
2022-03-03 23:14
“ 走心的健身房,让你从此爱上锻炼。 ”
设计师手记 法国思想家伏尔泰说: “生命在于运动。” 美国一项名为“零时体育计划” 研究表明,运动有助于提升学习成绩。 运动可以帮助循环, 增加肌体弹性、帮助放松 运动使生命更有活力与力量 无论是追求身材线条的完美 还是通过运动来实现健美健体 都离不开一个专业的健身场所 专属健身房,不仅赏心悦目 更能唤醒久违的运动激情 达到事半功倍的效果
One2One Fitness Studio

The project was born out of the need to expand the fitness center and supplement the existing two studios by creating studios. The design method of this area is very different from the first two studios of the brand - although it is spatially interrelated, users often ask: put me in your instastories!






With the sound of if you can read my mind, the training area is designed as a dance floor, and the mirror ball is replaced by a ceiling filled with golden lights. Mirrored ceilings and walls emphasize an atmosphere of hedonism and vanity. The side walls are completely lined with brass plates to close off this series of unexpected luxury materials. Lighting is the protagonist of this studio, making it multifaceted and color changing, swinging between sufficient lighting and nightclub environment. On the way out, a note recalled: do it for selfie.




The project is divided into three different areas: a large central area for functional training, a dressing room and a corridor connecting the new studio and the existing studio. The intervention area used to be an office with multiple rooms. Now it must be cleaned. The space carefully matches the various three-dimensional positioning of brass plate and mirror. Changing room planning presents challenges because of its small space. The eight lockers and washbasin areas are located in front of a connected bathroom and shower, as each bathroom cannot be used alone.




In terms of design, each area should have a striking image, full creative freedom, inspired by popular culture and underground culture, and unique in the explosion of eccentric hedonism, body worship and creative expression: create the most prosperous and unique training studio in the city. Enter the new training area through a corridor that claims to be a transitional experience. The whole space is composed of mirrors, glass and neon frames, creating a simulated reality. The walls and ceilings are fused together to form an almost labyrinth like circuit.
| Sports Development Club





Located in a prominent retail unit on a highly acclaimed commercial street in North London, the gym belongs to a young and respected personal coach and the owner of the companys Sports Development Club. This is his first dedicated private training gym. The design includes six customized personal training stations, dressing rooms, treatment rooms, member bars, commodity stores and takeout cafes.






Because it is located on a busy business street, it is important to ensure that members do not feel exposed or watched during exercise. We need to find a good balance between private space and functional space for multi person training courses, while still hoping to invite passers-by who may be interested in becoming members or ordering takeout drinks, so the glass windows in the main gym area are covered for privacy.






“Fuel Bar”(咖啡吧)被嵌入商店,形成一个受保护、有盖入口,顾客可以在这订购外卖咖啡和蛋白质奶昔。咖啡师通过主吧台上方的可开启舱口为顾客服务。空间创造一些引人注目的东西,一旦你走进这个店面,会员通过燃料棒和商品区进入主健身房。
The fuel bar is embedded in the store to form a protected, covered entrance where customers can order takeout coffee and protein milkshakes. The barista serves customers through the openable hatch above the main bar. The space creates something eye-catching. Once you enter the store, members enter the main gym through fuel rods and commodity areas.





The gray bar area can enjoy the comfortable supply time during fitness, and the green vine brings the feeling of leisure. A metal seat stool is reasonably planned in the shower area. After fitness, customers can hang their coat on the wall. The design is practical and unique.
|Bloom · Flower bud



7.15 the fitness stadium adopts the original structure and sustainable design elements. What inspires this design concept is that the owner is three close friends, and the design will focus on the third as the ideal design starting point. It aims to create different shooting scenes for coaches from all angles. This area is not a classical gym, but a studio concept performance stage, which can be used for shooting everywhere. The project selects texture, color and lighting elements suitable for streaming media concept and brand identity.






The design concept is based on the connection between three close friends. Perspective mirrors are installed on the surrounding walls to expand the space and create unlimited portraits with one person. The friends of the trio started from the concept of generating power and created layers with different textures. Use and install concrete colored decorative plaster on the walls to make the interior look empty and original. The floor adopts epoxy resin and the exercise area adopts rubber floor to ensure the durability, comfort and control during exercise. At the entrance, a small area is designed to show merch. The design of the locker area is the same as the brand logo. People can lock their belongings during class.




In the mezzanine building, there are two shower areas, a bathroom and an office space. In the office, there is a seating area, kitchen area and a conference table where the trainer can relax and rest. In general, the design concept is to create an original structure, cultivate this space with sustainable design works, and make it the main hub of the newly created brand. A combination of a performance stage and a shooting studio for streaming media and private fitness courses.






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