未印|九玺 首
2022-01-02 12:05

现代法式 折衷主义的浪漫大宅
The romantic mansion of modern French eclecticism

整个空间浑然一体的精致 不经意散发魅力 沉浸在奶油色中给人温柔治愈
The delicacy of the whole space inadvertently exudes charm and is immersed in cream to give people a gentle cure.

厨房墙面和顶面用弧线连接 大理石与木纹质感的中岛 大气沉稳又不失艺术气息个性的吊灯 精致的餐椅 细节中充满了品质
Kitchen wall and top surface with arc connecting marble and wood grain texture Nakajima atmosphere calm and artistic personality chandelier exquisite dining chair details are full of quality.

客厅蓝色的装饰椅 轻盈而又时尚 现代主义的解构电视墙散发着现代气息 简化的壁炉 复古的石膏线和细腻的布艺沙发 优雅而浪漫
The blue decorative chair in the living room is light and fashionable, the deconstructed TV wall exudes the modern atmosphere, the simplified fireplace, retro plaster line and the delicate cloth sofa are elegant and romantic.

卧室两侧既是功能性的衣柜 又是装饰性的墙板
Both sides of the bedroom are functional wardrobes and decorative wallboards.

卫生间弧形门洞 圆弧浴缸 墙地面一体式台盆 金属装饰件 很好地体现了现代法式的魅力
The metal decoration of the integrated platform basin on the floor of the circular bathtub wall of the arc door hole in the bathroom well embodies the charm of modern French style.

项目名称:九玺 室内设计:未印设计 软装设计:未印 项目面积:500㎡ 项目地址:西安 设计时间:2021.07