万象方合/把大卫霍克尼的大水花打造成售楼处 首
2022-03-06 00:56

历久弥新 TIMELESS 老三届 Third Class
老三届,不仅是特殊时代的一代人,也是深耕本土西安的知名企业。坐落在西安市二环南路的老三届·世纪星大厦,以先进的设计理念及高品质的空间环境、物业管理及高规格的硬件设施、配套服务,成为西安市智能写字楼的代表,历久弥新。 The third generation is not only a generation in a special era, but also a well-known enterprise deeply cultivating local Xian. Located on the South Second Ring Road in Xian City, the old third-century Century Star Building has become the representative of the intelligent office building in Xian with advanced design concepts, high-quality space environment, property management, high-standard hardware facilities and supporting services. 2020年,老三届在西安最大的自然保护公园“汉城湖”以南300米处推出“悦湖”系列——办公与住宅产品,沿续了一贯追求高品质设计的思路,携手地产设计界新锐力量北京万象方合,在彰显项目的与众不同时,引入更加时尚、年轻化的设计。 In 2020, the third group launched the Yuehu series - office and residential products at 300 meters south of Hancheng Lake, the largest nature protection park in Xian. It continued the idea of pursuing high-quality design and joined hands with cutting-edge forces in the real estate design industry. Beijing Vientiane Fanghe introduces a more fashionable and youthful design when highlighting the distinctiveness of the project.

随着人们审美和感知能力的愈发渐强,功能单一和奢侈华贵的传统销售中心正逐渐失去竞争力,设计的形式也一直期待革新。 As peoples aesthetic and perceptual abilities are getting stronger and stronger, traditional sales centers with single functions and extravagance are gradually losing their competitiveness, and the form of design has been looking forward to innovation. 基于日渐年轻化的购房群体的深层考虑,以及售楼处有限的物理空间条件,设计师从大卫·霍克尼的代表作《大水花》中汲取设计灵感,大胆选用迷幻炫彩与水蓝色调,精心打造新潮时尚的氛围与细腻柔和的场所感受,希望从最先亮相的售楼处开始,便让客户体验到时尚活力的居住心境。 Based on the in-depth consideration of the increasingly younger buyer group and the limited physical space conditions of the sales office, the designer draws design inspiration from David Hockneys masterpiece The Big Splash, and boldly chooses psychedelic colors and water blue. Tones, carefully create a trendy and fashionable atmosphere and a delicate and soft feeling of the place. We hope that from the first appearance of the sales office, customers can experience a fashionable and dynamic living mood.

“在地产行业泥沙俱下的当下,本土开发商用什么差异化品牌策略与客户进行深入交互,是我更关注的。”设计师张元力说。 At the moment when the real estate industry is full of mud and sand, what differentiated brand strategies local developers use to interact with customers is what I pay more attention to. Designer Zhang Yuanli said.
幻彩流光 SYMPHONY STREAMER 一层接待大厅 Reception hall on the first floor

从前厅进入,顷刻间走进一方炫彩的世界。幻梦照进现实,预示着年轻、活力和无尽的想象。 Entering from the front hall, you immediately enter a colorful world. Dreams shine into reality, heralding youth, vitality and endless imagination. 光,透过物体可折射出变幻的影; 影,通过投射可产生迷人的魅力。 Light can reflect changing shadows through objects; Shadow, through the projection can produce charming charm. 幻彩玻璃在日光的穿透下改变了周围环境的反射,给空间带来丰富的色彩。 The colorful glass changes the reflection of the surrounding environment under the penetration of sunlight, bringing rich colors to the space.

独特的小巧皱褶雕塑容器, 采用银色和绿松石镜面手工吹制玻璃制成, 与炫彩的环境相得益彰。 Unique small pleated sculptural container, Made of silver and turquoise mirrored hand-blown glass, Complements the colorful environment.

原本楼梯在一楼的右侧入口处,进门面宽被挤压。设计师把前置的钢楼梯拆掉,转移到大厅后区,搭设平台,再从平台上至二层。如此一来,既释放了有限的大厅空间,又使人在缓冲平台与穿插咬合的踏步中,获得更加舒适的行走体验。 Originally, the stairs were at the right entrance on the first floor, and the width of the entrance was extruded. The designer removed the front steel staircase, moved it to the back area of the hall, set up a platform, and then went up from the platform to the second floor. In this way, not only the limited hall space is released, but also people can get a more comfortable walking experience when the buffer platform and the interspersed steps are engaged. 爵士白的楼梯,如钢琴键一般,极具雕塑感。少量的铜合金点缀其中,给轻盈的空间增添了一分庄严与稳重。 The stairs in jazz white, like piano keys, are very sculptural. A small amount of copper alloy is embellished, adding a solemnity and stability to the light space.

