Retrofuturism|多重感官维度的表达 首
2022-04-18 23:03
I suddenly saw the time, that circle. Its a round whole. Cant tell the past, the present and the future. Lets not complain about The shortness of life. This shortness is an eternal piece.
“2022年,经过了一个世纪的星际旅行后,一艘飞船缓缓降落在了飞云江的陨石坑上。旅行者把这里改造成了自己的基地,定期向地球人展示来自遥远太空的科技文明。 In 2022, after a century of interstellar travel, a spaceship slowly landed on the crater of the Feiyun River.The travelers transformed this place into their own base and regularly shows the advanced technologies that they have seen along their interstellar travel to the people of the earth.
Layers of the same elements form a huge matrix, and from this point of view, an infinite city extending from the inside to the outside is formed, allowing the whole public space to stack on top of each other in rules and softness.
「What is the essence of eternity in an ever-changing world.在不断变化的世界中永恒的本质究竟是什么。」
「I like individuality.So lost these days.Theres so much sameness.Everything is homegenized. I hate it. 我喜欢突出个性。如今我感到迷茫。千篇一律的东西太多了。每一样东西都是同化的。我厌倦了。」
The iconic architectural form opens up most of the interior space, and the huge permeable surface gives the inspiration for placing iconic forms in the interior.
空间漫游指南 Space roaming guideOPEN
Space roaming guide
「I have the ability to believe in six impossible things before breakfast.我有能力在早餐之前相信六件不可能的事情。」
当“共享”概念逐渐频繁出现在大众的日常生活之中,从生活方式、城市空间等各方面将 城市真正向人们共享打开。我们可以发现,城市的边界也正在逐渐溶解。通透的城市脉络使人文、生态与城市互联,让人能够真正体验城市之美,并在城市中留下来,这便是「连接型城市」所涵括的意义。
The boundaries of the city are also dissolving. People can really experience the beauty of the city and stay in the city, which is the meaning of connected city.
具有张扬性的建筑内部立起较多复杂的结构性支撑构件,室内为了归整隐藏结构做了一层标志性的红色饰面,把顶面跟墙面连接起来,覆盖复杂的结构体系。让设计的造型不止停留在为了做造型而做造型,而是在隐蔽结构的基础上,解决功能上的需求。 The modeling of the design not only stays in order to do the modeling, but also solves the functional requirements on the basis of the hidden structure.
The design gives people the wonderful feeling that it comes from the reality but transcends the reality and conflicts with the reality.
We put oval ceiling on the second floor of the interior and simulate the fake floor of the third floor in order to improve the proportion from the facade of the building.
The flat surface is not only the neutral object in the social space, but also the embodiment of the space.
提炼潮汐 海湾 航海作为设计语言,形成变化的人文与不变自然之间的对比,期望再现江潮连海月共潮生的美好景象,架起一个穿越了自然与人文、历史与现代的时空走廊。
Refine tides, bays and navigation as design languages to form a contrast between changing humanities and immutable nature.
Deep inside the building, the city model exhibition hall is like a ship sailing slowly to the future, telling the story of the future with the dream of the city.
DS-600 is a multifunctional element range. You can zip a number of the same element together until you have the longest sofa in the world.
开灯的时候,创造出虚拟通道 关灯的时候,像镜面般反射 可以藉由两个入口 进入另一个空间。 等待我们的是未知
Afternoon spaceships global vision of the future-here, we are not concerned with the pasts view of the future, but with the presents view of the past.
艺术家和设计师们用来自未来的技术重新想象过去,并由此创造一个从未发生过的过去。梦想驾驶着气垫车、飞艇和飞船,它们可以自由漂浮或沿着悬挂的高速公路飞行。道路是离地面数百英尺高的磁性圆环,闪烁的玻璃管蜿蜒穿过城市,就像超级马里奥中的彩虹路,或者是太空时代的地下隧道。 Artists and designers use technology from the future to reimagine the past and create a past that has never happened before.
CASUAL LIGHT OPEN Tomorrows World 瑞安新外滩规划馆 What will the future generation think when they look back on our vision for the future? 地理位置 | 瑞安市南滨江景观带一期 (01-04、02-01、02-02、02-45地块) 完成时间 | 2022年02月 项目面积 | 1170m² 室内设计 | DOME-ASSOCIATES董世建筑 建筑设计 | 上海柏涛建筑设计咨询有限公司 景观设计 | 深圳奥雅设计股份有限公司 甲方团队 | 王强、谭倩、刘思良,杨菁,翁巧丽, 仲崇正,刘铭,吴鹏,刘嘉,揭俊,史鹏飞,吴海潮,刘福森 艺术指导\NOTHING GALLERY 创意设计|EASE LAB有点意思趋研所 室内摄影 | 啊光