江月溯流光,澄碧浸明眸 ELD 新作 首
2021-12-26 22:35
沐日光華還浴月,我欲乘桴 ——浪淘沙·望海
我們擯棄原始空間多餘的牆與門,把佈局全局打通,形成一個洄遊流轉的自然空間。整個空間的佈局設計,均有其深刻的藝術溯源,濃郁的美學底蘊與現代極簡的表現形式並存,呈現出極致工藝與原生質感的完美融合。 We discarded the redundant walls and doors in the original space, opened up the overall layout, and formed a natural space of migratory circulation. The layout design of the entire space has its profound artistic origin.
客廳的格局本為端方,在陽臺天花的弧形線條的中和下,帶來了一絲柔美的氣息,並借助弧形的玻璃設計,放大了戶外景觀。波光瀲灩,丹楹刻桷,滿目芳華,盡收眼底。 The layout of the living room is originally square, and under the curved lines of the balcony ceiling, it brings a touch of softness, and with the help of the curved glass design, the outdoor landscape is enlarged.
水光天色,清潁東流。微風泛起江面漣漪,絲絲入扣,為空間揚起一片藝術的風帆。江景的澄澈寧靜,與Living Divani 沙發的靜謐藍相得益彰,如一縷清風,如萬頃碧波,時間,仿佛就停泊在那一畔江心。 The sky is clear and the sky is clear, and the sky flows from the east. The breeze rippling the river surface, the slightest tangling, raises an artistic sail for the space. The clarity and tranquility of the river view complements the quiet blue of the Living Divani sofa.
B-B 品牌的UP5-6扶手椅佔據了我們的視覺重心,它仿佛是駐足在水煙處的一位舞者,在一圈圈散開的波紋與漣漪之間,回轉,停留,使靜止的空間產生流動的氣息。以咫尺之間的意象,予人流動輕盈,詩意蕩漾的想像,投射出人與自然和諧互動的關係。 The UP5-6 armchair of the B-B brand occupies our visual center of gravity. It is like a dancer stopping at the hookah, turning and staying between the scattered waves and ripples, making the static space flow.
由落葉窗引入的自然光,清透澄淨,仿佛山間潺潺的溪流,緩緩落入墨黑色的書架之中,穿梭、溯回、解構、重塑,雕刻成一束束錯落有致的光影,於潔白牆面上優雅駐足。 The natural light introduced by the deciduous window is clear and clear, like a gurgling stream in the mountains, slowly falling into the black bookshelf, shuttle, retrospect, deconstruction, and remodeling.
当夜幕降临,天花处的线性灯光会唤醒空间沉睡已久的觉知,轮廓清晰又不失柔和,让整个空间更具层次感和艺术气息。 When night falls, the linear lighting at the ceiling will awaken the long-sleeping consciousness in the space, the outline is clear and soft, making the whole space more layered and artistic.
村上春樹曾說過:儀式是一件很重要的事情。他讓我們對事對人都心懷敬畏,讓我們更加珍惜生活中的點點滴滴。而這處開放式餐吧,則是男女主人共同營造生活儀式感的小天地。清晨,男主人烹煮香醇的咖啡,女主人播放著慵懶音樂,談天說地,簡單的日常點滴也別有一番愜意。在這裏,“生活儀式感”如期展開,一家人找到了久違的輕鬆和自在。 Haruki Murakami once said: Ceremony is a very important thing. He makes us awe about things and people, and makes us cherish the little things in life even more. And this open dining bar is a small world where the host and hostess create a sense of life rituals together. In the early morning, the hostess cooks fragrant coffee, the hostess plays lazy music, chatting, and simple daily routines are also not pleasant.
西廚區域是構造整體空間動線的中心點,視線在此處聚集,又發散到客廳,主人房,中廚區。這種迂回流轉的趣味體驗來源於源遠流長的珠江,涓涓不壅,悠悠歸去,或乘風入雲,或化作春雨。MDF餐椅的白色肌理與柔然質感相結合,營造了一種舒適溫暖的感覺。 The western kitchen area is the central point of constructing the overall space. The line of sight gathers here, and then diverges to the living room, master room, and Chinese kitchen area.
洄遊的遊園動線,構成了空間之間的緊密連結,步移景異,動靜相宜,達成了空間之間的共情。 The moving lines of the migratory garden constitute a close connection between the spaces, and the scenes vary with each step.
在納蘭性德的《浪淘沙·望海》中,描繪了這樣一幅畫面:清晨紅日初升,朝霞散彩,浮光躍金,靜影沉璧。剛沐浴完的詩人帶著濕漉漉的水霧緩緩爬上窗臺,看著那金燦燦的光輝灑向大海;夜晚素月東升,銀輝四瀉,暗藍色的天幕上閃爍的繁星和月亮的倒影,海水輕輕地搖盪著水上的月亮,月亮倒映到水中,宛如鑲嵌在江面上的一枚珍珠。詩人按捺不住澎湃的心潮,“我欲乘桴”,去探尋大海的秘密。 In Nalanxingdes Waves Washing the Sand · Looking at the Sea, a picture is depicted: the red sun is rising in the early morning, the morning glow is scattered, the floating light jumps over gold, and the quiet shadow sinks.