楼梯区的镜面反射扩大了空间感,具有超现实的意境。行至此处,空间情绪亦随之转换。 The mirror reflection in the staircase area expands the sense of space and has a surreal artistic conception. Going here, the spatial mood also changes.
一种全新的宁静 A NEW SERENITY 二层洽谈区 Negotiation Area On The Second Floor

与接待大厅的炫彩活力不同,洽谈区似乎一下安静了不少。一切设计都笼罩在浪漫的薄衣之中,充满柔软的诱惑。 Different from the dazzling vitality of the reception hall, the negotiation area seems to be a lot quieter. All designs are shrouded in romantic thin clothes, full of soft temptation.

△大卫·霍克尼《大水花》A Bigger Splash 1967年
匠心独运的二层洽谈区,设计灵感正来自于当今最具影响力的英国艺术家大卫·霍克尼(David Hockney)的代表作《大水花》。 The ingenious second-floor negotiation area is inspired by the masterpiece The Big Splash by David Hockney, the most influential British artist today. 定格的水花,打碎明朗色块构成的安静、慵懒,似乎是画面中不存在的重物落入平静的蓝色泳池的证据。无人的“空镜头”予人一种窒息的寂静感,似乎能听到夏日中午特有的嗡嗡声。 The frozen splash, the quietness and laziness formed by breaking the bright color blocks, seems to be the evidence that a heavy object that does not exist in the picture falls into the calm blue swimming pool. The unmanned empty footage imparts a sense of suffocating silence, as if one can hear the characteristic humming of summer noon. 大卫·霍克尼说,“我喜欢这样的情形,用两星期的时间去画两秒钟的事情”。平静冷漠的画风,却从一种极平淡的画面反射出画家内心的激动。 David Hockney said, I like the situation where it takes two weeks to draw two seconds of things. The calm and indifferent painting style reflects the artists inner excitement from a very flat picture.

2019年,大卫·霍克尼的中国大型首展《大水花》在北京呈现,本案主创殷朝伟与张元力一同在木木美术馆观看了这次展览。这朵激荡人心的大水花,定格在了两位设计师的脑海里。 In 2019, David Hockneys first large-scale exhibition in China, Big Splash, was presented in Beijing. The main creators of this case, Yin Chaowei and Zhang Yuanli, watched the exhibition together at the Mumu Art Museum. This exciting splash was fixed in the minds of the two designers. 2020年接手本案时,二位设计师在方案的探讨中,激发出灵感的大水花:既然项目物理空间有限且定位时尚潮流,不如把售楼处做成小画廊,做成大卫·霍克尼《大水花》! When they took over the case in 2020, the two designers inspired a big splash of inspiration in the discussion of the plan: since the physical space of the project is limited and the fashion trend is positioned, it is better to make the sales office a small gallery and make it a David Hawke Ni Big Splash!

不设限、不受限,打破常规思维。在这个干净纯粹的空间中,功能与形式以最寻常的形态,诠释湛蓝的加州天空与池水,极具风格的先锋派住宅和几扇玻璃门。 Unlimited, unrestricted, break the conventional thinking. In this clean and pure space, function and form take the most ordinary form, interpreting the blue California sky and pool water, the avant-garde residence with great style and several glass doors.

提炼自《大水花》中自泳池的水蓝色彩,搭配经典的几何形态,没有刻意的雕饰,一处渐变打印壁布,一张渐变地毯,寥寥几笔,营造出空间的舒适与休憩感。 Extracted from the water blue color of the swimming pool in Big Splash, with classic geometric shapes, no deliberate carvings, a gradient printed wall covering, a gradient carpet, and a few strokes, creating a sense of comfort and rest in the space.

明晰的水蓝色一路过渡到不饱和色调,淡粉中加入一定比例的灰色,辅以玻璃质感元素点缀,既保证了空间的和谐统一,也避免了稚嫩与艳俗。 Clear water blue transitions to unsaturated tones all the way, adding a certain proportion of gray to light powder, supplemented by glass texture elements, which not only ensures the harmony and unity of the space, but also avoids immaturity and vulgarity. 无论是体块组合的几何单椅,还是线条圆润的弧形沙发,都呈现出一派慵懒闲适的感觉。 Whether it is a geometric single chair composed of blocks or a curved sofa with rounded lines, it all presents a feeling of laziness and leisure.
在这里,盛开的花朵椅是空间的点睛之笔,暗合着霍克尼《大水花》中蓝色水域里激起那朵大水花。也似乎在昭示一种本质:生活是一种律动,半光半影,既有滚滚奔忙,也有从容闲暇。 Here, the blooming flower chair is the finishing touch of the space, coinciding with the big splash in the blue waters of Hockneys Big Splash. It also seems to show an essence: life is a kind of rhythm, half light and half shadow, both busy and leisurely.
点动成线、线动成面,还原空间最本质的构成,便形成了一种经久不衰的时尚。繁杂的细节描绘,于此处无声退去,完整、多元、流畅、自然、协调的审美趣味油然而生。 Pointing into lines and lines into surfaces, restoring the most essential composition of space, has formed an enduring fashion. The complicated and detailed descriptions recede silently here, and a complete, diverse, smooth, natural and harmonious aesthetic interest emerges spontaneously.
设计参与城市生活变革 Design Participates in Urban Living Change

