新作丨 陈连武:200㎡克莱因蓝私宅,艺趣横生! 首
2022-02-07 11:54
法国艺术家Yves Klein说过:「只有最单纯的色彩,才能唤起最强烈的心灵感受力。」而这个住家空间就像用克莱茵蓝做成的珠宝盒一般,无需言语描述,自然能感受到其中高贵与独特的光采。 “Only the simplest hue can evoke the strongest feelings,” said French artist Yves Klein. Like a jewelry box crafted in Klein’s famous blue, this residence emanates the kind of elegance and charisma that need not to be superfluously described with words but to be experienced from the heart.
克莱茵蓝,这种蓝被誉为一种理想之蓝,明净而深邃,使人迷失其中而不自觉,从最开放的客厅壁炉墙面,到最封闭的客用卫浴空间,传递着强烈饱满的视觉冲击,展现着绝对而明确个性表现,在与熊熊炉火寒暖对比下,更显耀眼而不可一世! Klein blue, also known as International Klein Blue (IKB), is viewed as an ideal shade of blue that is most pure and deep, quiet and captivating. From the open space with a crackling wall fireplace to the most enclosed guest bathroom, all around Klein blue exerts a powerful visual impact while exhibiting a distinctive personality that is absolutely dazzling.
从客厅向里望去,几何镶嵌的渐层纱屏门,隐约透出杯觥交错、主客尽欢的热闹场景,宴会餐厅,如同开啓另一个珠宝盒,墙面是被Yves Klein倒入蓝色颜料的大西洋,晕染成一幅泼墨水韵。 Looking inward from the living room, joyful scenes of friendly gatherings loom behind the geometrically inlaid screen door with gradient colors in the formal dining room loom, which presents yet another jewelry box. The wall is the Atlantic Ocean waded by Yves Klein with his famous blue as if creating ink art.
在金灿的水晶灯照耀下,备酒吧台的金色石块曡出不同层次的奢华,抬头仰望似收纳隔的天花板,反射着周围的绚烂,呈现着不同的美好,像收纳着琳琅满目惊喜的珠宝盒内格,艺趣横生。 Under the gleaming chandelier, the golden stones at the bar counter allude to different kinds of indulgence to be relished. Looking up, the ceiling resembles the inner compartments of a jewelry box and reflects the splendor in the surrounding, replete with wonderous surprises and a dash of artistic charm.
滑开视听空间若隐若现的透光玻璃屏,似拉开珠宝盒的第二层,在金黄的色彩映入眼帘的同时,周围也同时洋溢着欢愉的歌声。 The sliding glass screen to the audio-visual room leads to the second layer of the jewelry box, where a plethora of golden colors and joyful singing voices await.
有别于炫目华贵的公共空间,私领域的以简约的线条与色彩,打造沉稳宁静的休息空间,客房床头壁纸似珠宝盒上金工掐丝图案,以蓝黑混色置入并与公共空间主题色遥遥呼应。时尚的黑白色几何图样,既冲突又协调,形塑着主卧室强烈的视觉张力。 The private areas stand apart from the dazzling and luxurious common spaces by deploying simple lines and colors to conjure a calm and peaceful place for respite. The wallpaper at the bed head in the guest room is decorated with designs resembling the metallic filigree and patterns on a jewelry box. Its blue and black colors echo the primary hue of the common spaces, while the stylish black and white geometric patterns are both contrasting and harmonic, creating a strong visual effect for the master bedroom.
这个家以一种独特而自信的姿态,创造了一种崭新的感觉空间,犹如走进一个想象的珠宝盒中,感受艺术生命的美好与存在! With a unique and confident statement, this home configures refreshing spaces to invite its inhabitants to enter an imaginary jewelry box, and partake all the splendor and vivacity that art has to offer.