合适的栖息地。“在加拿大生活了近十年,业主为他的妻子和他们的两个孩子寻找一个自然环境,并立即爱上了这个地方。这是一个非常安静的住宅区,周边拥有许多学校,”ECRU Studio 创始人Jin Chen说。

In Taipei’s Daan District, where moonlit markets, bars and glittering boutiques dominate the townscape, tranquility secretly dwells in the residential interludes. It was this rare breathe-easy quality that inspired a Canada-returned family to find their moorings here. “Having spent close to a decade in Canada, the owner was in search of a natural environment for his wife and their two kids, and immediately fell in love with this place. It’s a very quiet residential area with many schools,” says Jin Chen, a former antique dealer and founder of ECRU Studio.

Jin自称为极简主义者,这套220平方米的三层公寓是他设计精神的真正反映。毕竟,这个粗糙、几乎未完工的外壳与Dinesen橡木地板、粗糙的灰泥墙和有机木材相互作用,空间一些值得称道的地方。“设计过程是层层叠加,但同时又减至最低限度,以创造简约并实现和谐感,”Jin回忆说,参考了材料、颜色和纹理的新旧对比,这体现在古色古香的石灰石和橡木地板、现代家具和有特色的复古小插图中。落地窗和 3.6 米挑高在台北市实属罕见,营造出一种超凡脱俗的存在感,与简约的环境完美契合。

Jin is a self-proclaimed decorative minimalist, and this 220-square-metre, three-storey ground floor apartment is a true-blue reflection of his understated design ethos. After all, there’s something to be said about the rugged, almost-unfinished shell with its Dinesen oak floors, rough plaster walls and organic timber interplays. “The design process was about adding layers and layers, but paring back to the minimum at the same time, to create simplicity and achieve a sense of harmony,” Jin recalls, referencing the old-on-new pastiche of materials, colours and textures that manifest in the antique limestone and fresh oakwood floors, contemporary furniture and characterful vintage vignettes. Full-height windows and 3.6 metre-high ceilings, “a rarity in Taipei City”, project a larger-than-life presence, dovetailing perfectly with the pared-back setting.

这座房子呈现出古典与现代的混合氛围,充满现代折衷主义和旧世界风格。例如,客厅就像一个珠宝盒,里面装着中世纪的法国和意大利家具,一张皮球沙发,一张有复古风格的Maison rejame弧形咖啡桌,Rene Gabriel扶手椅,还有Tommaso Barbi的中世纪台灯。am designs的一张Boulbon Club扶手椅和一座老式的法国木盒雕塑增添了一种时髦的色彩,但真正闪耀的是木材和抛光的石膏天花板横梁,如同pièce de resistance一样,传递出一种质朴的、城市与乡村相融合的魅力。

The house is rooted in duality, posing as an equal mix of classic and contemporary, symmetry and contrast. It features contemporary cocoons with eclectic details and old-world flair. The living room, for example, masquerades as a jewel box of mid-century French and Italian furniture, with a boucle sofa, a period Maison Regain curved coffee table, Rene Gabriel armchairs and a mid-century table lamp by Tommaso Barbi. A Boulbon Club armchair by am designs and a vintage French wood box sculpture lend a modish flourish, but it’s the timber and polished plaster ceiling beams that really


每个空间都有自己独特的美学特征。以餐厅为例。黑色金属垭口将休息室分开,这里的空气带有一丝à la mode小木屋的氛围。橡木地板再次出现,温暖的木色搭配法国古董餐桌和Charlotte Perriand的餐椅。一盏20世纪50年代的老式意大利枝形吊灯向生活致敬,而定制的黑色壁灯与朴实的灰泥墙壁形成了鲜明的对比。“这里的氛围既质朴、原始,又现代,”Jin若有所思地说。

Each space has a distinct aesthetic identity. Take the dining room, for instance. Separated from the lounge by a high-polish, black frame, the air here carries the slightest whiff of an à la mode log cabin. The Dinesen oak floor makes a familiar reappearance, warmly underpinning the antique French table and Charlotte Perriand rush dining chairs. A vintage Italian 1950s chandelier tips its hat to the glamorous side of life, while black, custom-made wall lights strike a swish contrast to the unfussy, plastered walls. “The vibe is rustic, primitive, yet modern,” muses Jin. 


主卧室异想天开的童话风格让人联系到巴黎的闺房。来自于一个古老的法国城堡。。家具设计融合了新旧元素,法国20世纪50年代的扶手椅、意大利老式壁灯和一对古色古香的红色圆柱床头柜,为新世界营造出经典的背景。同样,Pierre Chapo阅读椅、Kazuhide Takahama设计的Saori壁灯和Workstead壁灯,在现代极简主义中展示了精彩的落地效果。

The master bedroom could easily pass off for a Parisian boudoir. The fixtures are tamed by soft furnishings, the scale by signature detailing. Antique doors, salvaged from an old French castle, adorn the doorways, in a whimsical fairytale twist. The furniture scheme marries old and new, with French 1950s armchairs, vintage Italian wall sconces and a pair of antique red column-turned-nightstands conjuring up a classic backdrop for new-world elements. By the same token, the Pierre Chapo reading chair, Saori wall lamp by Kazuhide Takahama and Workstead wall lamps, deliver a brilliant object lesson in modern minimalism. 



ECRU Studio
T House

T House是ECRU Studio的第一个住宅项目,150㎡的空间位于台北金融区的小山上。他们大胆的选择多种材料的组合,打造不同风格的家。Jin Chen将原始和现代设计相结合,创造出永恒的室内设计,其中材料起着重要的作用。这位台湾设计师能够将他对古董的热情转化为成功的室内设计。

With a combination of primitive and contemporary designs, Jin Chen of ECRU Studio creates timeless interiors in which materiality plays an important role. The Taiwanese designer was able to turn his passion for antiques into a success story.






例如来自Borge Mørgensen、Giancarlo Piretti、Pierre Chapo 和 Ingvar Hildingsson 等人的几件复古作品与现代设计相结合。找到平衡点便达到了完美平衡的境界。

For example, several vintage works from Borge Mørgensen, Giancarlo Piretti, Pierre Chapo and Ingvar Hildingsson are combined with modern designs. Find the balance point and reach the state of perfect balance.








About ECRU Studio
Jin Chen / 创始人

在创立ECRU Studio之前,Jin Chen在音乐行业工作了好几年。然而,他无法摆脱另一大热情——设计,2014年,他在家乡台北开了一家古董店。室内设计由他亲自打理,并因此获得高度评价,导致其后不久就有许多商业项目的要求。然而,真正的设计工作室的形成还需要几年的时间。

2018年 ECRU Studio 正式成立,其创始人现在与一个由设计师、建筑师和装饰师组成的小团队合作。将他们的项目与某种风格联系起来并不容易,这也不是这家台湾设计工作室的目标。相当,重要的是要分享他们所代表的意思,这是一种始终在经典与现代元素之间取得平衡的纯粹而诚实的设计。这已成为陈在台湾的标志性空间语言。





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