整个项目体现的创意思维,从艺术开始,又经由技术的支持,设计师在此探索了一次发现和改变,带我们打开一方不一样的空间。 The creative thinking embodied in the whole project starts from art and is supported by technology. Here, the designer explores a discovery and change, which leads us to open up a different space. 设计所定义的场所价值,始终体现在参与城市生活的变革,在城市更新的背景下,转变为生活方式的引领和精细化运营。无论是作为到访者参与的社交空间,或是闹市中一方艺术感的憩息地,设计抛却售楼处既有的框定,让“人”成为这一切的起点和终点。通过精细而微的场景构建,让美好的生活想象触手可及。 The place value defined by design is always reflected in participating in the transformation of urban life, and in the context of urban renewal, it is transformed into lifestyle leadership and refined operation. Whether it is a social space for visitors to participate in, or a resting place for artistic sense in the downtown area, the design abandons the existing frame of the sales office, and makes people the starting point and end point of all this. Through the construction of fine and subtle scenes, the imagination of a better life is at your fingertips.

△188m² 户型平面优化前后对比图

△123m² 户型平面优化前后对比图



项目名称|老三届·悦湖营销中心 项目业主|陕西克力房地产开发有限责任公司 业主团队|畅续宏、王宇、王灵芝、王金旗 项目地址|西安市未央区朱宏路与大白杨路十字交汇西南角 竣工时间|2020年10月20日 设计单位| 北京万象方合空间设计有限公司 项目主创 | 殷朝伟、张元力 设计团队| 张玮、卢洁、宋小凯、谢婧、蒋蕾、周丽玮、范佳萌、石淋梓、倪青、严欢、柯小丹、张岚 空间摄影|十摄影工作室 Project Name|Old Third Session·Yuehu Marketing Center Project Owner|Shaanxi Keli Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. Owner Team|Chang Xuhong, Wang Yu, Wang Lingzhi, Wang Jinqi Project Address|Southwest corner of the intersection of Zhuhong Road and Dabaiyang Road, Weiyang District, Xian City Completion Date|October 20, 2020 Design Unit|Beijing Vientiane Fanghe Space Design Co., Ltd. Project creator | Yin Chaowei, Zhang Yuanli Design Team| Zhang Wei, Lu Jie, Song Xiaokai, Xie Jing, Jiang Lei, Zhou Liwei, Fan Jiameng, Shi Linzi, Ni Qing, Yan Huan, Ke Xiaodan, Zhang Lan Space Photography|Ten Photography Studio
关于设计师 About the designer
殷 朝 伟 - 张 元 力 Yin Chaowei - Zhang Yuanli

