休息室 超现实奇思妙想的标志性风格

2022-05-21 12:58
“ Jaime Hayon 以他的超现实奇思妙想的标志性风格 在首尔设计了两个奇妙的 VIP 休息室 ”
设计师手记 有机和几何形式 异想天开图案 鲜艳的色彩 诱人的纹理 包裹着建筑遗产 俏皮感、构图灵巧性 从艺术品到家具 陶瓷玻璃制品 再到室内设计 让年轻购物者进入 精致而充满乐趣的仙境 一个量身定制的休息室
| Hayon Lounge



在 Hayon 标志性的俏皮感、构图灵巧性和卓越工艺的支撑下,这两个休息室被有机和几何形式、异想天开的图案、鲜艳的色彩和诱人的纹理包裹着——这是一部由 Hayon 恰当地描述为“丛林”的相互竞争但互补的元素的歌剧交响曲 的想法”。
Underpinned by Hayon’s signature sense of playfulness, compositional dexterity and superior workmanship, the two lounges are swathed in organic and geometric forms, whimsical patterns, vibrant colours and seductive textures – an operatic symphony of competing yet complementing elements that Hayon fittingly describes as a “jungle of ideas”.




这两个休息室是现代百货公司面向 40 岁以下顾客的 VIP 会员计划的一部分,这一人群最近已成为韩国新的奢侈品消费大户,其前卫感性和时尚意识的造型成为了海昂的设计。他解释说:“我觉得休息室适合这一代人。” “他们对混合和多样性持开放态度——在某种程度上是违法的,这对我来说就像家一样。”事实上,Hayon 以他的实验、厚颜无耻和孩子般的想象力而闻名,这些让他的所有项目都充满了一种顽皮的幻想感,从艺术品到家具、陶瓷和玻璃制品,再到室内设计。
Developed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Riga’s “Quite Centre” or Art Nouveau district as it’s known as, combines beautiful architecture, wide leafy boulevards and lush parks, including Viestura Park, the city’s oldest, next to which the hotel is located.“I feel close to the generation the lounges are meant for”, he explains. “They are open to mixing and variety - transgressive in a way and this feels close to home for me.”Indeed, Hayon is known for his experimentation, cheeky irreverence and child-like imagination which imbue all his projects, from artworks, to furniture, ceramics and glasswork, to interiors, with an impish sense of fantasy.



为了给游客提供令人惊喜和难忘的体验,Hayon 以室内设计师和布景师的身份接近这个项目,创造了一系列戏剧空间,就像歌剧表演一样展开。实现这种身临其境体验的内在因素是 Hayon 定制设计每个元素的做法。从家具和照明,到墙板、地砖和天花板,再到门把手、镜子和花瓶,他的艺术指纹随处可见。Hayon 指出,就像戏剧作品中的演员阵容或绘画的笔触一样,每一个元素,无论多么小,都扮演着自己重要的角色。
With a mission to offer visitors a surprising and memorable experience, Hayon approached the project as much as an interior designer as a scenographer, creating a series of theatrical spaces that unfold like the acts of an opera.
Intrinsic in achieving such an immersive experience is Hayon’s practice of custom designing every element; from the furniture and lighting, to wall panelling, floor tiles, and ceilings, to door handles, mirrors and vases, his artistic fingerprint can be found throughout. Like the cast of actors in a theatrical production or the brushstrokes of a painting, every element, however small, plays its own important part, Hayon points out.



虽然这两个休息室有着相同的异想天开的设计语言,包括性感的形式、雕塑亮点、图形图案和大胆的色彩,但它们在概念和氛围上是截然不同的。受到该地区蓬勃发展的 IT 产业的启发 - 城南被认为是韩国的硅谷 - 板桥休息室将高科技元素与传统参考相结合,创造了一个过去和现在有趣融合的梦幻之地。
Although the two lounges share the same whimsical design language of voluptuous forms, sculptural highlights, graphic patterns and bold splashes of colours, they are distinct in concept and ambience.Inspired by the area’s thriving IT industry - Seongnam is considered South Korea’s Silicon Valley - the Pangyo lounge mixes high-tech elements with traditional references, creating a fantasy land where past and present playfully merge.


砖格隔板与闪闪发光的金属表面并列,陶瓷元素与玻璃纤维雕塑形成鲜明对比,六角形地砖具有像素化的 Pac Man 图案。灰色、棕褐色、米色和奶油色调的柔和调色板被明亮的黄色、橙色、赤土色和绿色点缀,黑色和淡紫色点缀完成了一个古怪而有凝聚力的配色方案。
Brick lattice partitions are juxtaposed with gleaming metallic surfaces, ceramic elements are contrasted with fiberglass sculptures, and hexagonal floor tiles feature pixelated Pac Man-like patterns. A muted palette of grey, tan, beige and cream hues is punctuated by bright yellow, orange, terracotta and green splashes, with black and mauve accents completing a kooky yet cohesive colour scheme.





现代首尔休息室的色调更加微妙,完全被有机形式、圆形和蜿蜒的线条所包围。加上柔和的柔和色调,以及柔软和漆面的组合,雕刻的内饰创造了一个梦幻般的环境,不禁将你吸引进来。门口是Hayon设计的关键元素,因为它们代表了通往另一个的门户 世界。
More subtle in tonality, the Hyundai Seoul lounge is entirely enveloped in organic forms, round shapes and sinuous lines. Together with a muted palette of pastel hues, and a combination of soft and lacquered surfaces, the sculpted interiors create a dreamlike environment that can’t help but draw you in. Doorways are a key element of Hayon’s design as they represent a portal to another world.




From wide arches, to house-shaped French doors, the polka dot decorated double doors, every opening in both lounges is uniquely designed to make you feel like you’re entering into something special.In line with the artist/designer’s penchant for incorporating fantastical creatures in his work (which can be found from decorative objects, to large-scale sculpture through to public installations), both spaces feature anthropomorphic animal sculptures, the largest of which double as lighting fittings.


















在圆形基座上显眼地展示,色彩鲜艳的卡通吉祥物扮演 MC 的角色,以俏皮的方式欢迎会员进入 Hayon 的爱丽丝梦游仙境般的休息室,并传达了明确的信息:
Prominently displayed on round pedestals, the vibrantly painted, cartoon-like mascots take on the MC’s role playfully welcoming members into Hayon’s Alice in Wonderland-like lounges with a clear message: leave all your troubles outside, open your mind, and have fun.






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