殷 朝 伟 / Yin Zhaowei
1994 年毕业于西安美术学院室内设计专业; 2013 年于清华大学酒店设计高级研修班第九期进修; 2017 年于纽约室内设计学院进修; 现任西安殷朝伟空间设计研究院有限公司设计总监; 现生活工作于西安。 Graduated from Xian Academy of Fine Arts in 1994, majoring in interior design; In 2013, he studied at the ninth phase of the hotel design advanced training course of Tsinghua University; Studied at the School of Interior Design in New York in 2017; The current design director of Xian Yin Zhaowei Space Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd.; Currently lives and works in Xian. 作品获奖 2020年 德国 i F 设计奖 2020年 “原点明珠杯”陕西省第十一届室内设计大赛 金奖2020年 第十三届中国国际室内设计双年展 铜奖 2018 年 第十二届中国国际室内设计双年展 银奖 2018 年 “老板电器杯”陕西省第十届室内装饰设计大赛 银奖2016 年 第十一届中国国际室内设计双年展 铜奖 2016 年 “老板电器杯”陕西省第九届室内装饰设计大赛 金奖2014 年 “老板电器杯”陕西省第八届室内装饰设计大赛 铜奖2013 年 第五届“昭信·照明周刊杯”展陈空间 铜奖2010 年 中国国际空间环境艺术大赛中获得餐饮娱乐 空间方案类“筑巢奖” 优秀奖 Works won German i F Design Award 2020 2020 Original Pearl Cup Gold Award of the 11th Shaanxi Interior Design Competition 2020 Bronze Award of the 13th China International Interior Design Biennale in 2020 2018 Silver Award at the 12th China International Interior Design Biennale 2018 Robam Electric Cup 10th Shaanxi Province Interior Decoration Design Competition Silver Award 2016 11th China International Interior Design Biennale Bronze Award 2016 Robam Electric Cup Gold Award of the 9th Shaanxi Province Interior Decoration Design Competition 2014 Robam Electric Cup Bronze Award of the 8th Shaanxi Province Interior Decoration Design Competition 2013 The 5th Zhaoxin·Lighting Weekly Cup Exhibition Space Bronze Award In the 2010 China International Space Environment Art Competition, won the Nest Award Excellence Award in the category of catering and entertainment space plans 所获荣誉 2018 年 中国室内装饰行业优秀设计师 2017 年 担任梦天杯腾讯家具 2017 年度时尚设计大赛西安赛区专业顾问 2017 年 西安建筑装饰年度青年设计师领袖 2017 年 陕西百名优秀设计师 2016 年 聘为中国建筑装饰协会设计委员会专业导师,参与行业学术指导交流与实践工作 2016 年 年度青年设计师领袖 2015 年 亚太酒店设计协会陕西分会理事 Honors 2018 Outstanding Designer in Chinas Interior Decoration Industry In 2017, served as Mengtian Cup Tencent Furniture 2017 Fashion Design Competition Xian Professional Consultant 2017 Xian Architectural Decoration Annual Young Designer Leader 2017 Shaanxi Top 100 Excellent Designers In 2016, he was hired as a professional tutor of the Design Committee of China Building Decoration Association, and participated in the academic guidance exchange and practical work of the industry. 2016 Young Designer Leader of the Year 2015 Director of Shaanxi Branch of Asia Pacific Hotel Design Association 设计理念|设计是一个翻译的过程,设计师不能夸大自己的价值,也不能小看自己的价值;灵感只会降临给善于思考的人。 Design Concept|Design is a process of translation. Designers cannot exaggerate their own value, nor underestimate their own value; inspiration will only come to those who are good at thinking.
张 元 力 / Zhang Yuanli
毕业于西安建筑科技大学建筑学 北京万象方合空间设计有限公司创始人、创意总监 Graduated from Architecture of Xian University of Architecture and Technology Founder and creative director of Beijing Vientiane Fanghe Space Design Co., Ltd. 从事室内行业13年,期间曾与融创、华润集团、葛洲坝地产、绿城集团、绿城投资、中海地产、雅达置业、西安武隆地产、太古时代、东园地产等知名企业合作,其中包括住宅项目,如样板房、售楼处、交楼标准、会所等;透过完善的设计品质内部监控制度,做到每一个项目高效地完成,并以严密的系统化方案确保始终如一、高质高效的产品和服务。 Engaged in the indoor industry for 13 years, during which time he has cooperated with well-known enterprises such as Sunac, China Resources Group, Gezhouba Real Estate, Greentown Group, Greentown Investment, China Overseas Real Estate, Yada Real Estate, Xian Wulong Real Estate, Taikoo Times, Dongyuan Real Estate, etc., including residential Projects, such as model houses, sales offices, delivery standards, clubs, etc.; through a sound internal control system for design quality, each project can be completed efficiently, and a strict systematic plan is used to ensure consistent, high-quality and high-efficiency products and services. 主要获奖|居住在中国云系赛道金奖、居住在中国总冠军战队 Main awards|Resides in Chinas cloud system gold medal, living in Chinas championship team 主要案例|雅达阳羡溪山松下社区 Main Cases|Yada Yangxian Xishan Panasonic Community 擅长领域|商业地产、高级私宅、精品酒店、会所办公空间、创意空间等设计领域,专注于国内康养文旅项目研究方向。 Areas of expertise|Commercial real estate, high-end private residences, boutique hotels, club office space, creative space and other design fields, focusing on the research direction of domestic health care, cultural and tourism projects. 设计理念|超以象外,才能得其圜中。大多时候,建筑都是默默不语的见证者,在森罗万象之中呈现出时空的变迁与时代的风貌。 希望以国际化视野将东方哲思与当代审美贯通,推敲人与空间及自然的关系,让设计找到自我的精神主张,努力让设计与生活知行合一。 Design Concept|Beyond the image, you can get it. Most of the time, architecture is a silent witness, showing the changes of time and space and the style of the times in the midst of everything. It is hoped that with an international perspective, oriental philosophical thinking and contemporary aesthetics will be integrated, and the relationship between people, space and nature will be considered, so that design can find its own spiritual proposition, and strive to integrate design and life.
设计团队 | 万象方合